High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

The Silver Covenant remains!!

(Also I can post links? woo!)


Did they rename the “High Elf Mage” or are these new?

Also they are using VE hair so that’s nice.


Seems these are new NPC’s on the city but not sure, and indeed! They are using both BE and VE hairstyles/models :smiley:


It would be nice if they made new Hairstyles and added them to High Elf/Void Elf NPCs but at least High Elves and Void Elves are cross pollinating options.


We finally have alliance high elf NPCs with VE customizations ! :raised_hands: :blue_heart:

Have you seen his staff ?!? :face_with_monocle:
It’s a high elf recolor not available to players ! :sob:


It’s interesting, these high elf NPCs have BE/VE hairstyles ! :wink:


I have the feeling they will give both velf and belf players the option to change their racial rag to High Elf and call it a day.

It’s the most practical solution after all


I also think this is the best solution to have high elves available without adding an allied race.


Years later, y’all high elfers still not satisfied? Lmaoo :rofl:

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There is already existing precedent in game too. When they gave Draenei the red Eredar skin tones they made it so if you use those skin tones your racial is a Fel Green color instead of Holy Light. So they definitely have taken subrace customization into account for racials before!


And we keep getting more and more and will continue to get more in Midnight. Sorry that upsets you. Womp womp


Some folk still have requests yes. That happens when they don’t get the things they were asking for.

Wherever you fall on the blood elf high elf void elf line I’d think anyone would request what they want to see in game.

This thread (as well as my Void Elf and Blood Elf ones) are for players to make those requests and to showcase those requests so that Blizzard can see them easily and compiled.


It seems that the Silver Covenant and the Sunreavers have become friends.



The continued representation of Alliance High Elves in War Within is so nice to see, can’t wait to actually get to play the expansion! And Hallowfall looks sooo :heart_eyes:

But I really secretly wish we could just skip straight to Midnight :sob: my elf obsession needs it NOW not in 2-3 years :sleepy:


I’ll be honest I don’t like that without a much bigger deal being made about it.

What happened between them should be a major story beat before its buried and “forgiven”

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I think these two groups are just forced to unite because their city was attacked and destroyed.

Yeah. The horde always get to suck it up and get shoved down their throats the bad deeds of the alliance.

The Silver Convennant murdered Sunrevers in Dalaran during the Purge, but we should just bury the hatchet. Even though it was them.

Killing their own kind. Oh wait, these High elves considered themselves “better” than Blood Elves and no longer considered them brothers.

PS: The Quel’Dorei returned to Quel’Thalas already. We know since Lor’Themar opened the gates of Silvermoon to all children of Quel’Thalas, and most recently we can even see that Arathor is helping rebuilding Silvermoon.

Aye, and I think thats a good start honestly. Being forced to work together because their home was destroyed would be an excellent place to start that story. But I’d want there to be obvious signs of them mentioning and talking about it. Some tension towards each other and I’m feeling very much that Blizzard will just gloss over it.

Which to me feels bad.

With Midnight on the horizon I think its even more important that they have that conversation and that story plays out.


Maybe this story should be added with Vereesa.

There is still hope because she is not present in TWW at the moment.


You mean Quel’Thalas will be the neutral capital at Midnight ? :scream: