High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Canon lore dialogue and info on the WC3 manual. Like a month ago I said that the Belves nor Helves nor any other iteration should had been made playable if we consider the devs wanted to villain bat the Illidari in TBC -you know, the actual faction the elf survivors ended up belonging to at the end of TFT-.

When people comes and say devs “retconned” Vanilla in TBC and that Belves should have rolled Alliance cause Troll Wars, they should actually put their brains to use and remember WC3 happened and worked under an apocalyptical scenario -indeed, by WC3 standards, Kael®s elves was all that was left-.

Vanilla was a retcon in itself.

Says the Void Elf.

How are the whole 8 of you hanging out in Telogruss Rift, btw?

Well hey I won’t contend that.

In either case the retconn means the high elves have been serving though. shrug

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I don®t have an issue with people asking for playable Helves respecting certain basic boundaries ofc; no asking for Belf stuff (territory, NPCs, thematics -yes, Farstriders is a Belf theme too; and we can share it, but if people®s idea is to “excise” this from the Belves to give it exclusively to the Helves, then they can kindly go away) is my conditional.

I just get extremely aggravated to the ignorant argument that Helves are less of a lore aberration that Belves just because people cherry picks the lore, that®s all. It feels insulting and we Belf fans have already to deal with the “muh mudhut only ugly WC3 Hurde” types on our faction to have to deal with the ignoramus on Alliance too.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/code-of-conduct/

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How many of these are there jeesh

I get that. helves and belves should be separate I think. Their history and lore at this point would almost require it. Helves can dream of going back to an Alliance held Silvermoon but Belves shouldn’t.

Their stories are better for each other not without one of them.

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It is indeed the best way to implement them. Realistically speaking, devs will NOT take Silvermoon from Horde players that have enjoyed it for more than a decade to give it to some Alliance players. Mechanically and gameplay wise this is not feasible unless devs did the same to the Draenei and Exodar somehow became a new Horde capitol for the lols.

In consequence, narratives dealing with this scenario are going to be VERY frustrating for the Helfers (who probably will not like to see their favorite race get their butt handed to them courtesy of the Belves and the Horde). So, the most constructive way to implement and develop this race on Alliance lies precisely by proxy of taking focus on the bonds Helves have with the Alliance.

To resume: there®s a ton of stuff than can be done and be implemented easily regarding Helves and their interaction with the humans and the dwarves, etc. On the other hand, the probability of Helves “gaining” anything in regards to storylines focused on Silvermoon and Quel®thalas is pretty low; it®s waaay more probably they end up looking like losers simply because it®s too expensive to devote resources in updating Quel®thalas gameplay wise. And this without taking into ascount devs will probably will want to avoid stepping on Horde player®s toes; especially the ones making the bulk of the faction.

And they shouldn’t and i completely agree.

But that place is emptier than Teldrassil’s ashes.


Just like Ironforge or the Exodar
 your point?

Cause we both know why those capitals and Silvermoon and Thunderbluff are ignored by the playerbase, and mind you: itÂŽs not by player choice but because Blizz wants to relegate us players to either Orgrimmar or Stormwind, and they use mechanical gameplay to achieve this, nothing more and nothing less.


Personally I don’t think ear length is related to half even heritage; goblins also get different ears.

If we see night elves getting ear length as well then I think it will make it likelier that it’s just what says on the tin.

I have to agree with you here. While I’m sure people can RP what they wish with the ears. It’s just more customization. And their stance so far has been adding customization that they’ve always felt made sense / was the case but not reflected in game.

So why wouldn’t varying ear sizes be more of that?

I’m not against Half Elves after High Elves mind you. But there are a lot of pros who think this is a Half Elf customization being given to Blood Elf players. And I think that’s just silly it’s just a customization option if it’s given unless they specify with a reason which I doubt they will on something like ear sliders.



High Elf reporting in
just feeling a little “blue” today.


Don’t forget Arator, who looks like a normal Thalassian Elf despite being half-elf half human.

Agreed. At this point, their stories have diverged.

It makes more sense for the Alliance ones to resettle, even if they do look back forlornly on their homeland of Silvermoon and kin.

Agreed. I just want Silvermoon and Isle of Quel’Danas in the open world. Doesn’t even necessarily need to be ‘updated’ per se (beyond whatever is necessary for flying and textures), although that would be nice. Just one big world in the Eastern Kingdoms.



I’m not going to agree or disagree, but it does seem like it. But can’t really confirmed whether it will be or won’t be.


I don’t think there’s any reason to stop people from running with that idea for their toons. It’s as close as we’ve gotten in wow. Wish there was an option for the Alliance to have it though.



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As far as is known this is not the case, it is known the island of Quel’danas is a Thalassian sanctuary, although it is guarded by blood elves the pilgrimage is allowed for the high elves, this is seen in WotLK during the Quel’delar missions We do not know if anything has changed since then, but nothing indicates it.

Lor’themar has made very rough decisions over the years which has led to the segregation of the Thalassian elves but has also shown that if the political differences could be overcome he would be in favor of unification, the Thalassian problem is politics, which the regent has pointed out several times that he detests.

the only ones fully banned are the void elves, because the sunwell reacts poorly to them due to opposite energies (light and void). Entities of the void even tried to destroy the sunwell using the void elves.


Agreed, the problem is that a lot of blood has been shed between these two factions as well, making those political hurdles all the higher.

What was once a more philosophical and purely political disagreement has elements of a blood feud to it now.

Typically short elf ears are associated with half-elf, if the community gives them that name and they are used as such, for role play or whatever, in the end it will be that no matter what Blizzard says it is, why even if they said they are not half-elf ear, role-playing communities for example would probably use it to role-play half-elf, and at the end of the day that will be the important, for what is used.

If the community eventually recognizes them as half-elf ears, the best thing Blizzard could do (if he doesn’t give HE to the Alliance) is to put those ears as an option for humans.

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Eh the whole ear length thing is not bothersome to me. Short ears are ugly anyways, they’re for the filth races such as goblins and orcs.
They look weird on warcraft elves and I’m expecting night elves will probably get the option too.

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