High Elf Ships

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Yeah there’s some Silvermoon type boats in WLK up north in icecrown. They’re part of the argent dailies.

Pssst…I’ll tell you a secret. There are the same thing, some just found a new lifestyle.


Activ-Blizzard should make a new PVP instance or hourly event, that we fight over the ships.

But make it throughout the zones, so it can be happening off the coast of Feralas one hour then, whoever wins (Faction-wise), the NPC lords will target a new zone for the opposers to attack and the other side defends to take over the ships commands.

Presumably exactly like the flying boat fights in Wrath, but on water.

Two boats line up, and then you have to man cannons, fight off boarders, and then eventually be a boarder. The goal is to kill the opposing ship captain who doesn’t show up until you’ve done enough damage to their boat.

Of course they’ll have mages and such to screw with your cannons (why don’t mages in fiction screw with peoples technology more often?) so that you can’t just fire willy-nilly. If you can fire willy nilly, be sure to note that opposing mages will be shielding and that’ll have to be handled in addition to other stuff.

Have mages on board keeping the ship “afloat” regardless of damage, and you have to fight off water elementals and such to protect your mage throughout this.

Then… well then just spice it up. Some boat fights have more mechanics, some have less, some are PvP, some are more casual. Different boats, different enemies, different stuff.

I’m not really sure why WoW’s mechanics would stop you from staging a mechanic heavy fight on a boat.


High elf ships are all over the place. Ever done the thousand needles boating micro holiday? Or been to the isle of thunder?