High Latencey and D/C issues out of nowhere

I don’t know what is going on, but I keep disconnecting periodically and running random latency in the 3k range. This started yesterday and is still going on today. I have never had any issues before and all other things are running correctly. Please advise. Thank you.

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This is really an issue for the Tech Support forum.
This recent thread contains the info you need to include when posting there:

I would go repost this in tech support. They are rwally good at tracking the issue.

Though this is the second thread I have seen like this. Wonder if all share a common isp

Edit. Best to it by Nok

Hi Bobius

Let’s see what shows up on a WinMTR test:

The instructions are on this Blizzard Support page:

Once you have the tool open enter the IP number for the server group you play on in the WinMTR box then hit start.

(include periods)

Leave it run for 5 minutes or so. Doesn’t matter if you are playing or not. Then use the button that copies Text to your clipboard. Paste that on your thread here.

*You may need to alter or remove any URL addresses to paste on forum. You could also place the test results in a code block:

Open chat box - paste test then right click - “select all”. Should highlight everything. Then press the preformatted text button along top of chat box. Looks like this </>.

Thank you so much

Keep having dc problems as well. Can play for a couple of minutes then dc.

Did you perform the steps in Tratt’s post?