This is a customization/AR thread.
This is not a debate thread. Take that to one of the countless other threads.
This is a customization/AR thread.
This is not a debate thread. Take that to one of the countless other threads.
Then remove “The Legacy of the Quel’Dorei.”
It’s a false pretense, because it’s already been going on and ask for Alliance Blood/High Elves and its blue customizations.
Is it bad I’m still holding out hope that we’ll get a ranger mog for hunters like the eagletalon set but different? I can dream! But TWW looks like there’s going to be some good helf themed mogs to get. I like to think of mogs as a subsection of customization, with some races having better mog options than others.
Also plz blizz bows with quivers!
All that’s missing is a helf racial tag/AR.
I feel like we’ll see something like that in midnight.
In fact I think the thalassian armor options will be quite expansive in midnight in general.
I hope we’re right. We’ve had plenty of other race themed armors, I want more Thalassian! Then I’ll retreat for a few expacs and not complain when hunters keep getting ugly mogs.
Would kill for a nice high/void elf ranger look for this one.
Pretty sure that midnight will give us plenty of armor with red/gold blue/gold and purple/gold tints.
Maybe they’ll do a nice Alleria colored set too. Silver/black.
I think yours looks good and awesome. (Xmog)
There’s a mail chest piece I think you could use as a chest that’s goldish/purple from SLs. If you’d like.
Or try the Uld-somethign Raid’s gold piece. That’s what they used for the Rifstalkers.
EDIT: I got the name wrong, Riftwalkers.
As long as it’s not total. Because there are some that just don’t fit the other group, and some are already alternates.
It’s hard to believe some of these people are even real lol
I know some are just committed trolls but still.
That would be my guess.
Unless they go full Void Elf Pally lorewise, than I don’t know.
They are doing a lot of recolors, so it’s possible.
There are deff going to be VE/HE/BE versions of sets in Midnight at least. Like all the dragonflight based sets in Black/Red/Green/Bronze/Blue/Infinite.
We might even see Night Elf/Nightborne Recolors.
You’re right.
So; really hoping for Farstrider customization. I really think it could work like the Darkfallen options and be applied for both VE and BE for that flavor we haven’t really gotten in WoW. The Alleria look, that’s the Farstrider aesthetic we’re missing. Some tattoos, maybe some braids!
Eh, TBH I would just go full for it and only concern myself with if it’s possible to justify the tentacles. At the end of the day more options are just better for both BE and VE models, it wouldn’t be “harder”, so if they end up with a ponytail and a slightly shorter ponytail as options, it’s all good.
I am very hopeful that at least one of the Outdoor sets will be very thalassian themed, the mail one very rangery!
Crazy how we only got one in the Trading Post and then never again! Seems like the most smart thing to release as back transmog pieces :((
Would also love to see hip quivers!
Tag spoilers please.
TBH I don’t think they would add tentacles if they made them for both at the same time.
If Blizzard can cut corners they will.
I also don’t see extremely fancy hair being made like the crown one for Blood Elves if they where making a unified style. It would not fit the Void Elf style and their jewelry is more abstract than Blood Elves.
Some being shared makes sense and is fine, but a total and complete homogenization isn’t something I think would work well. And you could say the same for other stuff.
Sure but like, they could also just separate the tiara from the hairstyle and just keep it for BE; many of the new NB and Draenei hairstyles have that hair jewelry toggle.
In any case, I just think an complete hairstyle sharing is better than a selected one, and indeed stuff like race specific jewelry and hair ties could serve to denote faction at first glance (which even now, VE use the same textures than BE)
Hairstyle sharing is the corner cutting option already; the other option is swapping hairstyles with another close race from their faction, and the more involved one is new hairstyles overall.
Sharing hairstyles is just… easier, since there’s barely anything to fix modelwise, and just give players the larger quantity of options.
personally I would indeed have BE and VE share a specific selection of hairstyles, based on the ones most used by HE NPC’s and adding most of the VE hairstyles for BE, but yeah, i think that’s indeed arbitrary and a full swap would be best NGL.
Potentially, but as you say, simply copy pasting them is the easier option and would be highly likely.
And with the feedback being “share the hairstyles” it would be easy for Blizzard to miss the nuance and just doing a bare bones swap.
And one of my main points is if we don’t get new ones, we aren’t going to get things like tentacles or tiaras or braids. And curtain ones have the potential to water down the other groups themes.
I actually think this would be the best one. Race specific ones are not only fine, but should be encouraged and built upon.
I tend to follow the 80% rule, being that you can only expect to get 80% of what you ask for.
So I think we should stay as thematic as possible. Especially with Midnight looming and the potential to water down each group being VERY high.
So I think we should be pushing for New/Unique first and foremost than sharing with some exceptions.
Yeah pretty much, It just feel like the best case scenario isn’t the most likely; Ideally I too would want unique hairstyles, but at the end of the day is just easier (From a dev stand point) to use BE hairstyles and vice versa and just edit the jewelry.
You KNOW I would make those unique VE hairstyles myself if I could!
Thank you!!!
I agree. But I say we should be pushing for new ones for both groups as much as possible.
I don’t see Starcursed/Tentacles hair for Void Elves or Fancy/Large Braids/Hair Jewelry for Blood Elves being an option without direct new work to implement them.
These would be great.
As much as I love starcursed options (lmao) I find them very unlikely IMO the more likely scenario is shared hairstyles with unique colored jewelry. at most tentacles as a separate option that you can mix and match. Maybe braids if I’m feeling optimistic.
But yeah, IDK, It really all depends of where the thalassian story is going to a degree I think. If they are aiming to some sort of unification, shared hairstyles are more likely. If not and eventually VE and BE go their separate ways, unique hairstyles are more likely.
Still not a high elf