High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Let’s say the Silvermoon and Mulgore warfronts happened.

That’s horde territory like Darkshore and Arathi were Alliance territory(historically for Arathi)

I think Blizzards idea would have been two warfronts with Alliance wins and Two with Horde wins.

Alliance wins Arathi and Darkshore.
Horde wins Silvermoon and Mulgore.


I’m actually hopeful that this announcement indicates that Blizzard may also have found time to get some Nightborne customization options in for Shadowlands launch that allow them to more closely resemble their NPC’s. I’m also hopeful that those red eyes/dead skins for dark ranger NPC’s might make it to Blood Elf players!


Its not headcannon. Look at orcs who took fel then look at them in WoD. They literally changed color. If you are color blind and I spoiled the story for, I apologize.

I still find it a slap in the face. Because no customisation can fix the Void Elves. It is the fact that Void Elves lore is still nothing, and is still pulled from nowhere.

If they had the lore around for Void Elves to pull from the Alliance aligned High Elves instead of something that was just made up on the spot…


The difference is no blood elves literally drank the demon koolaid, they were simply around minor fel stuff. Which caused minor effects to their appearance.

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I think the fear is people are already so quick to paint these delusional fantasy ideas of stealing BE things.

Giving them the opportunity to say well we almost took it! Or we’ll go back and do it again and win this time!

I think if more people weren’t so idk anti BE and didn’t jump at the first chance they could to take Quel’thalas maybe it’d be okay.

But I’m in agreement I wouldn’t want an Alliance invasion of Quel’thalas especially headed by people who feel Quel’thalas is theirs.

But it never happened so let’s just rejoice be thankful and leave that behind us imo.

Don’t give up on the San’alyn customization options! They exist as NPC options at the moment and it will only take the flick of a switch to make them useable by players. If this announcement says anything its that Blizzard seems to be open to lots of customization options for players that they were previously not willing to do.

frankly a mistake. But what can we do now?

I’m not saying I’m owed for them making this boneheaded move. I’m saying I’m owed for the neglect and abuse in the story and the lop-sided effort put in to ARs. I want them to show that they’re not going to once again destroy the story of the faction I prefer so that they can be villains for the other side, and then guilt trip ME for the privilege of playing the horrible slop they made for the horde. After an expansion that was pretty much a celebration of the Alliance that forgot the Horde existed part way through. That’s what they owe me for.

No one’s happy with the Horde story, news at 11. This isn’t about that. This is about customization options.


4 Blood elf themed mediocre sets just like the other Warfront sets were?

Still don´t see any advantage, dear. Heck, the only thing I´d change in regards to our own current Belf Heritage set is the color of the jewels in the shoulders (I´d make them turquiose just like they are in Lor´themar´s model AND in the racial icon… would help too to inform the ignoramus to accept Belves aren´t 100% fel or light and nothing else).

This dude, the devs have literally negated to aknowledge; contrary to other petitions they have come out to tell us “NO SILVERMOON UPDATE - NO UPDATE TO OUTLAND MAPS” not once but several times.

This is but an unrealistic dream. This DOES cost a raid tier. And sorry but a War front doesn´t have the same gameplay expiration date as a raid.

Like what, another Hawkstrider recolor? Mind you, the only color they haven´t used so far won´t be used ever -Blizz probably wants to avoid lawsuits regarding Chocobos-.

Suuure man, cause devs weren´t selling the argument Horde lost everything after the 8.2 raid and that Aszhara ended up saving the Horde´s behind without it being her purpose.

You have too much faith on Blizz for an actual Belf fan -at least one that actually looks at the canon Belf lore development and execution. Remember the badas Silvermoon Horde magical city? remember the badas and OP mage character that could go toe to toe with Jaina? Yeah, me neither. I just remember going back to Dalaran as a disgusting refugee after TWO genocidal attempts made by the city ruling government AND Aethas, nuff said.

They fed off the fel tainted sunwell that burned green and summoned demons. They actually had wretched on the island who showed what happened if they didnt get enough of their fix.

I’m just cynical. I feel like they’ve just started taking horde players for granted. Like I dunno, that they feel we’ll be ok with whatever because people play horde because of the pool of players for content (or possibly actively trying to drive people alliance side with the story)

Yes, and right now it looks like the Alliance is getting extra attention. So I’d like some stuff that shows Blizz giving the Horde equal attention (in this case adding AR customizations before the main round of AR customizations show up) Right now it’s looking lopsided.

Sunwell has NEVER EVER being tainted by Fel, dear.

See Drede what I mean by people pretending Belves are either 100% Fel or 100% Light and nothing else?

Seriously. Stop spouting your headcanon at people who actually know the lore.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Shadowlands will add a lore dump for why and how High Elves are joining the Ren’dorei that also explains the new customization options. It would do a lot to fix the shoddy lore Void Elves currently have and also allow RP’s to have in game elements acknowledging their High Elf origins.


I hope San’layn as an official AR still, with undead BE customization being just that.

But if they do add San’layn customization as just customization I hope it comes with lore for the San’layn community the way we want lore added for HEs to be VEs. And on a personal note I hope they leave us some undead BE customization that don’t require us to be San’layn (ie: I wouldn’t want fangs on my character I just want to be an undead BE raised by if it’s a Dark Ranger aesthetic I assume Sylvanas)


Hopefully, but can’t hold hope yet.

Is headcannon your word of the day? I ask because you seem to be using it wrong.

Hold up, you’re going to have to pull up a source for that. Because I nowhere remember this occuring. Unless you are talking about the Felblood elves that were in the last patch for TBC?

Your loss.

It would at least be a lot better then just giving them a skin color and being done with it.

Maybe even a Night Warrior type quest where we get High Elf “Heritage Armor” and Ranger Tattoos as an option.