High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Keep in mind they moved their capital near QT with the Dragon Isles.

So I think that entire section of the map having NE/BE/NB and kinda San’layn is going to come into play.

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The capital of the Night Elves should be Hyjal in Kalimdor, not a little village in the other side of the world.


It’s not really the new capital. They make it pretty clear at the end of the questline that Bel’ameth is more like a retirement home/place for the rebirth and regrowth stage of their society. A place to chill, a place for rest and respite. They are already planning on regrowing and rebuilding Teldrassil

Once Teldrassil is back, they will have two world trees/cities on opposite sides of the map, probably connected via dream portals, which would be really really good for their future growth TBH

Also they will def (hopefully!) update Bel’ameth over time. The NPCs talk about how they are going to build a mage academy and also a sentinel training academy yadda yadda yadda and they need a proper Temple of Elune too


At this point they should combine several of the “races” and let us choose faction, or give us an alignment of sorts that allows you access to faction quests.

High elf, blood elf, and void elf should all just be high elves, then you “pick your subrace” by doing a quest chain, or a “pick your starter zone” that decides your subrace. Or maybe it just unlocks the customization and -everyone- is a high elf. You do the void chain, you unlock void customization options, etc. Maybe one of those options could be changing how NPCs address you, and so on and so forth.

There’s no reason a normal draenei couldn’t undergo lightforging. Lightforge draenei should have never been a race and instead a customization unlock like how you unlock Man’ari eredar customizations right now.

Get rid of Kul Tiran COMPLETELY. Just give us the ability to adjust our body types. A slider, if you will. Doesn’t have to be as in depth as Skyrim or anything, just some height/weight adjustments so not everyone is cookie cutter. My high elves, for example, I like that they’re wafer thin. I don’t want muscular night elf or human bodies attached to them by default. But the -option- to adjust body type would be a welcome addition.

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This has to be bait

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Been a while figured I would quote this. The bare minimum for a full High Elf AR.

I would do something for a customization for Void Elves pass but it’s literally just hair and potential racial/voice selections that all AR could use.


Bait for what? That all high elves should be high elves and you do various story chains to unlock customizations? Because, you know, they all actually are high elves who did various story chains, narratively speaking. Blood elves were high elves who followed Kael’thas. Void elves were blood elves who meddled in void energy. They’re all high elves. There’s no reason they are a different race on the selection screen.

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The concept of a sub race system like that has been around for awhile.

The one I like most recently is just making racials their own talent tree system.

Example I like best is actually with Dwarves.

You select Dwarf as your race and it defaults to Bronzebeard, but you’d be able to choose a tree between Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Dark Iron and Frostborn.

You choose Bronzebeard you get what we get now for Dwarf, Stoneform.
You choose Wildhammer you get a Stormhammer, 1 sec stun with minor nature dmg.
You choose Dark Iron you get their fire stoneform that they have now.
You choose Frostborn you… get like an eagle strike or something, maybe just a frost based stoneform?

And then from there the regular passives between the dwarf sub groups are arrayed where you can mix and match them as you want allowing for a lot of character customizations.


Taking 2 existing races with established fanbases and converting them both in to your favourite non playable race.
And then if you want to be your old race, go off and do a quest chain to get customisation to rp.

Its a ridiculous suggestion.

I wont let myself be baited by it any longer.
Im just going to put you on ignore.


345 achievement points with 9k forum posts. When’s the last time you even pressed “play” on the game? You pay a subscription just to post on the forum? lol

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Halduron Brightwing and Mehlar Dawnblade are also present at the beach, they’re inside the building behind the weapons assignment mini-game. The darkfallen present are all Forsaken Dark Rangers, with Velonara present as their leader.

We see troops continuing to arrive on the beach from the ships, so I suppose they might have still been getting off the ships when we went to go check on the beach.


Not even sure what they were even trying to imply with their comment lol

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That would be a sick idea but a nightmare to balance lol

Also, i think id prefer high elves to be a subrace of void elves rather than a separate one. Not gonna say the reason why cuz I’m not trying to give blizzard any ideas :neutral_face:

The tabard in the first picture with the elf wearing the hood, I cant remember what type of tabard that is.

Nevermind, guild reward lol

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No more so than it already is. All the racials would still be the little pittances of assistance we have now just you’d have choices on which ones you took on the passive and active sides.

Night Elves would have like… Darnassian and Shen’dralar for instance where one gets shadowmeld (which lets assume is still just as OP as it is now.) and the other would get something more flavored for the Shen’dralar.

But thats just the active ability. The passives you’d choose from all the ones we currently have and a few options for other stats and profession utility for instance. If they just copy and paste with different flavor from others they could actually use this to balance it out some by simply letting you just pick the stats you want. lol

Racials only really effect the top 1% of WoW players in a serious way anyhow.

At this point I’m betting we’d get customizations for Void Elves more likely.

I just won’t rule out High Elves either. Cause like… Blizzards done a good job with the Earthen, but it was fundamentally still just a third dwarf.


it would probably be better to use a rep based system, where you have to do a quest chain to join an opposite faction and share customizations from your sister race, but that does remove a source of income from blizz, notably faction/race changes, so probably not gonna happen.

within the same faction though, theres the issue of identity. for example, you are bronzebeard and want a dark iron fire beard, so you rep with dark irons and can now wear their firebeard. problem is, you just look like a dark iron then. so why not just let you be a full on dark iron, which you can already do by simply doing the allied race quest chain for dark irons lol

theres no easy way around this stuff than what we already have. subrace is only angle and its tricky

Yeah, it will def be harder to make High Elves more visually distinct as they can’t give them an entire texture change like with Earthen vs Dwarves, however I think if they gave them enough body and face warpaint/tattoo options, unique hairstyles, and jewelry/adornments it would work.

I also think unique idle stances go a long way to making races look distinct. Nightborne having a different idle stance than Night Elves really helps them stand out. Although I highkey wish we could just choose from different ones ourself, giving every race options to have more noble/mage-y vs gruff warrior vs shady assassin type idle stances would be sick

Personally tho I think giving Void Elves a ton more void-y and cosmic and old god themed customization options is the way to really help make a potential High Elf AR distinct from them


I’d hinestly prefer ngl. I’m worried that if they make a separate race for high elves, it’ll look hideous. Then that’s like, a decade of wanting something just ruined like that. Not worth it imo

i’d be happy as pie if they gave us the tbc belf models or wotlk helf models., with some uprezzing. i dont care that i wouldnt be able make a bunch of facial expressions that were added during wod when they added the new belf/helf models. the tbc models had better faces, each of which was unique. the new models are nearly clones of each other. that would make them look different than belfs. they were thinner too. baby didnt have back, and breasts were smaller also

the biggest culprit is the idling stance. instead of the hip jut and head slant, just a relaxed stance would help alot



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