High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

They remained loyal to their leader tho, and because of that, loyal to their kind.

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Our race is not determined by our faction choice. Helves spent most of their existence not being allied with anyone. Only allied with the Alliance very temporary during the 2nd war. And was payback for the Alliance helping them with dealing with the Amani and Orcs. After that Anasterian (the then King of the High Helves) had most of the High Elves leave the Alliance and go back home. He didn’t think the Helves were a priority for the Alliance. His son Kael’thas would try to help the Alliance of Lordaeron in their last days during WC III, and also seek out a solution to the well but Garithos sentenced him and his men to death.

High Elves as a race aren’t tied to the Alliance. There were a rogue few that stayed behind and some that returned to the Alliance because they didn’t approve of us feeding off of mana wyrms and Naaru for survival.

They are a very small off-shoot of the race.


I had been waiting for a silver armor to go with the tabard for years haha!


support. high elf / blood / void (yes you all too lol) are my brethren!
:elf: :man_elf: :woman_elf:
:hearts: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


I like you.

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I think there’s a point people both on the pro and anti side have to understand; the race itself is not unified, and however we refer to it, we all have to accept that’s it’s present in both the Horde and the Alliance.

Currently, no groups of self identified High Elves are members of the Horde, at the same is true for Blood Elves on the Alliance. There are individual cases, and neutral groups, but currently, you can generalize the Blood/High divide on the same line of Horde/Alliance.

“High Elves” as a race is less useful than saying Blood Elf or High Elf, because the overlap of using the later it to refer to the race as a whole just creates confusion regarding the political affiliations that currently exist. Thalassian IMO is far better suited when talking about them all as a whole, but it has been years and we’re still arguing over what’s nomenclature.

Blood Elves changed their name, Modern High Elves have changed so much from what they were the name is just a holdover of their past. I like alliance High Elves, but we can’t dismiss the fact that “The Kingdom of Quel’thalas” has been a part of the Horde for longer than it ever was part of the Alliance.

Yes, some High Elves became and remained stalwart members of the Alliance -those are the ones that we love- but Quel’thalas was part of the alliance for like, 2 years out of their thousands years of history. High Elven loyalty to the alliance has always been a blip in their history, an outlier. It exists, but it never defined the once High Elves, not in any way compared as to how the Blood Elves have been defined by being members of the Horde.


I love threads like this, just seeing the passion of the community and the little bits of art and suggestions and tidbits of lore, its really well done.


The hairstyle this character has with braids?! Yes, please! Also ranger tattoos! I hope Midnight gets us some of these customizations. The amount of creativity players have… Maybe Blizz could hire some of them to get these customizations (and others) done since it seems like they are just drip-feeding us customizations.


The scars look good but… is that hair made in MS paint? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know. There’s a few more around like that. I can’t do better so I won’t judge. :stuck_out_tongue:

Paint or not its neat to see what folk make!


lol all g I’m just… the hair. It’s all over the place XD


This is all accurate. We are a same people divided by alliances to our factions. Divided by other differences and practices. It’s like tribes or clans of certain other races.

Blood Elves went dark and changed their name due to trauma and honoring the High Elves that died due to the massacre. High Elves either stayed with the Alliance or returned and had their families there.

I’m glad a thread like this exists to honor the similarities and differences.


As one of the original big Pro High Elf people of the great forum elf wars, I’m not exactly sure this needed to be a thread but I appreciate the sentiment.

I think the currant customization races are kinda stuck there. Barring any Racial Selection shake up.

So I don’t see High Elves/Sand Trolls/Wildhammer Dwarves/Man’ari Draenei getting their own spot.

There is a theory that High Elves will be the Earthen of Midnight but I’m iffy. All the current namabe “High Elf” group refers to Alliance pockets and I don’t want Blood Elves taken down so much that they are literally begging for Alliance groups to rejoin.

What I think is more likely to happen is the Alliance Void/High Elves become a tighter knit group and basically fill the same spot on the Elf Roster to some degree. Not fully into that concept but the new Alleria look is basically what Void Elf/High Elf fans where calling for at the start. Potentially having the Majority of future Void Elves come from High Elf groups.

That said, the fact that every elf capital is a stone’s throw away from each other on the Map (with Quel’Thalas/Dragon Isles/Broken Isles being literal neighbors) and the mention of the “Uniting of the Elf Tribes” I think it’s fairly curtain Silvermoon becomes fairly neutral. Which leaves the door open.

As for what I would want, I would want them to use a modified Night Elf model and be more Outdoorsy/Military-ish than Blood Elves but not as much as a Naturalist group as the Night Elves. Maybe more Human looking Eyes and more Half Elf like options could help add additional flair.

Even more ideally I would have San’layn be for Horde and High Elves be fore Alliance and they both get a new model they share with different animations.

But knowing Blizzard it will be Chaos-Forged Elves with the powers of Light and Void blessed by Elune and An’she or some crap.


No plz don’t give them ideas!


thank you :hugs:

I love the Thalassian elves ! :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :heart:


Maybe like Kael’s grandfather Dath’remar?


It reminds me of that gif of a bear waking up from hibernation.

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I really hope that’s not the case. The third dwarf recolor is already unnecessary enough. Elves may be popular, but if it’s another case of copy & paste… the character select screen already looks ridiculous with all those low budget races.

I find the separation of customization options for Blood and Void Elves equally foolish. Hairstyles should be shared among all races in general. In other games, it’s common practice, only in WoW, it seems like the barbers are refusing certain races certain hairstyles and hair colors. Absolute nonsense.
Even with the tentacles, one could argue that in the case of Blood Elves, it’s arcane magic manifesting and if you absolutely want to maintain a difference, Void Elves could have their blueberry skin colors with void corruption, and for example, Blood Elves could have Fel corruption stuff. Everything else is completely absurd.

So yeah, I’m fine with more customization options, but please not another copy&paste race, unless, as you mentioned, it gets it’s on model.

I don’t think arcane magic works that way. But I wouldn’t mind having Felblood options, since they are part of our race that followed Kael and some Belves are still loyal to him.