High Elves are not blue-eyed Blood Elves

The mental gymnastics people go through when trying to convince themselves blood elves aren’t high elves… smh

Oh, so playable Blood Elves can wander freely through Stormwind and kill orcs?

Kul Tirans and Humans are the same race, and yet both are different playable options. The fact that High Elves and Blood Elves are the same biological race is irrelevant.

That’s right. Blood elves are green- and gold-eyed high elves.

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And Void Elves are High elves too. So High Elves are on both factions. So just give Void elves High elf customization options.


Sure. They’re High Elves the race, not High Elves the specific group of Alliance Thalassian elves.

DNA test came in, bloodelves are 100% highelf.

Ah, yes. The void elves.


I said the specific one, the one we’re asking for.

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But Blood Elves are indeed High Elves. The bottom line is both factions can’t have the same race. They said that making Pandaren be able to go either way was a mistake and they wouldn’t make any race neutral again. Horde already has the High Elves, they aren’t going to give them to Alliance too. They gave you Velfs so you could have the same model. And if you think about it Velfs are also High Elves, them absorbing/using the Void doesn’t change that fact.


Thanks, yeah…some people on here are out of line with the insults over this.
But it happens all the time with this forum on all kinds of topics.
Sylvanas forever!

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They are the same race, yes. They’re not the same group of people, though.

They never said such a thing. One Blizzard ex-employee was asked about his opinion on Pandaren and said he personally wasn’t fond of them because of their neutrality. The subjective, personal opinion of an ex-employee does not equal to Blizzard’s official stance on this.

Horde has Blood Elves (High Elves 1), and the Alliance doesn’t need to be given High Elves (High Elves 2) because, here’s the thing, they already are an Alliance race - they’re just not playable.

That’s the problem - we never cared about the model, we want the lore tied to the specific group of Alliance High Elves, something that Void Elves unfortunately don’t offer (because they’re Blood Elves).

People against playable High Elves usually argue Void Elves are a different biological race. In any case, they are not the specific group of Thalassian elves that never left the Alliance, so they’re not High Elves (High Elves 2).


Because let’s call it what it really is. Not a lore reason, but a vanity reason.

Blood. Elves. Are. High. Elves.

The Horde has them. That isn’t going to change. Them getting the blue eye option is the final nail in that coffin. It is what it is.

Blood Elves are the elves in the Hinterlands or in Stormwind? Are they actively killing Horde players in Stormwind’s portal room?

Blood elves ARE High elves, get over it.
Calling yourself a different race doesn’t change what you are, Blood Elves only called themselves that as a homage to their fallen kin, that doesn’t change their biology.

Kul Tirans are also Humans and yet they’re a different playable race.

Being the same biological race is irrelevant.

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Blood. Elves. Are. High. Elves. Them breaking away from others doesn’t negate their genetics.

See…you’re taking the high elf argument to this topic as I said.