High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Nah, like with the whole Hyjal story. Well, at least the bits that deal with him getting imprisoned in the barrow there. And Firelands

well thats the first time i see fandral as a bad guy, is when they kidnap thrall and rend him into the elements.

I just left the Horde this xpac. They did the Horde dirty.

I’m particularly sensitive about it because people like to use it to shame Sylvanas fans in Sylvanas threads, and I find it holds little merit because she’s fictional. So I dislike it elsewhere generally when I see it. Unless it something explicitly telling like someone overly against the new skin tone customizations, then I tend to side on the error of real life but generally real life events being used is different imo especially as direct comparisons to in game events or characters we’re allowed to like.

Sylvanas lack of forethought didn’t make her actions any less deliberate. She wanted to kill hope, killing the night elves and their city was in function of that. It doesn’t matter if she was hateful or not, she decided to destroy the NE homeland to kill hope for the remaining ones and the rest of the alliance. That’s an intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a group/race.

I really tried to avoid an specific genocide because I don’t want to mix a game with real life, but you can’t just wave this off; if we saw what Sylvanas did happen in our world, would you really not call it a genocide? My point is that we have to address this from an in universe perspective, with the warranted investment. This is a matter of in universe perspective.

More consequences that the undead being displaced. Which is indeed an interesting consequences. We have the implication by the end that the Forsaken are still holding the Glades, how will they rebuild? remake themselves? While I don’t like the idea of Calia being our leader, I do realize they at least addressed the future of the forsaken and its possibilities. I’m hopeful for a post Sylvanas forsaken culture.

I’m angry at the place the NE’s were left at.

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yo you guys got your blue eyes help us get our tails:

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You keep missing the point and nitpicking. I pointed out several times how I am talking about the leadership, not our characters -who are just cogs-

shrug I just know that the people I knew who were the most gleeful about Fandral becoming a raid boss are rabidly alliance.

You keep missing the point of how do you punish the horde and it’s leaders without it impacting the players. Would you be happy if they got a slap on the wrist in the book, and things went back to normal by the start of the expansion timeline?

Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people. I have vision that she lacks

Which is why I think if they wanted this storyline they should have done it without reversing course back to noble Horde, and shaming the players while doing it. Otherwise they shouldn’t have let it go so far.

oh he was irritating.

tyrande has no idea how to lead our people!

he would yell at you when you would get a quest from him. first time he did it, i was like. 
 whoa, whoa. i just wanted to take your quest. lol

Come on dude:

My issues are the lack of Horde leadership self awareness -as I pointed out, such as Lor’themar not making any connection with the Fall of Quel’thalas and Baine taking that long before acting- and the Alliance lack of desire for accountability.

Kay night y’all! missed talking and debating with you! :smiley:

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Yup, every so often i doubt my memories of it being a meme (although this may have been before memes were called that) in the alliance about how awful Fandrel was.

Like Magatha, he was a counter to the more forward Tyrande and Malf, reacting to their opening their society to joining with the alliance and allowing Tauren in the CC. He was the face of the traditional and xenophobic side of the night elves. And I dunno, it may have been a bit of a waste in cata for at least Tauren and Night Elves to lose those interior antagonists.

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I was not aware that such correlation was being used to shame people who likes a character, in which case that’s as petty as it can get, not to mention incredibly tone deaf.

However, the rest, it’s a whole can of worms and as someone who doesn’t live in the US, I have my own opinion, that’s all I’ll say.

Deliberate actions require intent, forethought requires intent, a goal in mind, so yes, it kind of does.

And she obviously failed, because Tyrande is out for revenge and so is every night elf.

You say this and then

Say this.

I’m getting a mixed message here.

Which is why I said that genocide is not what happened, because I’m looking at it from the in-universe perspective. Horde doesn’t have the resources to carry that out, and Horde soldiers saved many people as well.

Funny how you like to minimize it as the Forsaken simply being displaced. If you do know their history, you should know that for the Forsaken, to lose Lordaeron should mean a lot more than just “being displaced”, not to mention that they did that before being abandoned by Sylvanas as well.

I’m not, specially since Calia is in the picture and Voss was a mistake.

I don’t like night elves, I never did, yet I can see that what they did to them in BFA was wrong. There’s no way around it.

However, to add strong words that simply don’t apply, won’t be of much help.

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A thousand or so years before the [First War], Fandral would come to know personal loss on a scale most of his people had not experienced since the Sundering. It began in [Silithus], the furthest southern extent of the night elves’ territory at that time.

For thousands of years, the [qiraji] had to rebuild their forces in the name of their dread god [C’Thun]. It fell to the night elves to give battle, and it fell to Fandral to lead the kaldorei against the qiraji. With his son [Valstann] at his side, Fandral proved an able and creative general.

Fandral proved an able and creative general. He was in fact so talented that the qiraji even gave him a name: Kar’sis, or Hand of Earth in their native language. Try as they might, the qiraji could not beat him and the night elves under his command.

seems he was also an important general and hero of the kaldorei. i’m getting kael’thas vibes from this.

Yeah people take it pretty far in those threads first the correlations start with Sylvanas then start making direct accusations of her fans and sit back and say they’re not making personal attacks their making logical observations. But if you’re comparing people to awful deeds and people it is offensive because ones like of a wow character has no bearing elsewhere.

That’s why I generally rule of thumb don’t abide by making correlations to real world events and using them to shame narratives going on in WoW it seems odd to me. But I’m also used to SWTOR and the Empire is pretty unapologetically ruthless and again it’s just a fictional preference to play.

Blessed by the envoys of the gods.

Titan keepers blessed them as of chronicle.

It’s different with the night elves. Their society is largely two groups: druids and Sentinels. Tyrande leads the sentinels (and mostly the people) while Malfurion lead the druids. They’ve had this setup for 10000 years.

Fandral though a villain he was, was a leader
 One that didn’t get along with tyrande.

To try and get things back on track

Here’s my compilation of suggestions again.

I updated it based off the information today.

I only had to adjust 2 lines lol