High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Don’t sabotage this thread with lore-breaking requests >.>

How dare you sir!

I only sabotage threads with

Sethrak sethrak ssssethrak!

i agree. a titan is not the same thing as an elemental, and earth -the substance - is an element. this reminds me of people saying references to earth in biblical texts is about the planet, when in fact, it was originally about the inhabitable land, the soil.

I’ve never been a fan of the “Neutral Silvermoon” topic. Neutral Silvermoon would kill any and all story development for Blood Elves and High/Void Elves. Just look at the Pandaren. I’m fine with a “Battle of Silvermoon” scenario or some type of warfront if there’s ever a faction war but it shouldn’t be neutral.

As for the High / Void Elves though I’m a support of a Thalassian Quarter in Stormwind for them. Put the Telogrus Portal in there as well. There’s also the option of overhauling their Lodge in the Hinterlands into a larger town. Or even having a scenario where Dalaran is turned into their city.

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BE views HE as traitors. They will not allow them to set foot in silvermoon. Only reason HE’s are allowed near the sunwell is because they fought alongside the BE to regain the sunwell in BC.

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you need to go to unique color palletes, like pink, aqua, soft blue, lavender, and maybe pure black and stark white. i’d love white hair but that would tread pretty heavily on the white hair/dark skin belf combo. might work if it was tied to an unique hairstyle.

I’m literally talking about how we don’t know if these new void elves will be of HE background, and thusly potentially will be the same high elves we have wanted, just studying void.

Take a deep breath. I’m talking about what’s next in terms of Thalassian exiles lore, and I’m saying how I’d like them to join under the same ideology and politics, whatever those might be.

Now, trying to parse through that rage -holy hanna really take a breath- the other point is that we have seen other races getting customization that is a different culture and identity -like Wildhammer Dwarves and Sand Trolls- and it’s not wrong to say “this character is a High Elf” just as “this character is a Sand Troll”

Now, this character has always been a High Elf (well, 3/4 elf) new customization options only make him closer to how that’s designed, his identity is not defined by the gameplay constraints of the race/faction combo.

But I have to point out, that bringing up Dolezal on an argument, where Blood Elves literally changed their race through magical means and became Void Elves, is just incredibly hilarious on so many levels.

Cool tones regardless of luminosity could work well tbh to keep them apart. Also some faded shades (like blonde to pink, brown to purple) could be neat in terms of a midpoint between BE and VE.

i’d rather they go with ethereal bits and pieces for variation. since velfs originally were almost turned into ethereals, it makes more sense that some parts of their bodies might have some ethereal graphics 
like mummy wrappings around glowing power inside. maybe a customization where one of your legs is like that. and you cant mog it. so if you select that custom, it shows and only it shows unless covered by a robe. or ethereal arms or feet or abdomen. whereever it is, it supercedes all clothing except robes, like mechagnomes have to do.

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you mean the colors meld into each other? now that would look awesome.


I am not. There is not enough pros who ever speak up when anti BE non sense starts being talked about. So the battle of Silvermoon looks like a smoke screen to rile up the people who are going to push the take Quel’thalas agenda. Unfortunately for me its a very big Hold THE DOOR moment for me, because the more radical people are going to try to break it down, and a Quel’thalas warfront all I hear is “Lets crack the door open and wave at the ones trying to break the door down”, I’m very much fine with leaving them outside and the door locked thank you.


I’m not going to lie, I didn’t understand any of what you were attempting to convey there
 but I agree, Quel’thalas should remain firmly in the possession of the Blood Elves (and if Blizzard is for some reason committed to seeing it go to the Alliance, at the very least the BE’s should bottle up the Sunwell’s energies and take them wherever they go).

This sparked a maniacal thought, though. What if the BE’s bottled up the energies of the Sunwell just before abandoning Silvermoon City, and after resettling near Lake Kel’theril in Winterspring they coordinate with the rest of the Horde to take control of the Well of Eternity.

They get an unparalleled source of magic, in exchange for a pretty city. Not a bad bargain, and also allows Blizzard to re-imagine their architecture with much more Light-suffused motifs.

I’m only into a Battle for Quel’thalas scenario if:

-Leads to the update of Quel’thalas
-And the Blood Elves win.

Honestly, would be fun to see the Thalassian exiles make a move, lose, and then just move on.

But tbh them just building a new city on another place is just as fine if not better.

I mean since we already have Telogrus, could be nice to revamp it tbh.

That, or have the Thalassian Exiles either fund another city in Azeroth, maybe some Highborne ruins being updated.

There’s an old NE tower on the northern coast of Lordaeron, close to what is Quel’thalas. Could be a good position that keeps the intrigue of “will the VE’s ever attack QT?” simmering.

Or someplace in Northrend, it would be pretty neat to see an elven city built on snow, and there are many elven ruins around.


Ethereal ethereal ethereal! hehe

You would have the BE’s besieged in their own home? For months on end before we found out which version was canon while Alliance extremists stormed the forums pushing their version of events. I don’t think thats fair to BE fans at all but thanks for “allowing us a win” I guess.

The well of eternity is the mealstorm now

The original Well of Eternity was, the second Well of Eternity is beneath Nordrassil. A stone’s throw from Lake Kel’theril in Winterspring.

need some of those netherstorm domes. with plants growing in them. feels very sciencey and spacey.

I mean the people who want Quel’thalas are the worst example of give an inch take a mile. A Quel’thalas warfront looks like a smokescreen to push that agenda, no matter how many pros say “and it’ll be great because in the end they will win!”

Also I don’t want the BE’s to leave Quel’thalas its their home. But interesting idea anyways.

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honestly, blizz just needs to remodel it. doesnt need a war to get a remodel. currently, its ugly with what amounts to plastic trees and plastic flowers. ya need something elegant like suramar.

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