High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

I agree with this entirely given the visibility of the Silver Covenant and other high elves that are impacted by Dalaran’s Fall, they can be seen around the beaches and Dornogal off the top of my head. It is refreshing! And finally TWW has given my guild (Silver Covenant-based) a storyline to follow that directly affects our Alliance Quel’dorei characters.

I presented the below thread to Ion among other devs in person at the last BlizzCon, and will continue to do so to give not only visibility in game as NPCs, but as something players have an interest in customizing. This thread is also linked in it.

If you have anything you would like me to add to the post, I would be grateful for feedback! Even if you are opposed to a particular Warcract-canon race/customization being added to the game, it will resonate for another player and that is always a positive. :pray: :woman_elf:

Shorel’aran and I am happy to see our non-voidy Alliance high elf dream is still alive!