High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎


Well, I have a new mount to update my Quel’dorei steed!


That looks awesome!

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Been a while since I came in to say; High Elves for the Alliance! :vulcan_salute:

Also seeing Azshara made me remember I also want to see playable Naga some day. Could probably work if they were similar to Worgen with the two forms thing.

…and it’d be one more playable race able to spend forever underwater. :smiley:


Seems like they are doing a few things players have been requesting. Hopefully high elves will also be coming.


/ties your little toe to your big toe on your left foot, and ties your big toe to your little toe on your right foot, then ties both feet to your left hand and pastes your left hand to your right elbow. just to be on the safe side, pastes your chin to your left kneecap

dh pretzel, i call it.


that would be so nice. helves, with their own starting zone. and though they have queldorei tastes, their starting area should have human and nelf flavor too, to indicate they are assimilating


hey hyper how are you

/gnome head pat and ruffles hair

fine and dandy. and you? I always bring out the pinky in defense of gnomekind.

just another day. im healthy so cant complain. and drooling over my future druid and death knight shadowlands mounts that got datamined :fist:

/waves from her newest belf

working my way thru the wod horde garrison. alot different than alliance. first thing i notice - where are the trees?!!!

you gonna hit 120 finally?

who knows. almost like a mental block. got a 117 character. closest yet but shes alliance.

I hit 120 on one of my nelf priests yesterday.

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i should focus one to 120 but i am trying to get my preferred alts on 3 different servers, all within spitting distance of shadowlands. then i can decide, once its out, which one plays the best, and that will be my main till on alliance and on horde. i’m betting mage and hunter.

if we get classic tbc, all bets are off. haha.

I like how you think Hyper! I normally only play mages but I have my priest and warlock now :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

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I am getting one of my druids or demon hunters to 120 next I think, while we have this leveling buff going for us.

it will almost feel the same in shadowlands since its gonna be a seventy percent increase in levelling speed with only half the levels to do for max. :sparkling_heart:

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Yeah and can skip expansions I am sick of questing in, or in the case of my horde characters expansions I never wanted to do in the first place.

which is which?
so far, fastest to level thru is wod because you get like 30k for each treasure looted. i love tbc but i am so curious whats up with shadowlands, i may try to go the fastest route the first time.

I’ll avoid bfa on my horde toons. I am tired of most burning crusade zones by now, and was only a fan of a couple wotlk zones. I don’t mind wod because of the artifact xp and bonus objectives.