High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

yeah. The pro community discord quickly evolved into something akin to a guild discord and then evolved even further beyond that.

At this point it is about WoW in general. Sure high elves come up a lot as a topic usually from art being posted however it really has become a different beast altogether.

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and I am telling you the system was broken. The mods can’t do anything about it. This has happened before when it was locked for weeks. At times it would open up for a few hours before getting locked again. It is a bug in the system that makes it to where the thread can’t stay open due to the sheer amount of flags.

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I think we’ve got a new plan.

Umm no. The few times we contacted mods, they told us they weren’t able to correctly manage flagged threads and in fact encouraged us to open a new thread.

Tbf :man_shrugging:t2:


“when the Four rather small and nasty Horsemen of Panic ride out there is a good job done by Misinformation, Rumor, and Gossip, but they are as nothing compared to the fourth horseman, whose name is Denial.”

― Terry Pratchett, [Interesting Times]


If it were true, callistus, alamara, and severalvother helfers would not have had several helf topics up all at once.

Hence, the doubt

Hahahahaa. Farts.

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Nice blood elf preview for Shadowlands :slight_smile:


Says the night elf who is on horde 

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Ah no! That’s a High Elf. The blue eyes that Blood Elves are (supposed to be) receiving are different.


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Did you measure the femurs?


Banana for scale

You have upset me.

Uhhhhh explain the sunreavers and frost mages then?

This focus on"its not the same blue eyes" looks really, really, desperate.
High elves are using dk eyes, how do you consider that then?

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Source: https://www.pinterest.dk/pin/558516791283629504/


I’d definitely pick a different transmog set for my blood elf than what that blood elf is wearing, imo.

I like showing a bit more skin like this blood elf

Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gWRwL


Blizzard can’t rule it out for the simple reason that they can’t know if they’ll change their minds later. And btw, being toxic about it won’t stop people from desiring it as a playable race, and nor will it stop them from requesting it.


I agree
 They’re the same race so either having the same blue eyes makes sense.

Trying to cling to some minor differences in eyes is dumb.

It doesn’t keep you from asking for high elves.