High Elves on Horde is a good thing

For so long the waters have been muddled. Now it’s pretty much official, the Silver Covenant High Elves are just a small faction of individuals aiding the Alliance. The void elves are also a small faction of elves aiding the Alliance. Hopefully this means we can see High Elf culture more represented commonly throughout elf lore Horde side. Think of the possibilities, this gives the Alliance more room to develop the Void Elves (for the Ren’dorei!) and High Elves can be more properly developed in mass on the Horde.

But one question remains… do you guys think we’ll soon see some Alleria style tattoos to accompany the high elf option on Horde? That’d truly be pretty cool! Either or, congrats Horde! I’m happy that we can finally put the issue to rest and start moving forward. The future is now!


Blizzard really dropped the ball by simply not making void elves come specifically from silver covenant elves running into an issue.

This would have saved so much headache


Blood Elves are a faction of High Elves. They’ve always been on the Horde. Void Elves are a faction of High Elves too.

Blood Elves getting Blue Eyes doesn’t change anything. They’re still Blood Elves, which are High Elves. Void Elves are still High Elves and the Alliance has had High Elves through all of BFA.

Everyone should be happy.

Troll post obvious.


didn’t know the void elves had their own nerd name

Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55 … 'Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, High Elves are going to have to get a facelift, too.

“I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree,” Metzen said.

BlizzCon: Chris Metzen explores the lore of Warcraft

High Elves were always intended for the Horde. Until Void Elves, the rest of the Thalassian Elves in game were NPCs.

They kind of did. They just need to make it more official.


they’re mad cause they can’t play as them

Get it? Kylo Ren’dorei because the writers have the creativity of a parrot locked in a room with Daft Punk music.


I don’t see how this is a troll post? I am legitimately happy we can start moving forward in the lore. The Alliance has some great elves (Ren’dorei lover here) and with some more development, they can seriously be even more amazing than they already are. High Elves (Blue Eyes) are barely present in lore, and come soon they’re about to appear in mass on Horde side. This will FORCE Blizzard to properly utilize them and develop a better narrative for them besides (Oh they’re near extinction to be a proper race, lol). So we might see some great lore for High Elves (Blue eyes) appear in the future.

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kylo ren was probably the only story arc I liked from that trilogy, the end thing was weird though

Void elves are a collection of blood elves from Quelthalas.

They should have made void elves strictly come from the silver covenant.

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They should have, but didnt.

Poor taste, uneducated take.

The Blood Elves will have blue eyes to represent they didn’t fall to the addiction of Fel, which is where the green eyes comes from. Golden eyes from the harnessing of the light. Elves are very susceptible to magical influences. Blood Elves aren’t a “race” so much as a faction that aligned itself with the Horde, so I wouldn’t expect further developed High Elven lore due to a customization option.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Night Elves with more High Elven/Human color selections either. Doubt they’ll be delving into Highborne lore without more mention of Azshara or the effects of the arcane on Elves either.

…Elves seem hyper susceptible to magic as a whole, and Nelfs probably only look the way they do because of nature magic and the moonwells/well of eternity, fake as the latter might have been in the last 10,000 years. Ergo, I know it’s a little late to say so in the lore, but for those harping for an in-lore reason, perhaps frequently drawing their magical power from the light domain turns an Elf’s skin dark as well as their eyes golden?

What possible reason would NE have to get lighter pigmentation? The change to the BE’s eyes are understandable, but NE have always been darker and off-color purples/greens. Nothing that’s happened suggests this is due to change. If anything, NE will probably get darker and more exotic (compared to human norms) skintones.

Like I said - Elves seem to evolve rapidly with magic. Without the Well of Eternity/moonwells and supposedly with use of arcane magic and siphoning power from their Sunwell, the Highborne elves turned pale skinned, looking more human and becoming the High Elves. Later, they’d feed on fel energy, resulting in green eyes, and light energy, resulting in gold. And these are the more immediate effects.

Similarly, virtually every Night Elf mage is from a separate sect that aren’t quite Night Elves. By default this group should have looked different from Ashenvale/Darkshore Night Elves, whom have lived in close proximity to a manufactured well of eternity (Thanks, Illidan) and practiced almost exclusively nature magic. Priestly magic is… arguably up to it’s source, as Tyrande doesn’t wield what appears to be light magic when she calls upon Elune.

Azshara wasn’t even under a perma-night dome shield feeding off a nightwell and she’s ridiculously deep blue skinned. Is that the effect of extreme arcane power? The influence of the Well of Eternity? Both?

Then we get to reference the Void Elves, turned very blue and pale with tentacles growing from their hair simply for harnessing void energy, practically living and breathing in it even. That had to happen rather quickly relatively speaking. Within the last 30-ish years in-lore, tops.

Blizzard has the opportunity to lay out some lore regarding how magic influences the appearance of elves. Really, what they say goes. And as far as I can tell, the Elves of Feralas (where most NE mages originate from if I recall correctly) were quite a distance from the fake Well of Eternity for thousands of years, like the High/Blood Elves, but lacked a Sunwell, unlike the High/Blood Elves. How the Elves of Feralas turned out is up to Blizzard, but I’m willing to bet they’ll be the basis for any new cosmetic options the NE might have.

Finally, if bodily changes happen rather fast in Elves, even the last 19 years in the Eastern Kingdoms could have had a noticeable influence on an individual Night Elf’s appearance.

You’re probably right in that NE will get more exotic, deeper hues, but I wouldn’t rule out looking more “High Elf” just yet either. Almost like they were making a call back to the early High Elf models that were really bad NE knock offs.

theyve been doing this since 2007

yes ofc. allerias tattoos are farstrider tattoos. its an important part of high elf culture and should be an option