High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Wait, so the devs saying basically ‘If you want to play this faction’s most popular race, you need to play on that faction’ goes against the emphasis on factional differences? How’s that work?

Focus on the optics, don’t get into the “Pro- vs Anti-” debate.

Telling a group of people who are fans of one group to play another group while at the same time trying to hype up the faction rivalry was a bad move. There were better things to say in that context than “The Horde is waiting for you.” If he had stopped with “No plans at this time,” or “We don’t think they’re different enough” that would’ve been one thing. “The Horde is waiting for you,” line was a jab, intentional or not. Just like “Do you guys not have cell phones.” it should not have been uttered.


See, the problem is I don’t see it from your POV, you talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory by them giving them some concessions that dilute the void elf flavor. I see that maybe they can salvage this mistake and lighten the blow of how dumb it was.

To me the statement expressed comprehension of the desire, but protected the divide between factions by recognizing that this was already a playable theme that is now a big part of the Horde and it shouldn’t be given away lightly. While it was disappointed to you possibly, it was a reassurance to others.

What mistake? Giving the Void Elves the same skin options as Blood Elves? I don’t look at it as a mistake.


Is this a High Elf thread like the original Elves AKA The Keebler Elves the inventors of many many many delcious cookies. Or is this about the 420 Elves ?

First, my PoV is that of a somewhat interested Third-Party. I am neither Pro- nor Anti- High Elf, as either way was of no consequence to me directly, but I support the desire for players to get to play the races/political factions they want. In fact, when the first Blue-eyed Blood Elf threads were appearing in response to the Pro-High Elf threads, I said then that I support it as long as it wasn’t a “take that” to the Pro- High Elf crowd.

Second, when I say “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,” what I am discussing is strictly what has been done up to this point. With what Blizzard has done as of right now (with the preview of the new customization), it looks like the majority of those who wanted High Elves are fairly satisfied, and if they don’t throw another jab in at an interview like given in exemplar above, then they could come out of this looking pretty good.

Third, I don’t believe there being a specific lore blurb mentioning that some High Elves are joining the ranks of Void Elves is diluting Void Elves, especially with there being High Elves in the Void Elf area learning already. It would just be confirming what is at least hinted at (I personally think it can be taken as enough to go by to say the new customizations represent former High Elves who have joined the ranks of the Void Elves, but apparently there’s people on both sides who don’t so let’s settle it), and making it easier to accept the Void Elf of all customization options as the future of playable Alliance High Elves. This alone could potentially move the game from “tie” to “win” for Blizzard, in my opinion.

Notice that I’m not talking here about Void Elves joining the Silver Covenant or anything like that. Void Elves are Void Elves, the Silver Covenant is the Silver Covenant. Let them remain separate, and especially don’t make either subordinate to the other. I quite like them being separate organizations.

Fourth, it was not a disappointment to me, at least not in the way you suggest, because again, I have no skin in the “Pro- vs Anti-” debate. If it was a disappointment at all, it was because that statement shows a lack of understanding of the desire expressed by those who did want playable Alliance High Elves, just like drawing Void Elves from Blood Elves did. Now it’s been a while since I listened to it so I’m willing to give a small bit of room for doubt, but as I recall, it addressed absolutely nothing they brought up in their megathreads, and then proceeded to mock them with the “If you want to play a fair-skinned Elf, the Horde is waiting for you,” as if that was the entire point for all Pro-High Elfers everywhere.

Again, looking at it from a strictly neutral objective perspective, there were better ways to say “We currently have no plans to make the group of Alliance High Elves playable” than by saying “You just want a fair skin so play the Horde.” And if he had stopped short of that last sentence, it would’ve been fine. All that last sentence serves as is a jab that, to be fair, he no doubt thought would be funny and never spark another couple of years of megathreads on the topic.

The NFL would be foolish to say the least to tell a Dallas Cowboys fan who didn’t like the draft picks the Cowboys got “Well, you’re not really a Cowboys fan. The Denver Broncos are waiting for you.”

I am of the opinion that had Blizzard drawn Void Elves from Alliance-affiliated High Elves in the first place, like the High Elves that went through the Dark Portal with Alleria, then rather than the jab that Ion delivered with the complete feeling of dismissal for those who wanted Alliance-affiliated High Elves, he could’ve instead said a firm “Void Elves are a group of High Elves who went with Alleria through the Dark Portal. We did this because we know and understand the desire for that connection that Alliance players have to their nostalgic roots. We understand that some may not like the Void aesthetic, but this is the route we have chosen for playable Alliance High Elves.” and left it there without throwing in a jab, and the whole debate would’ve most likely never reached the levels it did because there could be no debate that Void Elves aren’t Alliance-affiliated High Elves if they were specifically drawn from a cadre of High Elves loyal to the Alliance. You would’ve been happy because there would’ve been no question of “dilution of Void Elf themes.” The majority of High Elf fans who specifically wanted to play a group of High Elves that were always Alliance-aligned would’ve been happy, or at least grudgingly accepted it. Blizzard would’ve looked like they remembered their lore, and for those crying “Horde Bias” it would’ve been a piece of evidence that Blizzard also thinks about the Alliance, enough to remember they had a group of High Elves to pull Void Elves from at least. I feel like that would’ve been a win.

Fifth, I just got done suggesting that Blizzard also give options to let Void Elves double down on their voidiness, so they can have void with their void while they void in the void. I’m not even saying that a “lighter” option is the way to go, simply acknowledging some of the High Elf fans want it, some Void Elf fans don’t, and saying if we’re going to move to less Void let’s also move to more Void. Glyphs would be a good way to do this, in my opinion, since those in the past have added different appearances for things, i.e. 4-winged Avenging Wrath, Celestial appearance for one of the Druid forms (I can’t remember which) and stuff like that. Both of those are at least as iconic for the respective classes as Entropic Embrace would be for Void Elves as a race. Plus Glyphs still exist that change the appearance of various things.

So by all means, let’s not make “less void” without also making “more void.” Options in both directions.

But your mileage may vary.


its possible to make them look different and still have standard elven features though.

i suggested perhaps more of a space theme also. so neon colors, planets, stars, more along that theme. there are several possible ways to make them look different, even outside entropic

This is the only thing I disagree with. Having Void Elves recruit SC elves would explain exactly where Void Elves are recruiting from while including Alliance aligned elves into their background for good. That way people can say for certain that they’re playing an Alliance High Elf

Doesn’t mean they need to take the void out of Void Elves, it would just help fulfill what people wanted from the beginning

Basically this

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I think there’s a difference between saying “Some High Elves have left the Silver Covenant and joined with the Void Elves” and saying 'The Void Elves are now a subfaction of the Silver Covenant." One maintains the sovereignty of the Void Elves, and the other doesn’t. I am advocating against the latter.

Or even, to salvage some semblance of the idea that the Void Elves could’ve come from Alleria’s group, “Some High Elves from Outland, upon learning of Alleria’s return, sought her out, and learning what she has become have decided to seek further knowledge of the Void.”

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Well, the demon hunter thing is a problem because the DH player character is an illidari. Unless they’re recruiting post-Legion, that’s a tough one to explain. Paladins is a major problem, and the only solution I can offer would be reskinning paladin and all its skills into a shadow knight class and make it exclusive to void elves. At least that way the change doesn’t feel like a nerf, as you put it.

There is a whole group of em’. (To elaborate, I mean, they can train more people.)

But Shadowlands is the Death expansion (after the Void expansion. Sort of.) and after the sort of fel expansion. So
 not so sure.

yeah almost seems like they need their own classes, they’re so odd. they are essentially the equivalent if you made shadowpriest a race. otherwise, they’ll end up being behind every other race on class availability. for example, a highmountain tauren has nothing against them being pallies, druids, shaman, etc. the only classes a highmountain would be held back from by lore, are dh and locks. and taurens would make very cool demon hunters.

Agreed. The inherent problems with a void-aligned race rear their ugly heads when we look at it from that perspective. It’s such a lose-lose situation, too. If you give VE void knights (reskinned paladin), void shaman or void druids, people will complain that void elves got something no one else has. On the other hand, you can’t do much with them because of how the void thing limits them.

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might be a good time to let us select a high elf as a custom tied to classes we might otherwise not be allowed to play cause we’re weirdos haha

That would be preferable, though I’m sure someone would complain about having a cake and eating it too.

But for some reason they
 and Lightforged Draenei
 can be infused with death magic.

the other possibility is some kind of void purging quest chain, and that character can never be a void elf again and lose their racials, though i am not sure what their racials could be then.

i’m so confused. lol :crazy_face: