Highborne customization options for Night Elves

You’re thinking high elves

Highbornes are like pre naga queen Azshara. Think rich, regal, elegant night elves.


No, highborne are the predecessors of blood elves and high elves. They are basically fancier arcane adjacent night elves. The high elves and blood elves used to be highborne and slowly transformed after being banished from night elf society. :cloud_with_rain:

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Oh yea, Your right. Mb

I have a super cool picture of a highborne example but Idk how to post it :frowning: :cloud_with_rain:

just imgur it, use space to make it not like a link

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did it work? I found this a while ago and I think its perfect for highborne. :cloud_with_rain:

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Noice noice

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Side tangent, I still find weird Antlers for Nelf druids isn’t an option yet.

Also, Since i never reached that part of classic, how the highborne of diremaul look like?