Higher tier difficulties, why do they embrace 1-shot mechanics?

Just attempted a Tier 11 Delve with roughly 616 iLevel or so. The challenge was fun to a degree, but mechanics shouldn’t be able to straight-up 1-shot you. I’ve even got boatloads of versatility and nearly-spamming Feint with damage reduction.

It’s just… insane. Surely there’s got to be a better way to tweak the difficulty of something than simply making every mistake increasingly more punishing no matter how powerful you are. It’s almost as though the game’s difficulty curse aligns with “get gear to deal more damage so that you’re not sweating through dodging stuff for as long”.


Is it that hard for you to simply move?


Lol that’s pretty much all hard endgame content.

You miss one step of the choreographed dance, blam you’re dead.

It’s definitely not for everyone, and I’ve kinda retired from that stuff myself.


dodge dip duck dive and dodge


What do you mean? You don’t love Web Bolt Web Bolt Web Bolt Web Bolt Web Bolt? That’s the epiphany of fun!

It’s not “just moving”. There’s a ton of different stuff to keep track of on the screen simultaneously, and I can’t just put everything toward the center of the screen otherwise I miss the little ground swirlies that are similarly colored to the rest of the environment.

It’s a visual mess.


They can’t make the mobs hit continuously harder to the point where every mob one shots you using basic melee attacks.

So that leaves avoidable mechanics. They tweak these to the point of one shotting you because it is completely avoidable damage.


I’ve only got so many interrupts! Heaven forbid I’m unable to DPS a specific target down before my list of interrupts is exhausted or I accidentally pull more than one target that I need to manage interrupts on.



Could play better? As a rogue you’ve only got 600 ways to stop something from casting.
If it’s a ground effect…well…can’t help you much there.


You’re talking to someone who doesn’t find T11 to be an issue, this is a you thing. I can manage to get out of the way and not stand in the bad.

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If the issue is interrupts, every enemy save bosses are vulnerable to all CC, including stuns which Rogue is in no shortage of. Giving something the good ol’ Kidney Shot in between Kick CDs can keep something locked down for a good while.

You also have the option of skipping all fights that you don’t have to do. I can skip elites with Freezing Trap and Feign Death which is real handy since they have True Sight. Maybe Blind/Sap and Vanish will accomplish the same thing?

On T11 eating a mechanic is usually a one shot because, as the game describes, T11 is for those who wish to challenge themselves. Given the only rewards for T11 are currently achievements and bragging rights I’d say that qualifies. It’s understood that by accepting it you know how the song and dance goes.

All else fails, I will say 616 is on the lower end for tackling T11. Not to say it’s impossible but I could see bosses like Waxface being real tough as that usually boils down to being a DPS race because Burn Away is real tough to live through as defensive CDs dwindle. Especially since there’s no real dodging his patented ‘punch you in the face’ technique.

The only real alternative to making mechanics not one shot is everything hitting much harder and being health sponges, which sounds much worse.

Well blizz didn’t give themselves any other options. Delves have to be role agnostic so you can’t add things XYZ spec couldn’t deal with. Delves have to be mechanically simple so their target audience isn’t overwhelmed.

Making mistakes increasingly more punishing is pretty standard for increasing the difficulty of something.


If the mechanics didn’t one shot you then you could just be immortal with Brann’s healing potions


There is no advantage to doing 11s. Best gear comes from 8s.
Question is, does better gear come from 9s, 10s and 11s in the PTR?

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I used to raid heroic and do 15s in Legion. Part of me REALLY misses it but I don’t think I could do the schedule anymore. I have the time but it just feels like a job.

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I simply stand in it anyway cuz I’m lazy

What’s one shotting you exactly? I think it’s fine as long as it’s avoidable.

Gilded crests drop from 11s next patch. 18 a week. That + map means 21 a week, so a 5/6 myth crafted item (675) every 3 weeks.

Illidan would say “YOU ARE NOT PREPARED.”
My nephew would say “You need some milk.”

In addition to Gilded dropping at 11s in limited amount, Runed also getting a bump and incentivizing defeating influenced mobs.

Seems like it’s 21 now.

21 + 3 from map = 24