High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

No, it doesn’t. It just treats the situation from a gameplay perspective, not a lore one. That is what I mean. Not giving a race to the opposite faction because you just “don’t want both to have the same toy” has nothing to do with lore.

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The developers are very mixed on the issue, Ion is all-in on being with the anti side but there are some that have expressed support for Alliance High Elves on twitter before.

I will try to look for it later but I definitely still recall it.

By that logic so should the Void Elves, because they really are just Blood Elf Shadow Priests with simple altered skin color, arguably they even hurt the narrative even more for Blood Elf fans that wanted their TFT pre-Sunwell characterization to come back where they were ruthless mana vampires willing to do whatever it takes to survive and trafficked with darker magic only for Blizzard to pull the rug from under them and turn them into Holy Light Crusader Elves that expel such vileness.


It’s the creators of the game itself, therefore It’s lore and gameplay. They are the ones that literally created the game. Saying “No, what the people who created the game are saying is wrong and not right” is childish at best.

Nope, but the developers saying “This is how it is” is how it is. They never said the specific reason they can’t be on the alliance is because they’re on the horde, they said “If you want to play that race and fantasy, you should play horde” meaning they’re on the horde and aren’t going to be on the alliance.

Yeah I’d definitely like to know if it’s an internal debate, cause I’m only aware of the lead developer saying what he did.

It definitely was. I was upset about it and still am. They didn’t even change anything about them other than like you said, their skin color and hair color. It’s ridiculous.

Individual developers can feel how they want. But the lead developer and the official stance is that if you want to play a high elf, you play Horde. This has been reinforced repeatedly. Doesn’t matter if you like it or not, he and apparently others that get to make the decisions don’t share your view on it and they’re continually doubling down on theirs.

But, yeah, they’re totally heads over heels rushing to add alliance playable high elves and yet everything they do counters it. lol

Let’s ask them in another Q&A for them to repeat, AGAIN, what pro ally elfers won’t listen to. That’ll show them!

I’m not saying that, stop reaching.

Alliance High Elves are not viable for gameplay reasons, though, because they are already playable as Horde. This does not invalidate that Alliance has lore to support the same race
 But they are not getting it, because a playable instance of this race is already there on the red side.

Unless they change their minds, of course. But again, it’s an executive decision, not something that would need to be written in the lorebooks like the Void Elves were.


There are some of us who support the idea of High Elves having a more unique posture and skeleton to go along with being made playable, I’d even go so far as to say that I think most of us would even have been fine if they had been altered from being High Elves but not in the form of Void Elves, but something else that still respects the original classic themes of the race.

The big problem with Void Elves is they don’t respect or recall back to the original lore of the classic loyal High Elves, they are just Blood Elf turncoats with not really any significant characters to their name, just except Alleria who isn’t really like them as they were introduced and shares none of their actual characterization which are a bunch of insane Void cultist elves. I think it would have helped a lot more to have High Elves become something new, but actually have all the characters that we did quests for and saw in several towns (yes, High Elves HAVE towns and settlements, contrary to what Ion says) and have them develop into something else while still respecting their traditions of old.

Blizzard even tried to write the Void Elves as being Alliance loyal all along but it feels forced and manufactured, because it was never in their writing when we did the questline to unlock them. It was never something they expressed and they never would have stayed in Silvermoon if that was the case.

Well I’m certainly glad you’ve expressed your sheep-like mentality to me, buying their word so instantly and not questioning it. I can only hope they don’t make a decision you personally disagree with as I’m sure that would be a very uncomfortable situation for yourself to be in, being disillusioned is never a fun experience after all.

Who says I am convinced of this? I am cynical on the matter, if anything, does not mean I don’t still think Void Elves are terribly implemented and poorly contrived as a concept and that detail is very important in the High Elf discussion as well because part of why this issue exists is because of Blizzard’s haphazard way of introducing them.

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I can’t hold all these generalizations! Quick, someone help! This man thinks that just cause I agree on this topic I agree with all things Blizzard!

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You’re using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means

Lead devs can change. Especially when their boss notices they make the customers unhappy.


So you know exactly the ratio of happy to unhappy people of these decisions? How many upset players will there be or do they not matter?

Things can change that much is true, but Ion said you can be a blood elf, too.

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Activision tends to be pretty choppy. It’s just how they handle things. When exactly they’ll say “enough” with Ion is a really good question. But he won’t be lead dev. forever. No one will; and his successor might think differently about the issue.

That said, he likely won’t get axed over blood elves, but he might get axed over unpopular end game mechanics.

What I’m trying to say is, Blizzard is a corporation now, for real. What the project manager says only matters as long as he’s project manager, and no one stays in charge of a project forever. They either get promoted on or laid off. So, his opinion is, to me, just that: His opinion. I don’t care about it. He’s not setting the course for Warcraft beyond his tenure and his tenure is going to be finite.


Good. Not because the dude’s opinion on High Elves but because of how clueless he is with everything else other than raid and dungeon encounters. He shines on raid encounters and stuff alike. That is what he is good at. He is not good for/ passionate enough for the other stuff it seems. As he doesn’t understand it sadly.


My #1 problem with the dude has never been his incorrect and lore-ignoring views of the nuance of the races of his own game.

It’s the fact that he’s made such a bore out of one of my favorite games.

Classes are abysmal
Borrowed power/Mission tables
GCD changes
Pathfinder is one of the biggest ball drops this game has ever had which leads to the next other biggest ball drops in Time-gating content.


Not as many as you believe and not to the level that they’ll quit WoW over and with the Horde consistently and constantly getting everything they ask for, I don’t see how making them possibly unhappy once, would ruin the game for them.

Not even the self-describe antis will leave en mass if High Elves were implemented into the game. It’s not realistic to believe that.

What Blizzard stands to gain is a huge moral boost for the Alliance that desperately needs it and the usual boost in sales thanks to an addition of an actual popular and requested race.


So, you have no evidence of any of this and can’t imagine a scenario where it’s bad?

I don’t think that’s an honest angle. There’s people who would be quite happy of both outcomes and to claim that the numbers are on their side feels like a slippery slope.

But I’m sure that nothing bad would happen with their addition
since were that true there wouldn’t be all these threads

I’m personally just grateful blood elves are getting the optimization. I know it’s going to make some people upset but it will also make some happy. I’m also happy it’ll essentially be over.

Kind of like taking elves that were once High Elves and letting the Horde play them so they had a pretty race is a slap to the face to the Alliance?

The devs have said several things and then ended up changing their minds later, so it is never a case of “this is how it is”.

I don’t remember this part. Ion just said some silly thing about blonde elves or whatever.


Not really, because again, it’s unrealistic to expect a massive hit in horde numbers if high elves were implemented, this game isn’t 2 or 3 expansions in anymore, it’s 7 about to be 8 expansions in, any settled in Horde players will not be so outraged that they will quit the game all together.

I think you’re under the incorrect assumption that Blood elf customization ends the High elf request: it doesn’t.

Blood elf customization is just that, Blood Elf customization, that doesn’t make Blood Elves our Alliance High Elves and that doesn’t magically kill off all remaining High Elves in the Alliance, the request lives on, sorry.


I mean, you can hold your breath and wait for things to happen but
you’re not an undead.