High Elf Question Thread

Why do you High Elf supporters actually want High Elves? Just curious why you want a copy of a horde race on the alliance so much :woman_shrugging:

Close the box, close it quick, put a lid back on before its too late!


Pandora’s box has been opened. There’s no going back now.

I understand that these type of threads usually aren’t received well and usually get flag bombed but I’m actually pretty curious as to what the appeal is.

If washed up Turalyon can get the most beautiful elf on Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner…

I as the champion of Azeroth, deserve some high elf waifus too


Go and ask in one of the already open threads.


I’ll just save everyone some time. Here you go.


(Statement): Unit Exacitor’s findings suggest the desire for High Elves is born out of a combination of several things.

  1. Nostaglia.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal.
  3. Already Established.
  4. Already part of the Alliance.
  5. Potential for different class options.


High elves have been an Alliance race since Warcraft 2 and in Lore HEs have been allies of humans since the trolls wars. Also because WC is influenced by the Tolkien universe, elves have been traditionally allies of humanity.

Before 2007 most people thought HEs or BEs were going to be the new Alliance race. It was a huge surprise they went Horde. Basically Blizzard chose to do that only because of the faction imbalance.


I don’t think anyone wants the horde race.

I think people want to play the graceful spellcaster they saw in Dalaran or that cool looking ranger from that lodge in Arathi.

I think people remember when they first saw a high elf in blue and silver or blue and red. They remember that sense of history and foundation like they were looking at something older and more refined than humans would ever be.

And they wanted to play that in the context of the Alliance because it made a lot of sense and felt right.

No one is lusting after the horde (give or take a dev).

Proponents of alliance High Elves just want access to the most common-sense component of that Alliance that has been present in its demesne from the very beginning.

And many find it boggling why devs would consistently fail to deliver a decade+ long request or why people totally unaffected would make it their mission to stand atop the dev’s failure and hurl down insults.

But none of it changes the ask that blooms like a lotus even as players and devs throw more muck into the pond.


Because of the lore for me, Plus with the release of ARs wouldn’t hurt. We all know what a Sin’dorei is and what a Alliance leaning High Elf is.


The majority of pro-HE’s (like me) are not asking for the general race of High Elves to be added as a new core race in the Alliance. That is stupid, no one or almost no one is asking for that.

What we do want is the faction of the High Elf race who also happen to be named High Elves that have been supporting the Alliance since WoW began. Among these elves, we have High Elves that never returned to Quel’Thalas to begin with, and were living abroad (mainly Stormwind, Theramore, Dalaran, Quel’Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands, the Allerian Stronghold in Terokkar Forest…), and we also have the elves that were exiled from Quel’Thalas because they refused to siphon mana from living beings and killing them in such a painful process, something that can be compared to vampires. These elves sought refuge in the Alliance as well. Considering these elves never went back to Quel’Thalas, they were never corrupted by Fel radiation in Silvermoon City (except technically those in Allerian Stronghold - there was enough Fel radiation in Outland to corrupt them), which is why to this day they still have normal eyes with no eye glow whatsoever (blue eyes).

Void Elves were an acceptable solution for many (if not most) of us, until we learned that Void Elves were not these elves in specific, but rather a group of Blood Elves (ie, siphoned mana from living beings, were corrupted by Fel radiation, fought for the Horde even though they allegedly never felt sympathy towards the Horde, etc.). This is when most of the High Elf community felt disappointed and ignored.

We consider that the Allied Race system is the best way to include High Elves, because allied races are basically a variant of a parent race with a few extra customization options to make them look different enough from their respective parent races (take for example Lightforged Draenei).

Many of us agree with anti-HE’s that giving the Alliance a copy of the Blood Elf model with only the eye color/glow being different would be rather ridiculous - which is why we proposed a “Nightborne/Kul Tiran” solution: make High Elves look different enough from Blood Elves (idle stance, hairstyles, among other examples).

Why would High Elves look different from Blood Elves when they are the same people and the same race?

For gameplay reasons, just like Kul Tirans and Stormwind Humans look different while being the exact same race in biological terms. If this really is an issue, we can even turn High Elves into a different “race” altogether, such as “Arcanoelves”, something like Void Elves, but changing the Void with Arcane.

Why don’t you simply ask for High Elves to turn into Void Elves?

This is something the High Elf community is divided about - I and many others would personally be ok with this, as all I care about is to play as the Alliance loyal High Elf - the appearance does not matter. However, we have the issue where Void Elf fans would (reasonably) be against this because that would mean diluting the essence of the Void Elf allied race.

What if Void Elves had a fair skin option?

That would help us roleplay our Void Elves as High Elves, but they still aren’t High Elves for the reasons I previously mentioned.

Why don’t you make a Blood Elf and roleplay as one?

The whole point of High Elves is precisely that they are Alliance fanatics - they literally forsook their homeland to support the Alliance. They’re also pretty known for their animosity against the Horde. So it does not make much sense to roleplay an Alliance High Elf that hates orcs and never got corrupted by Fel radiation with a Horde green-eyed Blood Elf playing together with orcs.

Another thing many of you fail to realize is that most of us pro-HEs do play with Horde characters. I myself have 4 Blood Elf characters. Playable Alliance High Elves would still offer a different experience.

Well, pal, there are way too many elves now, there is no need for more, in fact what we need is more unique races.

I get that point, but I think there is never “too much” of any race in particular. There are other online games where you can choose among 5 or 6 different types of elves. Also, no one or very few people in the High Elf community affirm that the game “needs” High Elves. What this game needs is, if anything, more active players. None of the races are “needed” - we just strongly want them to be playable because of their lore and background story. They are basically one of most popular Alliance icons (once again, I’m making reference to the specific faction of High Elves, not the race - this faction in particular is iconic for the Alliance faction).

Why are you creating so many High Elf threads? You are very tiring and keep spamming the forums

The community organized in our Discord channel try to keep the High Elf topic restrained in one High Elf megathread. Unfortunately, our megathreads keep getting locked due to people mass-flagging others as a way to express their disagreement (this applies to both pros and antis). Whenever the megathread gets locked, there are some players (not in our Discord) who feel the need to open a new thread about it. Please bear in mind we are not liable for what other pro-HEs post here regarding High Elves. As a matter of fact, we usually ask them politely to stop creating new threads and keep it restrained to only one thread.

On the other hand, we keep the High Elf discussion alive because 1) we feel passionate about it; 2) we have the right to discuss about anything related to the game in these forums; and 3) the game developers, including Ion himself, has asked for our feedback regarding future possible allied races.

If anyone feels upset about this, they can simply Mute the thread and will never hear about us again.

I hope this solves many of your doubts.


Fore one, there are already many topics on this.

For two, we already got a “Copy” of a Horde Race with Void Elves who are literally just Void Corrupted Blood Elves who switched sides.

But High Elves have never been members of the Horde and are not Blood Elves.

They have been a large part of the Alliance’s story and continue to be a part of it.

They have been involved with the Alliance since WC2 and you still see sizable numbers of High Elf NPCs in the Alliance.


Looking at the above posts. I think as Exacitor put it:

I still load up WC2 from time to time, because I enjoy it more than 3.


Hello High elf here to answer any questions you might have pertaining to the race or your ever changing body!

You worded that better than I ever could, and the way you phrased it was gorgeous. Wish I could give more than one like.

Also, #AllianceHighElves

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Enough, good holy Elune.

Just take the Silver Covenant out back and tell little Timmy they ran away.

(Commentary): Yes, over here, I have a question for you. If you’re a High Elf, why aren’t you wearing the tabard of the Silver Covenant and helping us in our fight against the Horde? Why, in fact, are you attacking us like a Blood Elf would? Inquiring minds need to know!


Excuse me, mechagnome. That seems like a query, not a commentary. Are you functioning properly? Do I need to find an engineer? My hunter may be able to assist.

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attack you?! no, I’m merely liberating you from your meager existence good sir!

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