High Elf Ships

In WC2 there were destroyers that were used by the high elves. Do these still exist or were they wiped out by the Scourge? Does Silvermoon have a navy and if so did the blood elves use the same types of ships?

Would be neat to have a shipping route from Silvermoon to Org.


Hmm. I dont know.

WC2 had more ships battles in it than BFA. That’s actually funny for me for a “High sea” expansion.

As for “high elves” ships, I’d refer you to blood elves ships. There was some of them used for Isle of Quel’danas, Isle of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar if I remember.


They were destroyed.
I’ll show myself out…


I still think it’s kind of odd that Van Cleef somehow managed to secure the only orc juggernaut in all of Azeroth. You don’t even come across sunken ones anywhere. The only evidence they ever existed in WoW is in Deadmines.


With control of quel’danas, they can create ships. I think their fleet was caught by the naga though.

Yes Silvermoon has a navy. we see them in use across multiple expansions. Perhaps most recently at the SoO that I can recall.

We do actually see the remains of a few High Elf ships like in the background of the above picture and this


It would be pretty sweet to see The Silver Covenant navy in action again for the first time since we saw them in the waters around Hrothgar’s Landing during WotLK!

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I ship androgynous blonde and blue eyed HE 1 with… lets go wild and say androgynous blonde and blue eyed HE 23~

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Wrong type of ship…

I like to think the Goblins scrapped all of them for profit.

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I wish the Shipping Routes were back again in this game. Its kind of boring with all of these portals to cities instead of a boat or zeppelin to ride in. You know maybe a ship from Orgrimmar to Silvermoon city harbor as well as Northern Lordaeron Harbor of the High Elves to Stormwind.


There is a High Elf Silver Covenant Naval fleet north of Argent Tournament Grounds, Ice Crown.


I’m pretty sure the horde players arrive on the isle of thunder and the shore of durotar in SoO in silvermoon ships.

We do not like water. When my hair gets wet - or even when there is a lot of moisture it gets mangy and frizzy. I have to cast very time consuming spells to keep it in its perfectly luscious condition. As all of my people also have fabulous hair, this is something of a problem to the point we try to use our incredibly potent magic to teleport around instead of using ships. Ships are rather barbaric aren’t they…


Well that doesn’t really matter, seeing as you are a Blood Elf and not a High Elf.

You can see blood elven ships in Eversong, Quel’danas, Icecrown/Hrothgar’s Landing, Isle of Thunder, Siege of Orgrimmar and during Boat Bash event in Thousand Needles.

There’s still some high elf ships in Alliance hands, and you can see them in Icecrown/Hrothgar’s Landing and the boat bash event.

I wonder where the Silver Covenant docks their ships, since Dalaran has no shore, lol.


In all fairness, how exactly would naval warfare work with MMO combat mechanics?

Did those ever get destroyed or are they still sitting up there?

I’m not a game dev so I wouldn’t know exactly how to make it work.

My ideas would’ve been to include a bg or even you know what a pvp Warfront cough that would have been fought on or with naval ships including a ressource like oil in wc2.

Also using 2 cinematics to clear out both Kul’tiran/Zandalari fleet was kinda sad.
(1st time with Talanji showing off, 2nd time with Zandalari fleet getting bombed pre BoD). Kinda was like just sweeping everything under a rug.