High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Which was to gather, and imprison Sunreavers, not slaughter them in the sewers. Otherwise all the Silver Covenant would have been fighting and killing the Sunreavers, and not just the ones with bloodier appetites. It’s also no coincidence that the killings happened in the Sewers, a common place for crime, and murder.

The fact that the Silver Covenant was not only killing Sunreavers in the sewers, but taking sick pleasure in it is proof enough I would imagine. This is a rather strange hill to die on to be honest, as anyone with common sense could see the “purge” was an act of anger, and revenge or else they wouldn’t have embelished the story with those murders in the first place.


I think it was less dramatic than that, part of the peace settlement was that the Horde left Ashenvale in exchange for keeping Azshara.

Yeah, but fearing her doesn’t suddenly change the fact that the night elves couldn’t take the Horde in a head to head fight before they lost a large chunk of their population.

The last thing Tyrande would have wanted to do is turn the war into a life and death struggle for the Horde. The Horde not being unified in its desire to wipe out the night elves was a huge benefit for her.

Which is why War of thorns and the night warrior should have been taken back to the drawing board before they created the stories… I mean we had the perfect reason to start a war and for sylvanas to create as much death as possible… and that was Azerite resources.

Her listed reasons in a good war were totally subverted by her revelations of working with the jailer.

Sorry to go on a rant but blizz’s story dept crapped the bed on those stories. Which is why BFA felt so bad to many. No side liked it.


Which is such a turnaround since Legion where Genn was out for blood and seemed like half the alliance wasn’t looking like it was going to go along with peaceful Anduin. Would be so easy to slip into a whole young ruler stuck between the demands of his allies and people and his naivete on how the world works.


This is really common knowledge and something that frustrates a lot of people.

I still think that retconning the Alliance starting the conflict was the beginning of the crumbling.


Horde being the villain is literally so over-done.


oh…i thought this was a different “high” elf meeting place…

steps out of thread

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That’s the HIGH Elf Positivity Thread, this is the High Elf POSITIVITY Thread.


Every xpac, the Horde are that one guy from GTA…

Too bad he wasn’t whispering in Anduins ear like Darth Sideous… “good, good. Let the hate flow through you”

You know take advantage of the rage that his father had, and the Arathi king bloodline… but no.

They really crapped on some good portions of the fan base. Primarily NEs and Forsaken. Forsaken got the villain bat as well as losing their capital to the worst plot device in WoW history… blight.


Cries in gutterspeak

Also, the forsaken:


(Yes, I have privilege, but it won’t last, I know it.)


Totally jealous :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You know blizz doesn’t want players to use an area when they cover it with green goo…

I mean, it didn’t stop us from questing in Southshore.

I’m still sad that we didn’t even get Brill back and kind of jealous over Lor’danel.

But at least my favorite NPC, Gordo, it’s ok.


I think we can infer from her losing the vote to keep the Horde out of Dalaran not long after - and her resulting poutcrash out of the Council, and Dalaran - that their support was not unanimous. :wink:


We can also infer that Jaina is a pouter.


Look, I understand why Jaina and even Vereesa was angry, but the purge was not justifiable. The majority of the blood elves there had zero to do with the theft of the bell or Theramore.

Temporarily ejecting them from the city would be one thing, or temporarily apprehending those who were suspected of aiding in the theft, but murdering random citizens, slaughtering dragonhawks so scared people couldn’t escape, dangling people over sharks, and committing other horrifying acts were not okay. Stop pretending that it was okay no matter who ordered it.


Not TB! :frowning: Even as a nelf fan I’d hate that, and not because I want the alliance to always be heroes.

They really need to re-evaluate their writing though. I played primarily horde for years until Teldrassil. If they wanted to go down that path they should have given us better options to defect, like during the war of the thorns even.

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I love TB and Mulgore. Tauren are also among my favorite races.

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The Council: “Lady Proudmoore, can’t you accept that times have changed?”
