High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

no. no it isn’t. they would need to develop entirely new racial bonuses, a new capital/carve out an existing area, probably Dalaran which would take that away from the Horde, with a new intro experience and cinematic. all for a race that is aesthetically identical to two existing races

you already have high elves. make one


To be fair, Dalaran is one of seven human kingdoms… besides temporary trysts during calamitous events like the Legion invasion, it’s got no business being neutral anyways.

Plus, it’s a city that was basically created by the combined efforts of early humans and High Elves – the Horde’s got humans (Forsaken) and High Elves (Blood Elves) of their own, they can create their own flying city and the game would be richer for it.

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I’m satisfied myself.

Don’t really see how hair colors will make it better when I can already be what I want to be.

I’m more focused on void options now.

Those do sound… Interesting.

I was poking fun at you mostly.

Though since I’m a Vanilla boy you are new by my reckoning. :stuck_out_tongue:


First, where exactly are you taking this thing about those in Dalaran being the “overwhelming majority”? Because when taking the percentages that blizz gave (those still calling themselves high elves being a 1% of the 10% of them that survived) would say differently.

Second… their crown prince, the one that would be the direct succesor to Anasterian, was in Dalaran too, and that crown prince was at some point part of the ruling council of that city too… and they refused to follow him when he learned of what happened to Quel’thalas.

That’s… kind of even double treasonous.

  1. You should keep reading, because I rewrote the bit you quoted for clarity shortly thereafter.

  2. Even as a member of the Council of Six, Kael’thas wouldn’t have the authority to compel citizens of Dalaran to join a foreign military; and as the Crown-Prince of Quel’thalas, he wouldn’t have any authority over citizens of Dalaran at all.

    There wasn’t any treason committed by any High Elves (excepting, perhaps, those who would come to reside at Quel’Lithien… who willingly subjected themselves to Kael’s authority, and then refused to obey).


I went back and all I saw was another excuse to support your theory:

And the part where you claimed that blood elves were being goverened by fascists (:smirk:) but putting that aside…

There’s nothing in the canon that supports the claim that their majority wasn’t at Quel’thalas, after all, again, they’re supposed to be the 1% of the 10% who survived. I don’t like the mention of numbers personally because I find that unreliable, but you’re bringing up a “majority” that has never been even hinted to exist.

You’re assuming they were citizens when the attack in Quel’thalas happened, I could just as easily assume they were just visiting at the time.
You’re also assuming that they had relinquished their citizenship of Quel’thalas.

The fact is: Kael’thas was there, he returned, they didn’t follow their crown prince. They’re traitors.


Fyor has to assume a lot because otherwise their argument falls apart before it even begins.


I can’t recall the exact date that the Warcraft Encyclopedia was unpublished, but it has to be coming up on ten years now – it’s almost concerning how attached some of you are to a functionally decanonized source, whose assertion can be broadly interpreted to begin with. :man_shrugging:

You remember when Titans were described as literal deities by that same quality material? I do.

This franchise is politically medieval, therefore… if you’re living somewhere, you’re a citizen (unless you’ve done something to aggravate the governing authority).

That is basically how all citizenship functioned prior to the Industrial Revolution, especially for common folk.

No individual is beholden to the whims of a foreign prince. :man_shrugging:

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This is a terrible analogy. Trump isn’t from the Ukraine.

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As a reward for missing the point, completely, you’ve earned this: :star:

I reject gold stars from people who take pleasure from Australia burning.


You keep saying that like it somehow affects me. :man_shrugging:

It’s interesting that you’re so competent when it comes to trash talking, but so inadequate when it comes to actually going into any depth about basically any subject matter.

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Oh that is Fyor?

Well, that explains a lot then.

The change from night elf to jolly kultiran threw me off, but I should have known with all the assumption passing for canon, specially when he even assumed me “neutral”, hah.

Because is literally the only place to get that percentage. Canonically, Blizzard’s word on this is “The majority of the High Elves were at Quel’thalas and renamed themselves Blood Elves” (in a nutshell).

You’re the one headcanoning that the traitors to Quel’thalas were the majority out of thin air.

Funny thing: WoW is not real life.

Do you also refuse to call something that walks like a chicken, clucks like a chicken, and lays eggs like a chicken, a chicken? Personally, I like to call it Nugget, but it’s essentially the same thing.




It does and will forever haunt you.

That’s cute coming from someone who ignores the truth and reality.

Also, you’ve claimed you were going to ignore me so many times, yet you haven’t. Which tells me that you’re nothing but a huge liar.

That or you harbor feelings for me, which I can’t blame you, after all I am a pretty big deal.

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I was mainly thinking of this precious moment :stuck_out_tongue:



I want some chicken nuggets to be honest.


And it’s decanonized, so even mentioning “1% of 10%” is just as imbecilic as saying, “the population of Stormwind is…”. :man_shrugging:

And since my comment was specifically referring to modern High Elves (i.e. not referring to any of the people who refer to themselves as Blood Elves, at all), this is completely irrelevant.

This works against your position as much as for it. :man_shrugging:

That there are people who are overly sensitive, and remain emotionally stimulated for months/years after an interaction, doesn’t haunt me – nor does it affect the validity of any future commentary. :man_shrugging:

I said I’d ignore comments like those you made, incendiary claptrap like “Void Elves are High Elves, so you got your wish”, and I have. :man_shrugging:

So real life stuff people are too sensitive? But you’re worried about HE fans who can’t handle Blood Elves are High Elves?



So Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Midare lives in reality tho. You? Not so much.

It sure does, you feeling joy at the events of a tragedy says a lot about your character.

So you proved me correct when I say you ignore the truth and reality. Thanks for the confirmation.