High ping in battlegrounds only

When I'm not in bgs I get around 30-40 ms but If i join a bg the world ping starts to rise to about 500 and it effects my home ping, causing a 1 second delay on all my actions.

I know joining a bg connects to the US server because of the crossrelm system but is there anyway around this? It's really frustrating and I love pvp.
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This has been an issue for me since returning to legion.

50ms for server based content, 1.8kms for random bg's. It's not isolated to the larger maps either, just got out of an AB and you could count to 8 before you saw a spell cast from key press.

overwatch ranked likes to do this too. you'll get one or two games at 50ms, then a slew at 300ms+

would be nice to see a formal acknowledgement, instead of the old "Have you tried turning it off and on again".

WTB region lock, don't care if it's a 40min queue - i would like the option.
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There is no option around this, you are attempting to connect to North America when you run a BG, where as server based content gets to you from Sydney NSW.

Want better BG's? Move to the US!
or use the existing infrastructure to instance bg's on the regional servers?
can be done for pve, why not random bg's?

a steady 350ms would be understandable, given the geographical distances.... but we're talking 1.6k+ and disconnects.

the issue is not so much the location / routing, there seems to be some sort of traffic prioritisation.

you see the same thing in OW.
12/23/2016 12:55 AMPosted by Broxo
or use the existing infrastructure to instance bg's on the regional servers?
can be done for pve, why not random bg's?

a steady 350ms would be understandable, given the geographical distances.... but we're talking 1.6k+ and disconnects.

the issue is not so much the location / routing, there seems to be some sort of traffic prioritisation.

you see the same thing in OW.

I dunno about you but I play BG's at about 260 to 300 here in Melbourne. It could be other factors in play.

Still 300 can get pretty annoying especially when you are used to instantaneous responses on your notmal server.

They could possibly make BG's to que for Ocean9c only players and host them here, but just imagine the waiting times. Possibly hours long?
So it's not just me then .. whew..

For a couple of days now my world ms rises while in BGs and has sat around 600 out in the world.. Painful to put up with.
Having the exact same issue for a month now after returning from a long (18 month) break. I used to get 17-25 MS home and world latency back then and when connected to a US server for any reason (BG/LFR/LFG heroic raid )I used to get about 170-250 MS, which is totally acceptable.

Now I'm still getting 17-25 MS home latency in my server. But whenever I join a BG server I get about 400 MS at the beginning and it just keeps getting higher and higher and can reach 8k-10k MS. It also happens sometimes if I join some mythic+ or heroic premade raid group.
There's obviously not enough people Q'ing BG's from oceanic servers. Can't really do anything about it. The Q times would be really long if it was oceanic bg's only.

I can admit It does kinda suck though. It's pretty jarring going from <50 to 200-300 ms.
I have the same issue. When out doing world quests my ping is fine and when I am doing BGs my ping climes high. It doesn't really doing that often in dungeons or raids but BGS it happens often.

Before legion dropped I had no issues in BGS. It seems they did something this Xpack that is causing issues. I really wish they would fix it. I really enjoy casually PVPing.
The one and only King Rollo is also having a frightening time experiencing this exact same thing, 15ms standard play. World quests, Mythic+'s and RBGs with locally made / guild groups are fine. But as soon as i join a LFR, YOLO RBG, random BG, random heroic, or anything off the custom premade group list for that matter, i will get a steady incline in world ms, can go anywhere up to 800-1k ms.

This is particularly frustrating as a healer because very often healing flag runners i will need to Chi Torpedo to keep up and end up doing a good 200-250 yard Torpedo to the other end of the map, or just torpedo into corners getting stuck for multiple seconds, Delayed Life Cacoons, Transcendences, Dispels and general healing have all lost me multiple BGs due to this.

It would be nice if Blizzard would actually take notice of these threads and this issue and openly release a statement of acknowledgement that there is a problem and work on a solution because these cross realm systems are relied apon for nearly all Legion content.
I would love a checkbox saying ' only join Oceanic Battleground servers' on the BG queue window. I wouldn't mind waiting 10-15 or even a 30 mins extra wait time for an enjoyable experience.

I believe some US battleground servers are good. Sometimes ( once in 10-15 bgs) I end up joining a BG with constant 200 ms latency and no lag spikes at all. So I think is not a Legion issue, although it started with legion. I would really love any fix on this matter.
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i know what you mean about the once in 10-15 bgs you get the 200ms which is playable was trying to think of a way to only get those servers so i tr yied to find which server would give me 200ms and transfer to that realm in a hope that i would get into those bgs only but nearly all of them wer giving the big latencys so i gave up lol they just need to change it bak to the way it was in mop was a constant 170-200 latency very viable lol pvps a joke nowadays getting interupted when you hav eclearly stoped casting or getting charged and your on the opposite side of a piller and seeing a warrior stun going though a piller and hitting you lol
its not that we are connectiog to north american servers its because they started pooling us with east coast we use to only get pooled into west coast wer it was lik 200 ms which is playable but know we have to play at 240-270 world latencys couse ur almost always getting into east coast games pvp is a joke now jsut do pve couase blizzard are useless and ocianic servers dont matter to them
If you connect to the west coast it's okay.

I personally haven't come across massive spikes like that when I run bgs (And I try to run quite often) so I can't really understand it, but I am sure it sucks! :( :(
I have increasing MS while in battle grounds while my partner has perfect connection. same router same Battle ground. sydney australia.
I am also experiencing these issues. I understand that while queuing for battlegrounds results in US based teams the majority of the time but I have been farming BGs for months now and only recently (a month or so) have I been lagging so bad in US teams that I literally cannot contribute.

I just attempted a battleground which turned out US and I was sitting at 7k ms, I basically sat in the graveyard waiting for my game to catch up, which it never did. Extremely frustrating.

I would say their definitely is a problem connecting to US, as it's gone from it's normal few hundred ms difference to thousands. While those affected looks minimal so far their must be some things worth trying that may help this issue? Obviously fine when playing oceanic (around 60ms). I don't know how this stuff works but could anyone recommenced some options, like flushing caches or something?

To reiterate, I have tried the following; flushing dns cache, disabling all addons to check for disruption, deleted cache folder.

I've had to exclude AV and IoC because they are a lag fest now. Still managing to do ok in US 15 and 10 mans but have gone to healing instead of dps. I notice the difference when we get a full oceanic BG but they are rare.
Just wanted to update since last nights maintenance the latency between us servers in battlegrounds are a lot more stable for me at least.
Where is the option to wait for an oce match? I'd rather play 1 proper match a night then 5 garbage ones.
10/17/2017 03:32 AMPosted by Daltorax
Where is the option to wait for an oce match? I'd rather play 1 proper match a night then 5 garbage ones.

This +1,000,000. I would kill to be able to wait for an Oceanic only BG. Rather than playing on US servers. It's killing random BG fun for me, nevermind RBG's and arena!
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