High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Merc node FTW!
Will raid for gold!
No task is too big; no fee is too big!
(TY Bill Murray!)

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I like those priorities. And that order.

While I doubt #3 is going to happen, I had always wondered, as a “What if
?”, WoW had been made a bit more sand-box from the get-go?

League of Arathor — Stromgarde, Silvermoon, and Wildhammers
Alliance of Storwmind — Stormwind, Ironforge, and Gnomeregen
Horde of Kalimdor — Orgrimmar, Mulgore, and the Darkspears

Forsaken and Night Elves WOULD be playable, but they in a way would be Factions unto themselves for a while. Maybe later Draenei (depending on where they land) could still end up allied with the Night Elves
or if they end up landing somewhere else, perhaps allied with someone else.

The Worgen of Gil’neas —> well here it’s whether or not we continue on that questline or not. They may still be humans. So in this case
the trick is them as a bit of a neutral human faction that is at war with the Forsaken.

Dark Irons would have been an enemy at this time
and how that evolves overtime
given proximity it would make sense they eventually join the Alliance, but given their overall insane mobility
they could literally end up anywhere. Perhaps they remain as a pseudo-independent faction you can eventually get Rep with (but initially they’re enemies like in classic).

Kul’Tiras, Dalaran, and Theramore would be other neutral human (and in Dalaran part elf technically) cities (perhaps Alliance leaning?).

All Goblin factions would be in the Steamwheedle Cartel, including Kezan. Obviously start neutral with everyone unless you are a goblin or an orc (who would start at least A LITTLE (+) in terms of rep).

From there, take a system a bit more like EVE. Sure, you start with one of those factions. You start with a certain amount of postive (+) rep with those factions and a certain amount of either neutral (0) or negative rep (-) with others, BUT
through hardwork, you can basically end up being part of ANY of the factions you want by getting your rep up (yes
even humans with (-) rep with Horde could theoretically do some really hard quests in some remote part of the Barrens
and work up their rep to join the Horde and vice versa for Orcs in the Alliance). Alternatively, you can end up with neutral (0) or negative (-) rep with all the factions, or ignore it altogether and do activities in unclaimed territories (perhaps carving out your own fiefdom / free-city with your guild).

That would be a bit more sandboxy and allow for some player agency at player creation AND in the player journey.
The trick is how to get a unified story of any kind going when there is THAT much player choice. Rather than having 2 seeds (one per faction) to get the story going, have to have N where N is the # of factions (in this example that’s at least 4
and perhaps 5 if you want to consider players who end up with (0) or (-) rep with all factions (another possibility)).

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This is the most MHP post I’ve seen in days.

Everything is Alliance. Everything!


Indeed :slight_smile: the only thing that comes close to BE’s, and NB for me are Zandalari thats because they have an Empire, and a Queen. I love a good reason to experience opulence, and actually decadence also depending of course. But I enjoy both narrative themes.

I’m not too keen on it being Dark Ranger Skins or San’layn or Venthyr though. I’d like to see Dark Ranger skins as the customization, seeing as it fits nicely as customization. But San’layn I root for over Venthyr
 but I feel San’layn deserves it own racials and story and has lore that wouldn’t be developed as much if it were a customization. Also rooting for the undead Dark Ranger look I wouldn’t want to be a San’layn thats a bit of a shift from just being raised / look the part of an Undead BE we’ve seen in the service of say Sylvanas. I do think their comments on player choice on golden eyes would support anyone wanting to look like a Dark Ranger should they add the customization so I’m hopeful. I still list this as my number one though :laughing:

Hmmm I love factions I’m not as keen on the neutral stuff / ideas but in terms as playable High Elves which you listed as top for you I think it adds a lot to faction rivalry story telling so thats a plus in my opinion.

I personally believe their coming sooner than we think or know, they really seem to be listening with Shadowlands from what people are saying, as far as things people have been saying or wanting for years.

Ion said he can confirm Blood Elves won’t be getting Blue Eyes as it doesn’t make sense for how that race evolved.

Hopefully this means eventually High Elves are a playable option for Alliance in the future! :blue_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


nope. actually the opposite. it means they are doubling down on faction distinction. and the option to play a pure high elf will always be on horde. no blood elf skin tones for void elves and no blue eyed blood elf outside of DKs. status quo is preserved so we still won


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The lengths some people go to justify their position in an argument


Weren’t you the one saying you ignore lore if it doesn’t fit your character’s RP?


you are very spiteful


As a BE fan I will applaud the move when playable Alliance HEs are added and I will enjoy how it adds to the faction rivalry both narratively and from a player standpoint :slight_smile:


you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I meant that from an in universe perspective of my character. Things they wouldn’t know themselves even though outside of the game I do know them.

That’s what I said.

that isn’t the framing your words have though. The way you said it put it in a bad light even though it isn’t.

I do acknowledge the full lore outside of the game. While in character however I am going to RP from that perspective.

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As a general PSA: There’s no reason to engage with anyone trying to troll on the High Elf request anymore.

Focus on what you want regarding High Elves.

No more having to get side-lined by people saying Blue Eyes are for Blood Elves.

No one needs to worry about those kinds of individuals anymore. :blue_heart:


So I shouldn’t engage with you and this blatant trolling right here?

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BE’s are still imo the best race in game. I’d say that if their HE kin were added tomorrow. The Horde themes better in my subjective opinion in every way.

And I will still applaud and support the HE request for the many people on Alliance that support it, because it saddens me my favorite Elf choice potentially stops someone else’s from being playable. :blue_heart:


I will never not applaud someone for liking BEs for who they are. :clap: :clap:

Thank you for doing so and not trying to make them something they’re not. :slight_smile:


I still want alliance high elves as their own race, not rolled into void elves.