High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I think they’ve just flat out decided they don’t need no water.

I only speak the truth. If the truth is harmful then so be it. The only righteous path for Blizzard to take is one that allows the Alliance to play a race it was previously robbed of for the sake of more yuan.


Righteously dismantling sensibility, sure.


That’s a bruh moment right there.


Imagine being serious when typing this.

Edit: This was funnier to me.


The reason I don’t follow the discord is because the discord is not the same as the forums. I try to keep my focus here where Blizzard receives feedback, since that is the point of the request.

The discord server does not encompass all of the High Elf community. More than one player has noted they haven’t ever joined, but they are regulars.

However, the idea of the megathread and how it was created (title and style) is much more specific to the forums. That formula spans more than just High Elves and I think communication with players that “this is the new central hub and all discussion should funnel here” was lost with how it was made.

It used to be “Here is the continuation of the old megathread. It is part 7 since the old one capped and here is the information for our request.” and that was what the forums and Blizz seemed to support because technically things go a bit sideways with continuation threads AND duplicate threads based on the forum rules, last I checked, but this is how it has worked for many years. I don’t remember if the High Elf community started it, but I think the idea of a megathread was a thing before regular High Elf threads became abundant and that’s just what seems to work.

For the record, this is just my feedback on why I don’t think this thread contains the discussion as well as old megathreads did. I’m not always great at communicating the details and maybe I sound combative, but that is not the intention. This is a fairly good thread and the idea of being positive is a great one for this topic. It just doesn’t scream “central hub” to me and it maybe doesn’t to players who aren’t part of the discord or the community (they are part of the forums as well and the discussion), as well as the players who are against the idea.

One last note while we are discussing thread creation: I am a big fan of the idea of new threads adding new information or ideas since the last one, which is kind of where megathreads or continuations fell short in my opinion. It kind of became an exact repost of the old over and over and that was sad to me as new details, new points, and new art were created and lost in the replies over time so that is kind of what is good about this one because it is not a repost, but I just think it went too far in the other direction.

So just from my perspective
 A good thread is to stick to megathreads and continuations with the old post, but new information and ideas added in for something fresh. I know I have come across points that weren’t made before and thought “man, that is something that wasn’t pointed out in the main request when it was made and I wish players and Blizzard could see it with the next go around”.

Yeah I just try to disregard the people trying to bring harm to blood elves through this request, it just makes us look bad!

Blood elves are cool and have a rightful place in the horde
High elves are cool and have a rightful place in the alliance



And void elves are cool and have a rightful place in the alliance. You forgot the race that exists too.

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That is fine, this is still the official backed HE community thread. The same one that did the mega threads in the past, and currently the style of threads is community backed threads. This is the current iteration of that same style going forward. The mega threads tend to be repetitive, I agree and duplicate threads aren’t allowed, I believe the mega thread style of threads has been moved away from specifically because of how the new forums are set up, so community backed threads are what we have.

This thread in particular was also created by the same community who has done those past mega threads so yes while I am sure there many not on the discord, a lot of us are, several still posting in other threads knowing this is our thread. So it sets a bad precedent, the community prides itself on sticking to our thread as long as its not locked, and its not someone who is an anti’s responsibility to make us look good. We should have a vested interest in making ourselves look good, and engaging all over the forums throws that “our community sticks to our thread” right out the window, when people engage in 10+ threads.

The old forums yes. The new forums no. I believe the EU megathread is still a megathread, but I also heard the EU forums are more chill then ours I have no comment on that. All I know is the information is available to those on the discord, so if you are on the discord and actively choose to ignore this as our official thread it in my opinion just makes us all look bad, because others not on the discord will follow by example of where we are engaging the conversation. But to each their own.

I appreciate your POV on megathreads, and how they are done, they are nice, there is one in the OP of this thread, but thats not the current style we’re doing, and if we go back to it someday thats fine but given how the new forums are I don’t think so from the sentiment of others who are not myself have said.


Of course!

I didn’t forget, just speaking in relevance to the thread and to what the paly said about blood elves not belonging to the horde.

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I still don’t understand why.

What does the new forum have to do with anything? There have been several megathreads on the new forums, and not just for High Elves. Pretty sure Vulpera had at least two since the first one capped. Ogres still have theirs. Sanlayn have theirs. I am sure there are others.

I don’t follow the logic. I don’t know what a “community backed thread” as some sort of replacement is supposed to be. That just sounds like a thread that the community supports, which is what the megathreads are as well?


And if players knew that this was the central thread by looking at the title maybe more of the disussion would stay here. The idea that it is just the positive thread though kind of makes it sound selective though, just saying. We had the H.E.L.F thread for a time when the megathread was locked, and I think the Love thread is still jumping around because of another thread lock
 But there’s nothing other than “the discord decided” to tell me that this is where we should keep it.

I suppose it might be in my best interest to leave the discord then and focus on the forums so that this doesn’t become a sticking point.

Discords are nice. I’ve chatted with some people from there, and I like that players can collaborate when discussing how to go on with the High Elf request, but it is not The Authority on High Elves in my mind when it comes to the forums. They are separate.

I hope there is clarity regardless of the format so that the discussion flows better next time.

A community backed thread. Did you forget we had no thread of our own up for awhile? We weren’t going to put forward another one, but just engage on smaller threads. A lot of people wanted our own thread still. This is our community thread. Made by the community, supported by the community. It’s no longer locked, so engaging all over the place does look bad on the community.

All topics people flag less.

Do as you want. I don’t care. All I know is we didn’t have a thread of our own for awhile, apparently you’ve forgotten that, and when this thread was made several routes of how to make it were talked about, what we have is the route that was chosen.

I hope there is a next time. It’s easy to nitpick I suppose, but in hindsight. We were not going to have another thread. Other forums / the discord / random unofficial threads were going to be our avenue of engaging going forward. Idk why the idea of having a community endorsed thread which a lot of people wanted by the way is somehow an issue with you.

Because the helfer discord isn’t “the community”, it’s part of it.


Pretty sure people on the forums in general would like it to be kept to 2 threads Guzzle.

There’s a high elf discord? May I join it?

I’m pretty nice I think!


It’s a public link


It’s in the OP, welcome to everyone. :hugs:

Oh wow ok haha! Sorry

Don’t be sorry lol! It’s a fair question :sweat_smile:

Maybe and I don’t want to pretend I speak for anyone else but who says the discord gets to decide where the general discussion helfers post?

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