(Commentary): Kind of impossible. They are Horde. They’ve been Horde for years. Blood Elves are a Horde race. You can’t really discredit that. One can discuss the rationality behind it, but at the end of the day, Blood Elves are Horde.
I mean yes but people can dispute and debate the SC on being neutral or not too, and I think its just as inaccurate and I’m sure annoying for Alliance HE fans. And the quote I was referring to I think failed to achieve its level of a gotcha moment that it was intended in obvious sarcasm because of the fact so many people go off on BE’s being on the “wrong faction” and surprise surprise its almost always linked with a HE fan.
I think that is one of the most detrimental things to link BE hate, with HE requests and people do it so often, and in so many different ways,
The OP of this thread for example is about VE hair
But as you can see later shifts the convo to trying to deconstruct BE’s and it happens all the time, I’m not saying the HE community isn’t a decent sized fanbase, but like the above responses touch on everything from trying to have a weird WC2 fantasy, to thinking BE’s don’t have a fanbase. And I think thats a mistake, BE fans have nothing to do with the HE request.
And this is all entirely side bar I’m just explaining why
This falls flat as far as the moment it was trying to achieve.
In fact everything I just touched on is probably why people comment about the SC being neutral its a tit for tat from what I see.
(Commentary): This is more of a matter of opinion than fact, I think. The fact of the matter is that Blood Elves are Horde. Whether one thinks that makes sense, or if they really belong on the Horde, is a matter of opinion. One can bring into that discussion anything and everything from the lore to the rationality used by the developers in arriving at that choice, but Blood Elves are still in the Horde. That’s… not something that can be disputed. The only thing to dispute about that is opinion.
But obviously this was trying to have a sarcastic, gotcha moment, and I’m explaining why it fell flat, HE fans already like to discredit BE’s being Horde so the obvious sarcasm that was intended fell flat, is what I was saying and what you replied to me about on which I was pointing out.
(Commentary): I can’t speak for everyone but most actual High Elf fans I’ve known on the forums don’t, ‘discredit,’ the Blood Elves being Horde. They’ll discuss opinions, the rationality behind Blood Elves going Horde, the repercussions of the lore in how that is achieved, etc… but honestly, having spent as much time in this thread as I have, Xidane doesn’t strike me as an honest High Elf fan. In fact I don’t really remember seeing him in the discussion on the forums before all that much. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a troll trying to stir the pot. Only a handful of the original High Elf posters are still around at this point.
To me if we’re still talking about the “rationality” behind BE’s being Horde its being done to have a conversation with like minded people who are all mutually mad about it. So yeah you can do it, and lots of people do, normally HE fans talking about HE stuff for Alliance.
Even just now you mentioned
BE’s are what Hordes most popular race? And BE fans are very pro Horde / fans of BE’s. So what repercussions need top be discussed? It was bad to who? HE fans? I just don’t personally see a point and if people are entitled to their opinion on it which they are, I’m entitled to point out how annoying and counterproductive it is.
(Observation): I’m fairly certain this is a rhetorical question and not something you want to actually engage in a conversation with, so I’ll abstain from replying to it.
(Commentary): You’re welcome to let others know you find the topic annoying and non-productive for the discussion at hand. If it were me I’d just ignore it. I do that for a lot of stuff on the forums to be honest. I avoid most Mechagnome hate threads, as an example.
an honest high elf fan? such a thing does not exist. and(), there goes trying not to contribute to bumping this thread…there simply is no honest way to argue for alliance high elves
kael gathered the dalaran elves met up with lorthemar who gathered up the silvermoon survivors and renamed the race. in that moment high elves became blood elves. there is no reason for any high elf on azeroth to not accept this rebranding in this moment before any schism
and you are correct. blood elves are a race. ‘high’ elves are a political reactionary group of blood elves. they arent a race but their race is already playable and part of the horde
as for the SC they are neutral. they are part of the kirin tor/dalaran and everybody knows it. theyre just a distinct part of it. thats why they always appear with other kirin tor NPCs and and the kirin tor leader(jaina, khadgar). thats why they didnt appear for the alliance in BFA. khadgar said the kirin tor will never pick a side again and no kirin tor or SC forces fought for the alliance. void elves on the other hand are undeniably alliance as they showed up for the fourth war and were present for every major conflict from battle of lordaeron to battle of dazaralor. while you had a grand total of 4 alliance ‘high’ elves bother to show up and only 1 openly supports them and put boots on the ground
Dude, the rationality and their opinions are but irrelevant. The problem is, some of them looove to use this in their infinite spammable threads, and use it to ask for actually annoying stuff like a neutral Silvermoon -including the gameplay connotations this has- or racial or Belf characters turning Helf for the lols (which has impact in the narrative (see: Calia fiasco)-.
And unfortunately for us, the devs kinda tend to bend their knees to this type of behaviour (I suppose the decade old QQ becomes a sort of quality control variable or something). Ergo, to let it run rampant IS irresponsible AF.
Now regarding the topic at hand… my stance is clear, get whatever de damn you want IF the devs establish clear boundaries that would prevent actual detriments on the Belf players (so no, nerdraging boomers like OP can hate ALL they want Belves on Horde, they shoould never get Silvermoon and should actually pull their heads out of their behinds after 10+ years of the nation being playable on Horde, sorry).
This include NO access to Belf territories and NO access to Belf NPCs. Let us keep at least that.
Saw someone the other night trying to say that now that the Sunwell is Holy and Arcane that the fel radiation being taken away will somehow make the blood elves realize they were wrong and go back to the Alliance…
Don´t look further than this thread, what do you think OP was gonna ask after gettingh the haircuts and the haircolors?
His overbearing resentful kind will never be happy with anything but WC2 Alliance, regardless of the changes in thge narrative or the very narrative of WC2 itself.
Do yourself a favor Lann, and stop wasting your time entertaining certain facepalming Belf mage avatar and his merry band of clueless fanboys… he´s not worthy of the time nor much less the effort (I mean, no respect for a jerk that cries wolf when one deals with him in his own language and all that).
Aye. Like I understand sometimes people can get the wrong idea about things through text, but when you then tell em, “sorry I meant that as my opinion on it not as an attack” and they treat you like a monster. See it on both sides.
Oh! You’re right this is the thread I was in! lol. Thought I was in one of the others.
Why do I feel like the path of least resistance is there for the Devs to follow and requires minimal work on their part like just:
Give Velfs Kul Tiran hairstyles and colors since they share the same texture file. Not “stealing” anything from Belfs. These already exist in game.
Give Belfs Dark Ranger skin and eye colors that already exist in-game.
Give Belfs and Velfs different tattoos/warpaint or the same tattoos in different colors. And scars. This is 2D work and shouldn’t be too hard, even if it’s just a few options.
Make the Belf jewelry options unisex. Could even make some hairstyles unisex (Males have nice long hairstyles that would look great on females and vice versa).
Most of that would take virtually 0 effort/time except for the creation of the 2-D tats/warpaint and making certain stuff unisex.
And it’d make both sides very happy…from what I can tell at least.
And then they can go crazy on Void-y customization during the AR pass for people who like the Void aesthetic.
All of the arguing about Horde and Alliance and cities and NPCs and us vs them seems pretty pointless. The Devs have said the new options are intended to be High Elf options. They also said the want the Core Races to be the focus of this passover and Belf players feel lacking. This is about customization first and foremost.
This is such an easy win for them. 90% of the High Elf complaints stop as they can go make a fully realized “High Elf” Velf with natural hair colors. The small amount who care about “Racials” and “paladins” stay complaining but who cares tbh.
And Blood Elfs can finally have as much cool customization and visual themes as the other core races. And considering they are the most popular Horde race that’s good for business.
Like I can’t fathom why they wouldn’t just go ahead and do that. Minimal resources/time required, maximum satisfaction from both sides of the playerbase.