High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

We donā€™t have any way of knowing what the power dynamic is, within the Council of Six, but seeing as not a single member spoke about it in the aftermath (excepting Jaina, herself) suggests they were more than willing to permit their elected leaderā€¦ lead.

(Itā€™s also worth noting, the Kirin Tor turning a blind eye to perceived slights is, and has always been, the reason why Rommath distrusts them. There is precedent.)

Itā€™d hardly be considered an abuse of power to arrest someone directly linked with a terrorist organization. As far as a coup, well, youā€™re going to have a doozy of a time explaining that one. :man_shrugging:

The POTUS canā€™t, but it seems that whoever leads the Council of Six can do all of those things.

Itā€™s technically most similar to an oligarchy, with one above the rest (to what extent, we donā€™t know).

The biggest piece of irony is that when the rest of the Council were leveling their arguments for why Jaina should be their leader, Aethas Sunreaver gave an eloquent speech about her proneness to being fair and just.

Then it shouldnā€™t be too hard for you to prove. :man_shrugging:

This response, in itself, is a shifting of the goalposts ā€“ itā€™s a flagrant refusal to corroborate your own assertions. For shame. :-1:

Youā€™ve got some way to corroborate this, I presume?

Iā€™ve not once argued that Vereesa doesnā€™t behave despicably, throughout the Purge of Dalaran, but rather that the Silver Covenant is merely operating as an extension of the Kirin Tor ā€“ and as the Kirin Tor are the law, in Dalaran, there wasnā€™t any law broken.

This is made especially clear when not a single member of the Silver Covenant was ever reprimanded, incarcerated, or otherwise indicated to have done any wrong.

You could always comply? :man_shrugging:

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Iā€™d much rather some people didnā€™t jump straight to ethnic cleansing when someone undoes a certain someoneā€™s continued feigned neutrality and blows up a hostile military base with the weapon the so called neutral group gave to one side of a war.

Thatā€™s all well and good, but actions have consequences.

If you tell a police officer where he can shove the ticket, maybe he writes another ā€“ maybe he rips you out of the cap, looses a couple of your teeth on the pavement, and then writes another.

The Sunreavers tried to call a bluff, but didnā€™t realize it wasnā€™t a bluff. :man_shrugging:

You knowā€¦ when you said this earlier:

I knew that sooner or later you would prove me right by trying to justify things to make them seem ā€œnot as badā€ā€¦

And here you are, justifiying murder because ā€œmuh lawā€.

But sure, I have absolutely no reason to say that you love to bend over backwards and jump through hoops to try to maintain this illusionary moral superiority of the High Elves. Anything negative has a perfectly ā€œlogicalā€ explanation in your head.

But go ahead and keep telling yourself you want them to lean into their bitterness, because even if they did, youā€™d still find ways to call that righteous.


Theyā€™re plenty bad, but the point isnā€™t about morality ā€“ itā€™s about legality.

Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t differentiate between the two? :man_shrugging:

And as usual, you keep moving the goalpost you yourself set up.

It was impressive the first two times, now, itā€™s just a regular monday.

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Which goalposts have moved, pray tell?

I donā€™t have to prove the obvious. Once again this is just like demanding proof the earth isnā€™t round. Itā€™s silly Flat Earther logic for something obvious and well known around the world. Choosing to ignore reality (which youā€™ve done on many occasions) doesnā€™t change the obvious.

No it is not. We are still talking about the same subject matter. Keep up, kiddo.

Iā€™m not about to point out the glaring inconsistencies in your drivel, Iā€™m having a rough night and if I go off, Iā€™d leave you sobbing.

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Imagine thinking this is justified in 2020.


When you break neutrality to give a powerful weapon to historically the most xenophobic and aggressive member of the alliance, the other side is not going to be happy. So donā€™t whine about how someone else ā€˜brokeā€™ the neutrality rule when you flaunt it all the time.

If you want your fortified port to be considered peaceful and neutral, donā€™t use it to stage an actual invasion of the neighbors you want to treat you well.

If youā€™re going to use the slightest pretext to commit atrocities gleefully, donā€™t whine when people say they are atrocities.

aside from a possible handful, as many of the blood elves involved were not sunreavers, didnā€™t do squat. That didnā€™t stop the group formed for the sole purpose to oppose them being in Dalaran from going all murdery on them though.


Jaina was literally breaking neutrality the whole time, the whole thing was an excuse.

Dalaran broke neutrality the instant they sent aid to Theramore.

Jaina started an ethnic cleansing to punish the Sunreavers for ā€œbeing involvedā€ in a theft of Darnassus via Dalaran. The Horde ran the theft through Dalaran because it was the only way to bypass the magical defences Jaina had added to Darnassus, breaking neutrality.

Her own reasoning makes no sense.

So, itā€™s just headcanon then. :+1:

You seem to have these fairly regularly, might consider sorting your life out before weaseling your way into discussions with valueless commentary. :man_shrugging:

I didnā€™t once say it was justified, but it is certainly one of many ways the interaction could go. Pick your battles.

This is you inching towards an ā€œin all fairnessā€ comparison of events, which is irrelevant ā€“ sometimes actions have consequences, and in this particular instance, the consequences were severe. :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s stated, in-game, that the Sunreavers took up their weapons first and resolved to occupy their portion of the city regardless of any lawful order ā€“ those handful of shopkeepers and bankers are merely collateral damage, in a conflict that was started and stoked by the Sunreavers.

More than likely, that doesnā€™t make anything the Silver Covenant did illegal. :man_shrugging:

Me too! I lvled my pally to 60ā€¦ stopped to lvl Ely and then just stuck with it and even wasted time getting soul ash and what notā€¦ only to turn around to start liking my hunter. I realized after having horrendous dps in my guilds raid as fury warr and checking out the forumsā€¦ that fury just sucks. Lol

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Funny how this could apply to you too.

Maybe donā€™t forget your meds next time you post.

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Iā€™m not the one cheerleading fictional characters slaughtering innocent people because their cunning plans backfired.


The events of the Purge of Dalaran are not headcanon.

Youā€™d know all about valueless commentaryā€¦ and lack of lore knowledge.

Given your behavior and preferences, we all know how you want it to go.

Iā€™ve not spent numerous days coming up with justification after justification for why I canā€™t corroborate anything Iā€™ve suggested.

ā€œOh, itā€™s hot.ā€
ā€œOh, Iā€™m tired.ā€
ā€œOh, rough day.ā€


Is this sentence supposed to have meaning?

The SC existing solely to maim or murder Blood Elves, however, is.