High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

They made it out of stairs.

It’s horrible.



That is too many stairs to walk up and down.

/pats my stack of goblin gliders
hearth up, glide down

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eek so confused. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It seems I have an imposter, curious if they’ll get bored and quit or not anytime soon.

The most important use of the pally bubble is the ability to take vertical shortcuts down things.

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This is such a crutch and important part of the toolkit. Even more useful in this regard than PvP.

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Ooo congrats on 120 Hyper!

I just made my Mage a Void Elf I miss portals and I have friends on Alliance who wanna do things oof so maybe I have fun on my mage again heh, I can focus on my Warlock first and foremost and then my mage :smile: too bad we don’t have High Elves available currently! The wait persists hopefully all signs point to post Shadowlands but the hopeful part of me has thoughts on this pre patch too but I think that’s just because I’m optimistic in general heh.

What is wrong with Dazar’alor? I like it better than Boralus. It has an imperial upper echelon feel to it. Though I do not dislike Boralus like I used to I just do not care for it either.

Let me put it this way.

If I looked at it from a distance, I’d be gawking at it in amazement and I would shower it with compliments.

Runing up and down stairs or having to even get an specific add on to make the totem usage more intuitive and the general navigation somewhat bearable… yeah, no gawking or compliments, just grumpy mumbling.

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Hmmm I played the beginning of BFA on my mage, I just slow fall down and port back up iirc unless I had the gliders idk I got down somehow.

But I love it, I think it’s very intricate and beautiful. A great lore addition to add to the Horde, the capital of the Zandalari Empire. Sometimes not everything can be about gameplay or this or that convenience, the HE request is built largely on a love of lore, so it’s a bit like that. High Elves when their added can look different because of gameplay but the lore will be a great addition to Alliance I think.

Yeah, mages makes it easy and even when my mage was my only 120 I was kind of annoyed to have to rely on such things to navigate a city. But when I got to 120 with my priest, then my warrior, then my monk and the several etc’s that followed, I was already fed up with the layout.

And yes, it’s beautiful, but it’s also awfully inconvenient.

Were you looking down when you made that leap from talking about a city’s layout to blood elves with blue eyes? Cuz that was a huge gap to cross.

I think it’s just important to appreciate things lore significance. So Alliance High Elves to that end are a great addition. The same way adding the crown jewel of the Zandalari Empire to the Horde is wonderful, but so many people complain about the city.

Furthermore I do not know why the Horde lost the war going off lore additions of significance. They lost the battles but by the end Anduin seemed unsure they could take Orgrimmar against just the Dark Lady and her upstanding loyalists. And we see citation for Anduin being crippled with war exhaustion, it reminds me of House Lannister losing the battles but winning the war and Robb Stark citing he needed his soldiers more than they did there’s so despite him winning he was losing. So perhaps in the end they really did win nothing.

But then why do so many people on Alliance feel that the treaty should be so unfavorable to the Horde, yes they won. But who is in the better position? Despite losing I think the Horde. So that is a lore addition I don’t understand. But Alliance Quel’dorei and Darzar’alor are two great ones I applaud.

Playable Naruu for the alliance.

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Welp, this should remind me to stay away from this thread…

Very late reply, but Lor´s dialogue post SoO says “Hi”

It´s positively criminal how the devs basically ignored this and actually put the WTF “Lor´themar is the most supportive racial leader of waifu Sylvanas” plot in Legion ffs… the guy was resentful to her since Tides of War and called her on her BS legit since MoP. but sure thing Afriasiabi, Lor´themar is totes her super supporting political buddy!!

This (incoherent development) is what happens to characters when confronted with the self insert of some dev… they will get the short end of the stick and start losing narrative consistence just to benefit the self insert “narrative development”.


The whole of WC3:TFT says “Hi”. Not even Anasterian liked the Alliance so much.

The only thing I see the Belves doing in the hypothetical case they leave the Horde is their usual “KK guys ALL of you -sans NB- GTFO, we´re closing the proverbial doors again!! Don´t let the door hit you too hard on your way out ^^” strat.

supposedly structured, for years the devs have written the Alliance as the Wrynn´s empire. Now in regards to this, Garithos nor the Council of the Six should have done anything simply because to judge the leader of a fellow nation it would have been necessary a trial, just like it happened with Perenolde in WC2.

Only if you don´t know how to read (and I´m not being jerk, honest to god is very easy to undestand why Belves rolled Horde back in TBC if one uses a modicum of critical analysis on the narrative. It´s not rocket science, and just difficult if one tries to discard portions of the story at convenience).

With the current lore dev team? The same that act all proud for giving us the abomination that is BfA?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, if you indeed apreciate the Belves, please abstain from petitioning on all and any chance of interaction with future playable High elves, that would only end in the Belves getting the usual cartoonish villain batting reserved for Horde and it´s races.

Let´s put it simple for you: if you pretend to get our support stepping on our own 10+ years old playable race, then you´re either a moron or an a*hole. It´s basic decency to be respectful of other people´s avatar race in this game when the goal is to get them to join you in your cause or at least not to outright opose you on it (well, at least if you pretend to get the same courtesy extended to you of course).

You guys aware this is a circular argument, right?

By WC3:TFT, Belves were neutral, period. AND the only survivors of the zombie apocalypse at the time that game launched (indeed Kael & Co. are treated in that game as the very only “survivors”… which imply Alliance High Elf NPCs are a retconn in itself and shouldn´t exist.

It´s just two different types of entlitement, believe me is VERY irritating when the rando WC2 fanboy comes here preaching the race as “1000% Alliance and going Horde was nuts” while at the same time deliberately acting as if WC3 never existed.

We already have to contend with the resentful “muh mudhut only Hurde!!” Horde players on a daily basis to have to contend too with the “nothing happened between WC2 and WoW” ignoramus too.

You aware Warcraft became a thing when they broke this mold with WC3, right?

If people wants to play the same trope overdone formula of LoTR, maybe they can actually go play LoTR instead of pretending for a game constructed on the complete opossite basis to change itself to catter to them?

And justifying the WC3 Belves (you know, pre Vanilla WoW the only survivors of Quel´thalas) suddenly becoming 100% A-Ok with the Alliance in Vanilla WoW (you know… post WC3) just thanks to a few NPC randos ding nothing in Stormwind is NOT “JUSTIFY A DECISION WITH CONTENT THAT IS MADE AFTER A DECISION HAS BEEN MADE”?

Congrats, you just obliterated your very own argument and actually made an argument that supports playable High elves as an atrocity and bad writting, bravo!!

They should have never been added as playable to any faction, period. Especially if the devs had the plan of making the whole WC3 Illidari faction (the actual faction the Belves belonged to at teh end of TFT) glorified raid loot pinatas.


How about read the argument first before going around and saying someone is either this or that.


You do understand that the alliance which betrayed the blood elves was led by Lord right? As in the Lord that became the Forsaken. Yet somehow they are okay joining a group led by their ancestral enemies that includes the undead of the kingdom of lord.

The point of the discussion is blizzard in the past has significantly bent lore because there was a population imbalance. There is a similar population imbalance now but with a much lower population which makes it an even worse situation. Now would be the time to give alliance some things such as high elves that might close that gap and wouldn’t even require bending lore.


The Alliance that screwed over the Blood Elves doesn’t exactly exist anymore. The majority of leaders have changed, Lordaeron was the one who mostly screwed them over, and it makes even less sense that they’d be happy working alongside people who’ve done damage to them int he past as well. (Orcs/Trolls)

Adding playable High Elves pretty much would cement the torn mentality and add some flavor to both races, and the ability to explore their politics more.
I want to see them back at each other’s throats.

I honestly cannot see a single reason where a heavily edited model takes away from people’s game fantasy. Are you seriously ignoring a large chunk of your race’s lore? Nobody’s taking your blood elves away, and frankly, you’d get more lore if they were playable. Are you guys scared people are going to faction change away for them? Because, oops, that happened in BC when Blood Elves were introduced because there was a faction imbalance not nearly as bad as the one happening right now.

PS: Nightborne exist. Somehow, Night Elf players aren’t throwing a hissy fit about it. Ya’ll can do the same about a request for something that’d look even more different.


Which means the Alliance they High elves as a whole alligned with is not the same anymore.

Hm, this doesn’t really help the whole “But High elves have been with the Alliance for sooooo long!” argument.

Yeah, how dare they tell apart the orcs and trolls from those that they fought, not associating an indivdual or a part of something as part of the majority of the race, it’s something that should apply only to Humans!


You are playing the equivalent of Nightborne on Alliance so don’t act as if Void elves don’t exist. You already got your “heavily edited” elves.

EDIT: Yeah, I’ll never learn… I guess I like dealing with arguments riddled with double standards after all.