Greetings, friends. I am new to the Horde side of MG and would really like to find a guild for my character. He is a fairly new WIP, as I just recently faction changed him.
I’m looking for a guild that engages in regular RP events. I would like a group that had an emphasis on honorable activities. I am open to a variety of concepts so long as crime or extreme violence is not a core piece (excluding situations where the violence is warranted) as this character is not someone who would harm innocent people.
I have a few years of WoW RP and experience and have been a player of WoW since Vanilla. I also have a long history of D&D RP experience.
I wrote a brief profile as a way to give a general idea of this character. Again, he is a WIP.
Name: Ohulo Floodsong
Race: Highmountain Tauren (Rivermane Tribe)
Class: Druid
Guild: New and looking!
“Nechi, friends. My name is Ohulo Floodsong of the Rivermane Tribe. I have recently left my homeland of High Mountain to answer the call to aid in the healing of our wounded Earth Mother. While I am still learning the ways of our new allies in the Horde, I pray that together we can end the corruption plaguing the land. Earth Mother guide you.”
Physical Description:
Ohulo Floodsong is an adult male Highmountain Tauren of average height and weight. His fur is caramel colored with a darker brown mane. He sports large-carved antlers, which are decorated with blue-dyed cloth and eagle feathers. His clothing is simple and functional allowing for mobility and comfort. Tanned leather armor is adorned with various colored beads and bones. He wears skin bracers with scales, and his hide pants are tied above his large black hooves. He has a short-braided beard decorated with beads. His light covering of armor makes his blue paint clearly visible. On his waist, he wears a belt with several pouches filled with vellum and ink.
Ohulo was born the middle child of the Floodsong family; one known for its anglers and apiaries. He grew up along the rivers of High Mountain catching salmon and keeping hives. His childhood was relatively peaceful. He engaged in trade with the night elves of Val’sharah and also learned how to deepen his connection with the land through druidism. He was also introduced to the common tongue and writing through his dealings with the elves.
Like most Tauren, he was raised listening to the long-spoken history of his people; an oratory tradition passed down for thousands of years. Recognizing the differences in the stories depending on who told them, Ohulo decided to chronicle the histories of his people and keeps a regular journal in order to preserve the full stories of events. He is a firm believer in the importance of the balance of nature and is a deeply devout in his reverence of the Earth Mother.
Ohulo was not one of the first to answer the Horde’s call. He originally did not care to leave his homeland. It wasn’t until he learned of the Earth Mother’s wound that he fell into action. Certain that his gifts would be useful and driven by his devotion, Ohulo has joined the fight to protect Azeroth.