High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

I actually agree with this.

I want blizzard to update Night elf light-wielding classes to resemble moonlight, and give them Paladins of Elune. Can you imagine a night elf paladin who’s spells are silver/white instead of gold :heart_eyes:


What is so special about either of those? They are not my favorite classes like Paladins are.

And Void Elves don’t even make sense as Fury Warriors by nature alone.

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Well I guess they can be like Nazeem from Skyrim at the very least and act superior to everyone"Do you get to the elven district very often?"

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They aren’t magic users.

Humans are pretty similar. Otherwise, there’s always the Horde.

I don’t know that needs to be the case. They can have complex characters.

Just imagine all of the pillows.

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Yes please. This is long due. :innocent::crescent_moon::star:


I’d dig it. I also think it would soothe a lot of ruffled feathers.

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Not gonna lie, I thought that was a banana at first.

Now I’m hungry.

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I like Magic Knights, they are my favorite archetype to play in any fantasy game.

Do you consider Humans more boring than Blood Elves though?

Still waiting on that one.

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Yea, I tried. But some just can’t resist being this way to each other sadly it seems :cry:

It isn’t this thread was restored by moderation once already, the other one was simply bugged sadly and couldn’t be unlocked. Otherwise this one would be deleted.

They can make sense. I see quite a bit of warrior roleplayers have a character that revolves around using a type of magic. One that I have regularly roleplayed with before was a mistweaving warrior using the power of the mists and wind while also wielding a blade. There could easily be a warrior who uses void magic in part of their skill set roleplay wise.

Okay. But you said they were limited to dark magic users. I pointed out they don’t have to be magic users.

Don’t you consider a human centric high elf story more boring than a high elf centric Blood Elf story? Otherwise I don’t know where you’re going with it.

It’s your toon, so you’re waiting on yourself.

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The problem is in the sense that Void Elves have to control all emotion to be able to keep the whispers at bay.

Fury is completely contradictory to that, it’s all about unleashing white hot furious emotion and anger at their target because it’s literally defined as being a furious berserker as the name suggests.

It’s like how Void Elves can be Holy Priest, it’s purely a gameplay thing that allows them to be able to play Fury, but to me it’s jarring considering their personal lore limits them to so many potential RP ideas because of how strictly grounded it is in being about the negative drawbacks of being Void-infused elves.

Monk has a bit of a better handle of it at least, I can see them working with Monk since that’s more of a stoic class than Warrior is.

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Don’t the whispers tell them to sew havoc? You could be a furry warrior who embraces them.

Didn’t Alleria flip out on sylvanas, go void mode and still resist the whispers of the void?

to my knowledge they haven’t. I can’t speak for those outside of our community but those that are in it don’t make spam threads. we create 1 and stick to it.

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This is fair, however one could consider insanity and Rage two entirely different emotions that are different in many ways. Or you can go the route of a warrior that is willing to go to the edge of madness to win a battle. There are still many routes you can go with this.

Sure, but neither do Blood Elves either. My point is Blood Elves get way more options in what they want to be than Void Elves do, because they have more options period.

From my experience in various different discord communities and RP communities I’ve come to find that people will generally find elves more interesting than Humans, regardless of how human-like High Elves or Blood Elves might be.

Whether this is based in actual merit or not is anyone’s guess, personally I am a Human fan but I also have to face the fact that other people will come to me and tell me specifically that my preferences are dull or that I’m a boring person specifically because Humans are my favorite.

Something of which could be avoided if I had the option to be able to be an elf on the Alliance, but then I’d have to sacrifice my personal choice to want to be a Paladin as well.

I think at that point my character would logically go villain mode, versus other Warriors who still manage to control their berserker anger because they don’t have added Void juice as a drawback.

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are you still pushing this is for NPCs?

you cant just single out blood elves and only apply this logic where you please. ALL customizations for all of the races that have been datamined would be for NPCs only with your logic. it is beyond desperate for an expansion whose selling point is advanced customization options to say these are NPCs only and you did this exact spiel when golden eyes were datamined for BFA

blue, gold and green should be the BARE minimum options for a race that reflects the type of magic of their environment or have an affinity with. the sunwell has been blasting away whatever minor glint they had away with arcane/light magic 24/7 for the last 8+ years

even danuser confirmed they can simply come from ‘high’ elves repatriating back into quel’thalas. laneshs story has yet to be told, but his existence shows blue eyed blood elves can and should be a thing. its over

also can your pathetic picture be any more dishonest? a blood elf IS A HIGH ELF. they are BOTH HIGH ELVES in the comparison

that a few high elves exist outside of the blood elves(the high elves) is irrelevant and there is already a perfectly good light skinned, tall, blonde haired and majestic elf option and copy pasting it for you is completely pointless


I love your style! She’s gorgeous! I think the color of her eyes has a more nature vibe than fel.