High Elf compromise

I wouldnt say I’m dishonest, I advocate for Half Elves more than anything

I didn’t unlock them yet. I’m playing a blood elf.

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Unfortunate. We shall await you. Strength and honor.


so in the hypothetical scenario that actual half elves were added to the alliance…then yes, half elves would be an alliance race from that point on and any horde players pining for them would have to get over themselves

my point? half elves are at least possible

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It is wholly the same. Customization options are customization options. If you are putting skin tone on a pedestal i think your racy statement applies to you.

Again, things dont need to be one to one.

I’m putting skin tones out there for all races because blizzard wants to add diversity for the races. Then they need to do that for all the races. You being against it is the dicey outlook not me being for it. You want alliance to only have purple elfs while I want them to have black white brown orange etc. You only think it’s ok for the horde to have it. Which is wrong. Hair and skin are not the same. You should prolly stop saying they are before you dig a big hole.


But you are not for beards on the horde? You can try to hide your argument under whatever nonsense you want, fact of the matter is void elves are VOID.
Blood elves are not, so they wont look the same and shouldnt.
You can quit the weak virtue signaling dude, we know what its really about.

Um orcs have beards and I already said beards are fine, you are changing the topic at hand because you are racist I say it as I see it. You seem to think I only want void elfs the have the option but I clearly said night elfs as well as orcs. I’ve said it countless times, not all void elfs are purple that’s a fact. Just like how people tried to argue all blood elfs are white when they clearly aren’t anymore. You dig a hole you should stop digging. You disgust me with the bigotry that you spew. I’m for all races having diversity you are not. That line is clear.

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But blood elves dont, darkspear dont, goblins dont. The customization options arent equal.

I find it hilarious you are attempting to call me a racist because i want void elves to remain voidy, but you are demanding they be able to be white washed.
I get you are suffering transference, but dont mistake your bigotry as one i share.
Enjoy your void elves, ill enjoy my blood elf.

Obviously, you have nothkng to do but spew vitriole. So let me know when you have an actual argument for it

We already know they are getting facial hair the fact that you compare lack of facial hair right now to lack of skin tones is disgusting. Also how is me asking for brown and black skin tones white washing are you that ignorant that you only see white?

If you are holding skintones as more important that says something about you.

Completely agree. Not sure why certain people would be against a playable option only because of their skin tone.


I do, I really do hold skin tones more important, because everyone can be clean shaven and bald but not everyone is white or black or brown. You are clearly a person who doesnt understand why skin tones are important when trying to be diverse.

You do not get to determine what the high elf fantasy is lol


Dont be a child Leinadh, you understood what I was referring. Sorry, void elves should look voidy. White washing them is a stupid idea that defeats the purpose of them being voidy.

Is that right?
Okay, then why arent you asking for them to have red and green skin tones like orcs?
You cry diversity when again, its just under the guise of white washing and destroying what makes void elves, well, void elves.
To remove an aspect of character design because you dont want to a pale elf on the horde.


He’s literally asking for white brown and black skin tones rofl. That isn’t whitewashing green isn’t a color that exists as a skin ton in rl.

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No see what makes void elf’s void elfs is the power of the void not the color of the skin IE aleria. And who said I was against that I litterally said just a bit ago orange pink etc. So that goes against that stupid arguement you have against me. You are against diverse, also I have a pale elf on the horde it’s my 2nd main so nice try pal. Oh and here’s a big one void elfs would be aloud to be purple skin tones because they are void elfs, blood elfs not because not void elfs. Red skin tone for blood elfs sure because fel.


Monori its a video game, not real life. Game design ignores rl.

Alleria ate a naaru, and gained her powers differently. Sorry. You dont get to be a blood elf that goes purple occasionally. That just makes you a blold elf shadow priest.

Really? Because as far as ive seen, void elves bleed purple, have haunting blue eyes, tentacles, and void tainted skin.
You k ow, the things that devs said if they didnt have would have been too similar to blood elves.

Those physical aspects are important, as they demonstrate the different between a void elf, and a blood elf shadow priest. Ypu can disagree but those are the facts.

So…natural skin tones?

When it detracts from diversity yes. Again, you can quit hiding your desire to white wash void elves. I dont care about your cognitive dissonance dude. I call it as I see it.

Diversity does not mean “i get to look the exact same as you.”.


You have no clue what you are talking about, there are white elfs in the void elf area, furthermore if you thinking eating a dark void entity wouldny be even more purplish you are wrong. They didnt want to have same silloute after pandas then they did it anyways with the void elfs. And you are right it is a video game, oh but what’s this blizzard wanted to add real life diversity in the video game so people could feel closer to there toons. Oh boy look at that. You can still be a void elf and be black and white and brown. You are clearly against people expressing themselves with the races they choose and only want that option to be never. When there is no reason for it to not be. It’s not white washing when I want all colors. Look up white washing you racist. We all see you for what you are now. This isn’t even only about void elfs I clearly want this for night elfs to. Go ahead counter me on night elfs. Diversity means looks different all void elfs have the same skin colors having black white brown purple adds diversity thank you for agreeing with me in not wanting everyone to look the same.


Those are high elves and blood elves dude.

You are right, she only had hundreds of years of training to go with naaru eating.

Sure it is, you are using it as a vehicle for said white washing. I find it hilarious you continue calling me a racist for pointing out your white washing intent. All you are doing is using terms to try and make me feel bad. Sorry dude, wont work.
Void elves are voidy. They should look according to their design.
Want to be a pale elf?
Be a night elf or blood elf. Not a VOID elf

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