Tbh i just think these would be neat to have.
I would love to have a elegant night elf. And they wouldn’t need to do much since we already have the yellow eyes. All that is needed is some nice hair options and elegant jewelry options for neck, ears, and hair.
Highborne joined the Nelfs back in Cata. Didn’t we get those customizations? Or do you mean different ones and I’m just brain dead? lol
Just different ones. That way we can have more elegant night elf options besides the typical tree elf customization
Uh oh, those blood and night elves are at it again with their highborne mambo jumbo fight.
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Could use Azshara’s visage as a start. I don’t think her skin tone or that face marking is a current option, nor the spiky nails
No usually it’s high elf stuff we already have customizations for. And they usually want them as a AR for some reason.
I’m just talking about adding more elegant options to reg night elves that way we can get more highborne customization options. Think Azshara before she turned into a nage
I mean you can totally make a ritzy looking night elf right now. The highborne weren’t really visually distinct from other night elves.
The only problem is that males don’t really have jewelery options.
Or hardly any highborne hairstyles. Their hairstyles are mostly tree elf like instead of the elegant hairstyles highborne have
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The Golden eyes weren’t a highborne thing either, it was just a signal of promising future, Azshara and Illidan had it.
Highborne customizations are weird because there really isn’t anything on the physical level, Mordent Evenshade is pink with white hair, Azshara is a deep blue, I don’t recall other confirmed highborne we see in night elf form.
I assume a Highborne would sport a less nature oriented look and a more refined look, but that also matches the Wardens that have a less nature look and more of a formal one.
I’m just talking about just some elegant hair and jewelry. We don’t really need to go to deep with skin colors and such.
Just enough to say, night elves are more than just tree elves
I mean, for the meanwhile, the faction barrier matters less than ever so you could always make a few nightborne instead
We got the lighter skintones and one orange colored hair that the Shen’dralar used.
Nothing wrong with more fancy hairstyles and jewelry. They did like to bling out. lol
Only of they give us Scholomance goth elf looks!
Is there more examples for the Highborne Options besides Yellow Eyes, Jewelry, and Another shade of Blue Skin Tunes?
Like Runes for example, Hairstyles, and etc.
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Not really. Blizzard hasn’t gone out of the way to make highborne npcs look like highborne (except azshara). But we know from the lore they are very elegant looking and have a thing for very elegant jewelry and fashion
Well, send feedback.
Something tells me that Midnight is going to give all the Elves something neat.
Maybe let us get Forest Trolls too, since they will be nearby?
Idk how to post pics or maybe I can’t. The second male is great. Basically more adornments of feathers, golden/silver elegant ear adornments “ usually on top not underneath. Add hand claws of gold or silver on top of the hand, like blood elf armlets. Starlight sparkles on face or around the ear. Highborne were basically even more fancy than blood elves or nightborne. They were the thing back then. More regal tattoos like Azshar, etc. 
Wait… Arnt highborn just blood elf’s… ? The only highborn elf’s in old wow look like bloodelfs…