High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)


Which NPCs?

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Aww man what blast from the past! These were right before I really started getting into blender to make concepts :smiley:

Currently working on some asymmetry for tattoos; tho less as player customization and more as HD, in game cinematic like models


Ah, Asymmetrical tattoos. Something I think every thalassian type elf wishes we could have.


I think Earthen ones? Or Hallowfall ones? Not sure but I saw Horde ppl crying on Twitter about it lol


They (horde) don’t want Alleria to become Ranger General of the Midnight Elven Union.
I think this could be a possibility since she has become the most powerful ranger on Azeroth.


I’m too exhausted to read between the lines, someone give it to me straight pls and thanks

Can you link the source?






There are alliance npcs in the alliance embassy in Dornogal and just in Dornogal in general called High Elf despite helves not being a playable race in name on the alliance, but all the other races in the embassies are playable. Before Kultiran and Zandalari were playable, there were friendly npcs with those respective tags.

Could be a long shot but who knows, fun to speculate that this is a hint that helves in name could be added!


Yup! The Alliance and Horde troops in Dornogal are:

Horde -

  • Orc
  • Mag’har
  • Tauren
  • Troll
  • Goblin
  • Blood Elf
  • Forsaken
  • Nightborne

Alliance -

  • Human
  • Worgen
  • Dwarf
  • Dark Iron
  • Gnome
  • High Elf

One of those is not like the others. They’re not even Silver Covenant like how the belves are Sunreavers. :thinking: Although there are also a bunch of SC NPCs around the city too. And interesting enough, many of the the Alliance High Elven Magi NPCs have golden eyes, while the rest have blue.

Anyways def cool to see as we start heading towards Midnight :hugs:


Wildhammer Dwarves or Bronzebread Dwarves? Because, for me, it was full of Wildhammer Dwarves without Bronzebread Dwarves.

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We should get more of these npcs for Stormwind:

  • more Wildhammer Dwarves
  • more High Elves
  • more Broken
  • more Man’ari Eredar
  • more Highborne
  • more Fulborg
  • more Jinyu
  • more Frost Dwarves
  • more Mecagnomes? (Where are they?)

and we should get more of these npcs for Orgrimmar:

  • more Vulpera
  • more Ogres
  • more Forest Trolls
  • more Darkfallen
  • more Taunka
  • more Mok’nathal
  • more Dragonmaw Orcs
  • more Gilboblins

Yes this! (Also for the Horde part) We really need to see those two cities that are canonically the economical and cultural hubs of their factions begin to show more of those members showing up and doing things. (Maybe even getting their own districts eventually.)


My fave part of OG Stormwind was the Night Elf district (so of course it was the one destroyed in Cata lolz). Would LOVE more racial districts being added. Having all ARs be consigned to the Embassy blows! The Devs should focus on the fact that Stormwind and Orgrimmar are capital cities of the Horde and Alliance and not just Humans and Orcs.


Kinda wish they would do united hubs for each faction instead of always using SW and Org tbh.

I mean, they have Wildhammer there and they are in the same boat as High Elves atm.

They could go the full race route next XPac and add like Forest Trolls. Giving each a new model.

There could be a planned expansion on racial customizations like nametags and the like but that’s probably wishful thinking.


Like a new city for each faction that utilizes all the factions races?


Yes. More “Alliance” and “Horde” Themed than “Stormwind” and “Orgrimmar” Themed.


It feels hard to believe we’d see new Faction Main Capitals, even if I really like the idea a lot. At least I would like if they really went for it and truly expanded Orgrimmar and Stormwind to truly be capitals of their factions. Orgimmar feels very close to that with its Troll, Tauren and Orc districts, but yeah, imagine an elf one and undead one! They could totally open the waterfront to the east and have the city itself meet the sea.

Since Stormwind had never had as clearly marked racial districts, they could go a slightly different route and focus on the functionality of those districts and build more into their aesthetic; The mage Quarter becomes more influenced by Draenei and Elven aesthetics, with buildings made to fit the aesthetic of Stormwind but having their unique background. Old Town gets a bigger “Rogue” influence, specially from the other human kingdoms, The Dwarven distict gets more Draenei influence as well with their artificers and crystal smiths. The farmlands by the Embassy become more nature influenced with Druids and Shamans residing there (specially Dwarven shamans higher up the mouintain range) and the Embassy itself remains eclectic). The Harbor gets more of a Kul Tiran influence, but overall we see more trade and merchants in the area, from all of the alliance’s factions. Oh and the Cathedral does get more presence from the other light worshiping races. (Tho the NE’s keep a Moonwell north closer to the nature side)