High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

beautiful shot of sylvanas with the silvermoon backdrop


My BE Hunter weeps over the Silvermoon Warfront that never was.

Imagen. 4 sets of armor for two races.


I really do love this, and is part of the reason that I a BE fan am so excited to endorse HEs in game they add a layer of faction rivalry!

And to follow up your next point I wouldnā€™t want them to be thrown into Void Elves I love Void Elves for what they are ā€¦ but the potential dialogue and things they could do together I think is vast they can be set up to be very close allies of each other and friends, where as arguably the NEs through Shandrisā€™s dialogue with Umbric in the war campaign seem skeptical of them.


Were you looking for a mirror? I am not one.

You have been around worgen too long. The proper response is the water bottle.

Yes! Blood elves and nightborne on the horde side with blood elf sets for the warfront.

Draenei (primary force), high elves, and void elves on the alliance side with draenei sets for the warfront.

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Do hope High elves become a race at some pointā€¦ I enjoy my Void elves only because of their model, tbh. Donā€™t think the race wouldā€™ve been so successful if they used any other one.

But yea, having a 2nd purple elf doesnā€™t really do it for me.


Come to the horde. We are the OG high elves.

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I want more options for mogs, so the purple and blue skin and hair colors for alliance are getting old. If covenants become a thing it will be more of the same too.

We already had perfect purple/blue elves, void elves were not needed.


Oh, Avarie is back!

While Iā€™m about to leave. 2 weeks remaining. Have not played for another two in order to get used to it.


Yeah my friend bought me a time card so I could fly her around. We havenā€™t actually had a chance to play since though.


Yep, heā€™s an obvious troll. Shouldnā€™t have engaged him in the first place.

Friendly reminder that the ignore function is back! You can now ignore annoying posters who contribute nothing to the discussion for up to 4 months.



TY peace of mind is returned oof!!! :blue_heart:


How about you come back to the Alliance? We could chat about how much we both hate that Garithos guy nā€™ whatnot!

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Thats the ticket. When people say something you dont like, call them a troll, publically announce you are ignoring them.
Helfers dont deserve a bad rep at all!

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No reason to stay Horde any longer and maybe ill have a reason to stay.

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How do I ignore people who have a hidden profile?

Edit: Not talking about you in particular just noticed you have a hidden one.

No idea yet. Must be a bug honestly, way too easy work-around otherwise.

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Darn, because there is a specific someone I wish to ignore in this thread but it seems they have hidden it so he cannot be ignored :confused:


Oh, it can go through profile? I just ignored a dwarf corona-troll by clicking on portrait in upper right, click the little bell to bring up your activity menu, go to preferences and under notifications thereā€™s a users option and you can enter in a name there