Normally have 58-60 ping home/world, and this morning went up to 136/136. My latency in other games is normal, no change. Just wondering if a bad gateway/tunneling is issue
You can test that on your own by using a VPN and then connecting. If the latency decreases, you know the issue is the ISP routing to the server location.
Latency has been going crazy for about a month and a half, server side, rubberbanding, Auto loot working 1 time out a 5 times. WHEN will blizzard gonna fix these problems? answer NEVER, blizzard will just blame the playerbase and sweep the problems under the rug, business as usual.
Most players aren’t having these problems, so blaming the servers doesn’t sound correct.
Read this one Server(s) Lag Is Terrible! Its in Tech Support as well
My MS also went up from 40-50 to 125+ last 24 hours
Mine has been ~200 - 400 for a while now, at least a week or two.
Yeah these past few days my latency on home and world has been going from 100 to 6k and my framerate now has been 30 fps and less. I’ve been getting a noticable freeze every second as well. Ive reset my internet, restarted my PC and everything and still the same thing keeps happening. So im at a loss.
same call my internet company they say nothings wrong and reset it on there end as well as mine i still go from 300 to 3000 ms not sure whats goin on
Did anyone follow the advice I gave earlier and try a VPN? If the VPN eliminates the issue, you know it is the ISP routing causing the problem. Good luck.
4 players in Canada, 2 players in Cali, 2 players in New York, 3 players in Ga and 3 in Fl, all different ISP getting between 300-4000 ms from the world. That should give you a idea, what is going on, is widespread.
I would not say that 14 players having latency issues indicates a widespread problem.
Are you saying all 14 players are using VPNs and experiencing the issue or just restating the original problem without further troubleshooting?
I’m saying, they have done both, trying to figure out the problem, and it is still there on the game’s end. This started about the time the new exp went live. But I see now, it is a hopeless cause to get it fixed Elocin, if it isn’t happening to you, it must be our computers.
Done both of what? VPN and what else?
I can guarantee being snarky to me is pointless won’t change the status of the problem.
It seems to be a routing problem. I’m seeing connections routed to Amsterdam and then back to the US. This isn’t the first time it’s happened either.
While I understand Elocin is desperate to defend Blizzard, thus the passive aggressive tone in their response, in this case, it seems someone jacked up the routing tables.
I’ve driven to a few friends houses and they don’t seem to have the problem on a different server. So it seems more likely it’s a routing problem.
The fact Elocin requires people try a VPN instead of, ya know, actually tracing the connections to see latency per hop is disappointing but not unexpected.
Sadly, Blizzard forgot to update many of their troubleshooting articles from years ago so if you search for help you consistently run into “article not found” all over the place. I’m uncertain if this is on purpose or an “oversight” on Blizzards part.
However, communicating this problem to anyone a.) with the tech skill and b.) with the access required is going to prove frustratingly difficult.
I’ve just started playing other games because currently the CS staff just goes “nah, it’s you” until a few months later it’s “oh, hah, it was us, our bad”… again.
IP geolocation is about where the body that registered the IP is, not necessarily the server. As has been pointed out before in this forum, that blizzard ip address isn’t actually in the Netherlands, but was registered by blizzard in the EU at some point.
Aside from that hop not actually being in the netherlands, if the routing was messed up, it would be exactly the sort of thing a VPN would fix, and something that would need to be fixed by your ISP.
I’m not sure how you are testing this, since IP addresses for route traces are no longer public.
Also not sure what server your connecting to and from where.
You might have to approach your ISP if your having a particular issue with routing. Only because Blizzard does not control the internet routing from your ISP to the backbone. I know it monitors server status internally, but outside of that they do not control.
Just because I don’t publicly flame Blizzard in the player-to-player troubleshooting forum that doesn’t mean I don’t give them highly critical feedback through the proper channels.
Requires? I’m a volunteer and offering it as a way to troubleshoot and possibly avoid the problem so you can continue playing right now. I have no way of tracing your connection to the server because I don’t work for your ISP or Blizzard. You could just take an active role in your connection troubleshooting, instead of, ya know, automatically blaming Blizzard or people trying to assist you.
They didn’t forget. Their tech support changed to be more in line with the rest of the gaming industry, so they no longer review connection tests. The articles containing server IPs were purposefully removed as they no longer want to publicly provide that information.