High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Iā€™d love to explain to you the literal fundamentals of Warcraft loreā€¦ but this is really elementary stuff. Itā€™s likeā€¦ Orcs and Humans level.


ā€¦did you ever play Mists of Pandaria?


aethas just like kael before leading the dalaran high elf community


sunreavers control the only district in the city with high elven architecture reflecting the people that lived there and rebuilt exactly as it was in quest that showed kael there when jaina was a student


only high elven thing in the alliance area is an alleria memorial. no different then the atonidas or rhonin memorials


that was after they were kicked out

Replay the Dominance Offensive/Operation: Shieldwall questline. All I have to say to you. Thereā€™s no point talking to you if you donā€™t understand the ABCā€™s of the lore youā€™re commenting about.


And is no different now, unless you have some proof?

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Where are the hunters? Whereā€™s the hunter aesthetic Fyre?


i have done it. dont reply to me unless you have something of substance

Clearly not.


Also if you think the mage guards are styled like hunters I have some sad news for you.


maybe you should replay mop. there is a quest where anduin is sent to dalaran to bring the kirin tor into the alliance but jaina rebuffs him. after the purge jaina goes to SW to tell wrynn herself he got what he wanted, the kirin tor now serves the alliance. none of this is necessary if dalaran isnt neutral. you seem to have a delusion that you have some claim to dalaran you dont. and we know im right because ion flatly said ā€˜no hubs where an alliance high elf could come fromā€™

Heh while not directed at me Iā€™m in the Jade forest rn, I love this aesthetic (I never really played MOP myself I think I did, but just barely and was bored and went back to SWTOR but I def missed out!)

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You literally think Aethas Sunreaver is the ā€œleader of the High Elves of Dalaran.ā€

Please, child. Please.


ive always said they were primarily a hunter group. never said vereesa wasnt able to attract a couple like minded magister types

then why is he the highest ranking high elf in dalaran prior to wrath :joy:

hes not anymore but keep dodging

Relevant question: is Buzzfeed one of your trusted news sources?



But thatā€™s not a comparable situation because the Silver Covenant isnā€™t a purely Hunter organization. It was a group formed to opposed the Horde/Blood Elves/Sunreavers.

They are a Military Group. Not a Hunter Group.


see like this guy :point_up_2:

why isnt a SC mage on the council of six after dalaran was rebuilt if they are a mage organization. whats the implication dreta

i expect to see the fanfiction art consisting of magister types from now on. no more elves with farstrider tattoos and a bow or melee weapon looking rugged

Come on guys, whereā€™s your proof they are mostly hunters? Iā€™m providing screenshots of all the mages. Where are the hunters all hanging out?


If youā€™re drawing them maybe. Or commissioning artists I suppose. But mostly I think artists will draw as they want to. And as drede pointed out their encompass more then just Mages or Hunters.


Just because the silver covenant has more mages that doesnā€™t mean that there are no groups of rangers. Quelā€™danil lodge says hello.