High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I don’t have any void elves. I mean I got confused.

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Ah I got you.

"Degenerate racists"???


Read about the silver covenant and how they view the sin’dorei. It’s lucky for that covenant that blizzard made them unkillable.

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The only person that needs to do some reading here is you because you seem to have completely lost the plot.

“The silver covenant is a militant faction of high elves led by vereesa windrunner. They reject the admission of the sin’dorei into the kirin tor and have taken it upon themselves to serve as a military deterrent for any potential horde uprising.” Wonder why they reject the admission of the sin’dorei into the kirin tor. Some blood elf killed her husband in the kirin tor. None of the other kirin tor members respect or acknowledge her opinion of keeping blood elves out of the kirin tor. It’s literally a personal grudge turned into a discriminatory cult. That’s what the silver covenant is. A group of vengeful people who view blood elves in a discriminatory way.

Who needs to read what now?

If Alliance get’s high elves, what race do horde get?

Ogres for all I care. There are countless races that fit the horde. Alliance is for disney type people, all they want at this point is sethrak and high elves.

Void Elves are a crack group of elves. Population really has nothing to do with it.

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We’ve got High Elves.

The answer to your question is the nightborne.

Uh the correct term is crack squad if I remember correctly.


…Garrosh killed her husband… With a mana bomb in Theramore.

The Silver Covenant existed long before that…

Her husband was among the people who did allow the Sunreavers into the city initially and the SC’s note you posted is about them opposing them and watching for an uprising from the Horde aligned Sunstriders… Its not that strange since Dalaran has generally been Alliance or neutral, and at that time the Alliance and Horde were still fighting fairly often.

I do more or less agree that the SC not only misjudges the Sunreavers but treats them poorly.

The “No Void Elves should have Blood Elf hair tones options” thread it’s a debate over there let me tell you.

Lol I should have said been a debate with.

Yeah. The Sunreaver leader basically thretens the Blood Elf leader and tells him they’ll go work for Dalaran one way or another.

But Mists of Panderia was crazy.

Yeah you’re right, it was the wording of the lore article. I just read the kirin tor lore relating to the blood elf treason though, and this is what occurred: Kirin Tor pledged allegiance to Grand Marshal Garithos and the Alliance resistance. The Blood Elves led by the council of six member Kael’thas Sunstrider, came to reside in Dalaran and fought in its defense. However, the elves came under Garithos’ prejudice against their kind(racism), and were imprisoned + slated for execution for accepting aid from Lady Vashj who offered it because of their common ancestry alone when they were stranded and essentially doomed on a mission Garithos himself sent Kael’thas on. Kael didn’t agree with Garithos’ plans, but did as he was told because of loyalty. In the end, Lady Vashj arrived on time and saved the day for the imprisoned blood elves and Kael’thas.

The act of treason, was during the escape, Garithos caught them, and Kael’thas honorably enabled Lady Vashj and her naga forces to escape in his place. Garithos “smugly told Kael’thas that he got all the proof he needed to give them the punishment they deserved.” and imprisoned them all in the dungeons of dalaran. Back on death row.

This is the grudge vereesa windrunner has against blood elves. It’s 100% racism. Disgusting. I would purge dalaran of the silver covenant if I was able. Believe me. I would kill every last high elf that failed to join the blood elf forces.

edit: It’s crazy how racist the alliance are when you read the lore lol. Kill all alliance on sight. Also this means if you RP as a silver covenant wayfarer, you’re RPing as a racist.

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None of that has anything to do with Vereesa.

You’re right, but it’s the only treason blood elves committed against the kirin tor and that’s vereesa’s reasoning for rejecting the sunreavers.

Prejudice. She’s just married into the alliance, that’s all. “The silver covenant, they’re cool. our high elf friends.”

There is no evidence to support your opinion that she hates the Sunreavers for that reason.

She dislikes the Horde for blowing up her husband, but she believes the Blood Elves will rejoin the Alliance… and Sun Reavers are Blood Elves.