High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Yeah I think thatā€™d be the best option. Would love to see buildings in telogrus and a larger surface area.

highelves as allied race such as silver covenant


What is this thread about now? Just celebrating blood elves? Curious.

Also after reading the last i donā€™t know, 15 posts i am also curious if it is just 1 person talking to themselves on alts. Just curious.

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Right here!

Nice being a SC member and able to play right now!


That silvery blue hair goes perfectly with the colour scheme too.


It really does. It was easier to make a SC elf than I thought it would be.

There is a slight chance Iā€™ll remake her as a Ranger sort but I have so many hunters and so few roguesā€¦ I donā€™t know.

Still excited to see where this SC members story will go!


Hunters actually have a lack of silver and blue gear, so itā€™s harder to pull off. I usually have to use gold and blue with my SC mogs.



I considered that too.

I barely have any of the good mogs for it yet either. Iā€™m probably gonna stay a rogue in the endā€¦ I just donā€™t like playing them so much.


Could it be the spec? I see youā€™re Outlaw so you can use swords for a more rangery look. There are actually some dagger mogs that look like swords if you wanna try Subtelty out.



Iā€™ve a rogue of every type. None of the three specs make me feel entirely at home.

Though outlaw does feel kinda odd for an SC member. Assassin feels oddly fitting but I doubt other helf fans would agree.

Subtelty could work betterā€¦


Assassin works well for a ranger theme actually. It plays into the poison angle, which actually isnā€™t that odd for a ranger. Hunters do get some poison arrow abilities and such, and poison plays pretty well into the nature theme.

That being said, Assassin doesnā€™t really seem to be in a good place at the moment. They donā€™t actually have a damage dealing spender right now (last I checked) which is not only odd, but makes Kyrian, Rogueā€™s best (I think) Covenant a lot weaker for them than it is for Outlaw or Subtlety.


I miss you guys :slight_smile:


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Hmmā€¦ I hadnā€™t thought of it from that angle beforeā€¦ I might try that. The Outlaw gun and swashbuckling sort of theme just doesnā€™t quite fit well.

Iā€™m much less concerned with such minor things as bis and effective covenant play than most. I want to have fun with my toons and not worry about what Icyveins and Wowhead think make sense.

That saidā€¦ I did imagine her going Kyrianā€¦ lol



I mean literally, not figuratively. They are literally a rebel force of their political mainstream. I donā€™t mean rebel as in ā€œattitudeā€, I mean rebel as in disident political party.

I think Quelā€™lithien is an interesting area to look at, and it could go either way really.

If thereā€™s a lack of any alliance presence around, I could see it being reclaimed by the BEā€™s.

On the contrary, if Stratholme is reclaimed by the alliance, I could see the Windrunners being part of that and use the opportunity to hold Quelā€™lithien, all also serving as means of checking BE influence in the area.

Let alone maybe their desire to reclaim Windrunner Spire and thus needing a closer base of power.

EPL could become a highly interesting area when it comes to political motivations.

not fooling anyone young void elf.

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The Alliance has no presence that far north. They never have. Closest they did have was a force holding part of Andorhal. A force that was repelled and retreated. Now all we have there is Chillwind Pass in WPL and only barely even in that zone.

If its ā€œreclaimedā€ by anyone it will be the Forsakenā€¦ who are its actual people. Lordaeron died but its people are still there.

This attempt to force High Elves into a place where they have no reason to be is tiring.

High Elves have moved on. Their pipe dream of reclaiming Quelā€™Thalas is little more than a plot to overthrow the majority of their people.


Youā€™re the one not fooling anyone.

The SC are playable right now.


Yea since back in Vanilla. The High Elves who were living there were friendly to the Alliance Players but not to the Horde Players even Blood Elves during TBC.

Oh Look I see a Alliance High Elf right now. Hello there.



Rather enthused to play my SC member. Havenā€™t had a lot of time to actually do it yet, but Iā€™m working through Tiragarde right now.

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