High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You can point out it’s silly they’re still asking. Telling someone not to ask is pretty pointless though.


I haven’t heard that one before. Oh wait, yes I have.

Poor Fyor, so upset at the truth about playable High Elves that they have to sink this low, just to insult.

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That was actually unintentional, but that’s hilarious – notice how you didn’t deny being deceptive in your arguments, though. :man_shrugging:

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Would be amusing. :smiley:

I’m concerned about blizzard deciding to not give them because it wouldn’t make sense for shamans… Hope they give it in some way.

I at least want Orc and Draenei DH’s. Makes sense even if they don’t change the start scenario.

New here?



can you create a highelf on alliance and post here with that char? So just to prove you are not lying…oh wait you can’t…

yes it is a lie. Why you keep lying?

and we ask playable highelves, not look alike option as highelf.

Simple? Yes.


Why though? Besides a name, and some explicit voice over when you create the character, what would it bring?

Out of curiosity, what’s your stance on Wildhammer?

Wildhammer are just painted dwarves

͜ʖ ͡°)

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Press x to doubt. You were caught red-handed.

Why would I deny telling the truth? It’s not my problem if you have trouble accepting truth and evidence.

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It makes a difference for me and most of highelves fans.

personally i like highelf lore, name tag, appearance customization and that soothing voice…so relaxing.

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lesser races are not of my concern. No offence.



I think you’re making fun of me sir!


Your stance not applying to other races in a similar (not the exact same) situation is mighty telling.

There isn’t much of anything that High Elves would add, as a standalone race, that they couldn’t currently add by being adjoined with the Void Elves – that is, unless Blizzard subjected them to yet another calamity that alters their physiology.

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This is an easy headcanon on a void elf character though. Characters don’t come with any “you can’t be this” baggage anymore.

This is easy enough to ignore. I think there’s even addons that will change it for you, though I could be wrong.

All of this can be added to void elves though. Just look at Alleria.

Most high elf NPCs literally use night elf voices, just with any references to being a night elf removed.

The void elf voice actually caries a lot of that theme anyway, at least on the lines where they aren’t going on about the void.

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Yes I can. Thanks to Blizzard/Shadowlands I now have the RP options to make my Void Elf look like a High Elf. :smiley: :+1:

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Any high elf things can just be added as options to void elves instead of being a standalone race, and any large physical changes to justify them as separate would defeat the point of them being high elves.

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I said highelf lore not void elf lore?

to be honest, easy to not ignore this when you care? I care.

im waiting, show me?

That’s what I was referring to?

Roll a void elf, use high elf customization, and headcanon them as a high elf.

Or just be a high elf wayfarer that took up the void. That’s literally a high elf that became a void elf, and therefore has high elf lore as their backstory.


You’ll be waiting a while then because I don’t use High Elf options on my Void Elf characters, so I have no characters to show you.

However Somand is a High Elf on her Hunter and is proof enough.