High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I think there are two groups, one people who genuinely think it’s a good idea but its lost on them why BE players wouldn’t like this. And two the players who have always disliked BE’s going Horde, its a way for them to ‘right a wrong’ or fix what they feel messes up their idea of Blood Elves, but the problem is their projecting actual Alliance Quel’dorei onto what BE’s are.

They push the well BE’s would never like the undead or trolls or orcs thing. While ignoring literally all in game lore and somehow discrediting it all in favor of WC2 and their own idea of how they think BE’s should be.

But some of the ideas I’ve seen pushed, makes me really dislike the idea because I know the neutral idea is just a way for some to further invalidate BE’s.

I don’t think it comes from a bad place maybe just annoyance over still not having High Elves on Alliance, and it gets a bit lost in translation you can tell when they go into too many details, the arguments become one long “Why BE’s should leave Horde” as opposed to actually wanting HE’s which oddly enough they’ll support those too… on Alliance, and they’ll still try to invalidate BE’s on Horde for … reasons I guess.


can’t, devs keep saying nope.

i think belfs should have druidism too. and blue and red and purple eye options. i’m not nearly as freaked out about this or high elves as some folks are, i just dont know how to justify some of it. i certainly tried.

Belves already have every class but two of them. And one of them is one of the most race exclusive classes in the game, Demon Hunters. So in summary, please no.


well thats where everybody is going. can please the bulk of the playerbase by just giving belfs more stuff. its genius if you’re trying to save dev time.

Not sure about Sentinel stuff cause that’s a military group within the night elves specifically but as a member of the night elf community I’m all for Nightborne druids.

I do not think the NB have a sentinel type army?

They have a proud military of their own I thought. Wasn’t it called the Duskwatch or something? And then they have the emphasis on their Arcanists the way the NEs emphasize their Druids and Priests.

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Pardon me? You keep the disgusting High Elf NPCs AND especially the Windrunners psychos the f* away from my fav race (seriously, the best out of all the Windrunners IS Lirath and thanks to him being the one that had the decency of dying before ruining the story for entire arcs like the other 3 have done consistently).

And yes, as much as it annoys you people, Belves have had the Farstrider theme too since the very start (I mean our racial leader IS a Farstrider Ranger Lord). Also, I´ve consistently mourned the lore destruction done upon the Blood Knights -who were actually something unique back in TBC just to degenerate into long eared Human paladins-. I was probably one of the very few SF posters to complain over Liadrin´s portrayal in WoD (disgustingly Human-esque, ewww) and I was the very first one to raise hell about the abomination that was Rommath being part of the Council of the Six in Legion´s alpha.

I think the only “questionable” thing I´ve ever done was to support the blue eyed customization option for Horde players that desired it (of course taking into account this had to be balanced in Alliance with skin tones for the Velves); but when Ion came and gave his reasoning about why this wasn´t feasible, I was perfectly ok with it. Indeed, he´s right about the fel eyes being a crucial cultural evolution point regarding the Belves, and this being too important to let it be diminished by a cosmetic option.

Me thinks you´re just salty. Also I´m still waiting over the answer to my question (how the devs take a choice motivated by commercial reasons invalidate the way this choice gets executed and implemented in-game A.K.A. lore?)

Indeed, if anything the probably motivator for this were people qqing 24/7 about ears breaking their tmogs. It´s an oportunity to kill a generalized cosmetic complain regarding ALL the elf races AND open the door to some RPers, nothing more.

Maybe because they´re currently so “rare” lorewise speaking that devs consider a waste of time and resources to develop one with clear differences? Especially when they´re not even a playable race?

Don´t worry guy, if the blue eyes datamined BS taught us something, is that we´re covered in regards to devs keeping and respecting the boundaries. As long as they will not step on Alliance players´toes, they won´t step either on Horde players´toes. Heck, the very reasoning to justify their choice to deny blue eyes for p`layable Blood Elves WAS the lore, and that is extrememly cool and reasuring.

Nope, they just have a special talent to ignore the things that aren´t convenient for their goal A.K.A. they´re selfish.

Ignorance -especially the one of the deliberate type- IS a bad place. They´re just salty and don´t even think objectively nor respectfully about what they´re asking about; it´s just merely an emotional impulse to punish other players that dared to like what they hated and made them miserable for more than a decade.

Excuse me, but last time I saw, Ion explicitly said “not in BfA; maybe later”. It´s not his nor our fault some of you indeed don´t know how to read nor listen.

Absolutely no. This is a lore aberration -heck the Botanist NPC from TBC has a more “crazy scientist” vibes than anything remotely similar to a druid.

It´s like giving Demon Hunters to the LF Draenei Oo… just because it sounds cool doesn´t mean it´s a good idea.

Nah, same problem in regards to Belf druids, man. They come as crazy scientist trying to play god and frankly, that trope already is very troublesome for the Horde narrative (coughcoughForsakencough); no need to give more ammo for future villain batting of Horde races, please.

Indeed, this is called “racial thematics”. Reason why they were such a poor fix to join Alliance after Legion (unfortunately for Alliance players, devs made the NB deal with the druidism centric Nelves, not the mage culture of Stormwind for example).

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/code-of-conduct/

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They do. And I think they were called the Duskwatch of something along those lines.

They also had botanist magister types like the belves do, and I’d be fine if they both got druid class with that. Just lore wise have it be a different way to get the effect as it were.

Like troll and Kul’tiran Druidism. Not the same as Cenarion Circle Druidism.

Seems Taliesin & Evitel came to the Half Elf conclusion as well.

They also said it’s really hard to tell what is in fact for players and what is for NPCs until we actually get to use them.

You aware the “botanist” was basically dungeon boss affiliated with Burning Legion Kael´thas, right?

Legion´s Class Hall says “Hi”.

Didn´t they conclude before Ion made the interview that the blue eyes were totes a feature for playable Belves?

Yeah, better let´s not give too much weight to youtuber´s unfounded opinions. Just because they headcanon ear lenght = racial purity this means it´s a canon fact.

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I am. Hardly likely they are the only ones to use that magic.

More referring to Zandalari Trolls and Kul’tirans using a different direction than the Cenarion Circles training and use of druidic based magic.

Not sure your issue here. Blizzard has peppered in different avenues to powers before.

Well they kind of have their own thing that could touch on a sentinel theme. I am not sure how I’d feel about nightborne druids, just because night elves helped them, and then they helped burn our tree.

Not saying we’re teaching them.

Saying botanists using arcane based magic to affect nature could be used to do a facsimile of it.

There’s a certain level of hype you have to create as a YouTuber. Or sensationalism, not just for views but for their watch time too, so I would take what youtubers say with a grain of salt, though I do think T&E and Hazel are some of the more honest ones but they have to play the game a bit too when it comes down to it.

I still think the ear sliders are simply ear sliders, and not Blizzard saying Half Elves have arrived.


I’m not saying it’s confirmed to be half elf stuff.

I’m saying it’s the main idea that people get from it. That’s how most people are going to see and treat it.

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I think the NB being Horde is the most sensible thing I’ve seen happen in game.

Actual thriving society of vain self absorbed Highborne culture, was never going to side with their kin of nature aligned Druids etc.

They fit with their kin who are also former Highborne, and the narrative theme of the Horde. Especially the theme of the Horde Elves.

To that regard I think actual Alliance aligned Quel’dorei would be a great fit to showcase a friendship with NEs that we see NB and BEs display.

On the contrary, the fact we haven´t seen this type of proficiency anywhere else (nor in the game nor in books nor in comics, etc.) does imply he was a one pony trick; not a generalized professional nor cultural path for the race at any point in their story.

He´s an anomaly, not a rule.

Sure… let me present to you TBC Blood Knights… such exclusive, right?

And then came WoD and Legion and basically made human pallies out of them in everything. Bye bye racial uniqueness.

THAT is my issue. It´s pointless to intrude in racial diversification regarding class (especially when this diversification can effectively impact other playable race´s own unique identity) when devs WILL homogenize everybody ans their mother as soon as it´s convenient for them. Simply put it, it´s not worthy to step on Night elf player´s toes just to make available a class combo that frankly is not relevant for the race nor the faction.

Belves have basically all but 2 available class combos, I say that´s a nice number. They don´t need more.

After bfa, druids should just be removed from the horde.


I just think it’s a bit silly to assume it’s a form of Half Elf. Unless Blizzard says so, because ear sliders have been asked for aesthetic purposes for a long time by BE and NE players to my knowledge.

I also think it’s safe to assume it’s a form of Blizzard saying that varying ear sizes have always been there just not reflected in game, as a lot of the customizations are emphasizing stuff they feel is long over due.

So I just don’t see how we go from receiving ear sliders to people declaring Half Elves. Though I do think the ear slider opens the door to RP as you wish I do not think that is the purpose or official stance from Blizzard. And I still feel Half Elves are inherently Alliance. And they have to be more than just varying ear sizes in all honesty.

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