High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I like to think it was alluding to the compromise that they announce 1 month and a half later all things considered or at least that it was on their mind.

I didn’t think it was ill intentional or meant to be mean just silly I think.

If we need a cute race, I nominate my owl bros and sistahs.

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Based on how many i face ingame. Also unofficial data.

My bad. Sorry Lor’themar.

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well, I mean…technically he still has the other eye, he just can’t see out of it


That could be affected by your server, or just coincidence.

It could’ve been. To me, the skins kinda seemed like a last minute decision based on the datamined blue eyes being intended for NPCs though.


Why is this even a topic of discussion anymore? Blood Elves got Blue Eyes. It’s game over. Go home, the movies over.


apparently the "argument is that they want playable high elves not a customization option

as I said earlier, it’s basically complaining that you got a teal toy car for Christmas instead of a blue one



Anyway, not over untill we get playable highelves such as silver covenant highelves

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you already have that

still a faction, not a race

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Footage from the Shadowlands pre-patch:

Free them!

Highelves race, faction silver covenant, Alliance

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I think maybe it’s more likely you’ll see lore wise Alliance leaning HEs joining Allerias ranks and becoming VEs.

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you have that with void elf customization

you have that with the faction you can join as a player with their tabard


Free the owls!

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The owls be like:

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By this logic, we must also consider many/most of the Sunreavers traitors then… Aethas was fairly candid, they would return to Dalaran regardless of what Lor’themar wanted.

If you’re alright with that, I can get right with it – Aethas as a Void Elf sounds pretty nice to me.

Assuming what you say is true… He’s got no reason to become a Void Elf… He’d just be a traitor high elf.