High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

He has a Floating Headwear gear. So pretty close to ether being a High Elf or Blood Elf once.

Congratulations on getting the helm! I hope the rest of the set follows swiftly!

I know! The way she turned out is glorious!

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No, that is no where comparable to the spiky hair that Belves get. The one Velves get is way shorter and not as good.

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If it’s gonna happen It will be during Midnight or will never happen. I wanted to play a High Elf ranger ever since I played Warcraft and went into World of Warcraft.

Silver Covenant theme Paladin or Hunter High Elf is all I wanted over the years.


I don’t think Blizzard is ever going to faction lock customizations. To many problematic things like character transfers and the like.

So a “Neutral Thalassian Race” will effectively be axing any San’layn or Felblood options Blood Elves could get. Since there is no way in heck those groups are going Alliance. (Garithos was going to execute them)

It would make far more sense to have Blood Elves and Void Elves with their Subrace Themes.

And potentially a High Elf race.

And, even more ideally, San’layn and High Elves both as new races for Horde/Alliance. Maybe even with a new model.

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Yeah, they they don’t have to have the race go neutral to create options for everyone. And I see my character as a Blood Elf with Blood Elf themes, so I want those themes more.

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Pretty spikey with the void spikes.

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Yeah, I would like each group to stay distinct.

Blood Elves with potential Felblood/San’layn options in addition potential Runic Tattoos.

Void Elves with the Alliancy High Elf options with Void Stuff ranging from Alleria to Xal’atath.

With potential for High Elves (with Half Elves) and San’layn Allied Races.

And I don’t think people would gripe at a new shared model for High Elves and San’layn as long as the animations where different enough.

Sadly they seem to be moving all the Elves into one general area and seem to plan to make an “Elf” faction or something in Midnight. Kinda ruining the special uniqueness of these groups that fuel these arguments in the first place.

I would rather avoid any melding and let each group shine.


Yep that’s how I feel too. Similar core, but different styles. Creates enough similarity but enough difference to give people options, and let everyone stand out with their own looks.


No, it’s pretty Low Effort to the Spikes Belves have. It’s really terrible to look at.

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Gotta disagree with you here. Void Elves getting the Belf Dark Ranger skins invalidates this argument since there is no real plausible reason to explain Belf Dark Rangers going to the Alliance when they’ve been a Horde Faction group. The only Alliance Dark Rangers should have been Nelves from Darkshore.

So because of this, Blizz can do w/e regarding these extra variant races since they simply don’t care.

beautiful presentation thank you!


They shouldn’t though is the thing. Because homogenization just makes everything boring and not make sense. They have to have a line at some point. Felblood and San’layn should be Belf side only. With Dark Ranger, Velves will have enough variations to pick from for customization.

I think they only reason they got Dark Ranger was they accidentally gave us the blue eyes, so then they had to give Alliance something too.


Well most of us aren’t so,

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That’s subjective.

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Not sure if I will roleplay a High Elf one day but I use these things on a “High Elf hunter” to farm transmogs:



I hope it could be useful for some people. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


I need this.

They don’t want to waste too much resources on requests. They did this also in the past with others races and how much everything was shoved into one.

They don’t have to do the requests all at once. A lot of the customizations come over time. I’d rather they take their time and give more variety to customizations. It leads to RP for characters.

How do you guys feel if High Elves and San’layn became like playable in Midnight or something?