High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

The sunreavers are still loyal to quel’thalas. They would have returned to Dalaran to fight Arthas because of what he did to quel’thalas.


Don’t mind this but all options for customization should be available, Since they are not born Ren’dorei.

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That awkward moment when you accidentally draw attention to the fact that High Elves wouldn’t have any real reason to intentionally Void-ify themselves – which has been the crux of most “we still want playable High Elves” arguments forever. :man_shrugging:

If we set that little piece of irony aside, for a time it was presumed that Aethas would become one of the first Void Elves; on Argus he expressed an extreme interest in both the Void and the Light.

Your criteria was that if someone did something their leader didn’t permit, they would be traitors – leaving Quel’thalas, to work with the Kirin Tor, isn’t what Lor’themar wanted.

Ergo, utilizing your own metrics…

Most of the post it’s on point (showing the constant inconsistencies) but it gets worse with that lodge, because supposedly it was there as a center of communication, then they kind of struck a deal with the Wildhammer dwarves to fight the trolls but it’s always been kind of nebulous if they gave up on the arcane for personal choice or because of the destruction of the Sunwell (the latter seems more logical to me).

To be fair, she showing up at Zul’aman happened in Cataclysm, while she getting trigger happy at Dalaran happened during MoP.

Oh goody, this again.

But I guess it’s fair game as long as you can keep deluding yourself.

Honestly, the more I see, the more I think that the whole thing it’s all because of a tooltip that has “void” instead of “high” before the word elf… and then I feel like I might have a stroke if I think too much about it…


I think it was stated that they gave up arcane magic specifically because of their addiction. A sort of cold turkey solution.

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Yeah that’s what I heard as well, what remains kind of in the air is the reason why. Like, they woke up one day and said “You know what? Addiction it’s bad”? seems as logical as blizz saying that high elves lost the puerple hue of their skin because of sun exposure during a boat ride.

They didn’t know they were addicted until the Sunwell went caput. So I’d assume, like you did, that it was the Sunwell’s destruction that caused the choice.

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Kind of a moot point since Sylvanas twisted his arm and he ended up agreeing to it, therefore the Sunreavers didn’t actually go against orders. He held no ill will towards them either, as evidenced by him sending help when he found out the purge was going on.

They also wouldn’t have been actively working against quel’thalas.

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In other words, they weren’t trying to quell Quel’Thalas?

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I believe they were less reliant on magic anyway, being rangers. The loss of the sunwell wasn’t quite as bad for them, though I don’t recall if that was from a canon source or not.

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Not to mention that he’s forgetting about a wee little fact.

Lor’themar is not Anasterian.

Lor’themar is also not a king.


Nope they weren’t, in fact that’s part of what was behind the purge. When Arthas learned that a Sunreaver was involved in the theft of the bell he kept quiet because Garrosh would know it was him if he told, and that could get blood elves hurt.

He counted on Jaina being the more reasonable of the two.


Yep, truthfully poor Lor’themar never wanted to be stuck as the ruler anyway.


Amazon UK posted several preview pages from Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, an upcoming book by Christie Golden. There is one page up that states that “In the end, with their addiction to first arcane magic and then fel energy, and the horrors brought to their doorstep and beyond by Arthas Menethil and the Scourge, the blood elves demonstrated great courage, determination, and strength.”

Oh I know. I just wanted to do the terrible word play.

Poor guy just wants to continue being a ranger.

100% did not have to google what this meant

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Stupid wikis don’t link images here so well anymore.

There was this one post you made about a peon calling Sylvanas stupid for burning down Teldrassil and ever since I can’t ever read the word stupid without hearing it in a peon voice.

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That book is written from the point of view of human characters. The majority of blood elves were not addicted to fel, Kael’thas and some of his followers possibly.

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