High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Ion is not a writer and heā€™s not on the story team. Itā€™s likely he just approves what the story team presents, and since BfA story is a garbage fire itā€™s clear he AND the story team are making very poor decisions.

He should, at all times, be ignored when it comes to anything regarding the lore.

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By that logic, so should the entire of Blizz Lore Department. If Ion only approves of the stuff coming from the writersā€¦that means the writers are just as incompetent.

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Which is my point. Blizzard has some of the worst track record of writing multiple characters at once.

For example, think of the fanfare/writing for Turalyon and Alleria all the way up to the end of Legionā€¦then think of their writing in BFA.

They are only Alliance in the same way as any given race is. Making them playable is different than them just being there. Otherwise youā€™d have no reason to want them made playable.

There have, Alterac. Also preWoW Alliance high elves were apart of a different Alliance and Blood Elves joined a different horde, your point is a moot point.



Really? I hate to break it to you, but Alliance high elves are the same high elves. These constructions exist in your wishes. Playable Alliance high elves wonā€™t be like Alleria, and they arenā€™t noble. They betrayed their own people in their time of need over a diet.


High elves for the Alliance! Itā€™s like blizzard is afraid of money or something.


Itā€™s just as unpopular as it is popularā€¦ maybe more. People who donā€™t want them have things their way already and are a lot less motivated.

Also, 1 post. Really?

This makes no sense.
No one would be requesting them if they were playable.
Making them playable does not affect you based on the fact that theyre already alliance.

Again, youā€™re pulling out absurd examples that are completely irrelevant to the already alliance high elves.

Alterac humans temporarily helped the orcs during the second war of fear of being killed.
Do you really take yourself seriously on this argument?

Pre-wow high elves that did not split are still alliance.
Blood elves being horde does not disregard the existence of high elves

Blood elves existing does not mean high elves do not deserve to be cared about.


I would disagree. They are popular because they are elves (see void elves being one of the most played allied races during pre-BFA and BFA).

The issue is thatā€¦what does it actually do to the imbalance?

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Thatā€™s a great spin, but thatā€™s not correct.

Its it wrong though? The idea, not the interpretation.

It does make sense, but nice try. I main Alliance and I donā€™t want more-other-horses. It would mean I would have to interact with Alliance high elf NPCs. Your take on their story is whatever youā€™ve made it, but what see is a story of traitors and racists. I also play Horde and appreciate faction distinctness.

They havenā€™t.

Iā€™m only going to respond to two quotes at a time otherwise this gets out of control.


It is.

Hazzikostas could very well be blindly approving anything the Writing Team dumps into a proposal. The story team crafts the story, not Hazzikostas. Creating and directing/approving are two different aspects of the work.

Case in point:

Akira Toriyama, famous for his work as the author and artist of Dragonball, created characters under the guidance of his editor. The editorā€™s relationship was to direct Toriyamaā€™s work in ways that would be beneficial and satisfactory.

Weā€™re not creditting Toriyamaā€™s editor with anything other than directing and guidance.

The relationship between Hazzikostas and the writing team is likely similar-- unconcerned with the minutia of the story and not required to know the inner workings of the setting, just needs to focus on whatā€™s cool, flashy, and gets attention to market the game well. What Hazzikostas knows about High Elves and Blood Elves has nothing to do with any of that.


Cromgaru support high elf if that gets belfs out of Horde.
Also take filthy little fox things; ā€˜cuteā€™ and Hordeā€™ should never be same.


Total player population, engagement, or high level activities like Mythic raids,ā€¦ ect?

Yeah to me, high elves ARE interesting. Iā€™m not that interested in sethrak though or some of the other requests. They might have an interesting look but that doesnā€™t mean they have a unique narrative.


And if said story team is creating a story you find full of plot holes and pretty underwhelming, doesnt that mean that the lore team is incompetent?

But I ultimately agree, Ionā€™s words shouldnt be taken at face value automatically.

Good news!

Classic WoW is there for you.

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I would however support an Alliance high elf transformation toy and the removal of toy time and combat restrictions on RP servers.

I mean faction % difference at a total level. That is the only number I could see high elves having an impact in without various elements at play.

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