High Elf Compromise, Redux

That aside, Worgen already have a “human option” to blend in. Now, we know void elves like Alleria can look like a normal elf. Why not give them all the Worgen option? It’s evidently a learned skill, and could be implemented on reaching, say, level 60 in SL or something. That makes it something you -earn- through growing in power, and neatly circumvents the issue of why it wasn’t possible until then (they weren’t powerful enough!).

And just like the Worgen alternate appearance, holding on to it in combat wouldn’t work, removing all the “issues” people keep bringing up with character appearance in PvP. Let the RPers have their own and the PvPers have their own. Huzzah, problem solved?

(Oh, and give Nelfs paladins, too,so we can have elf paladins. Thanks!)

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Alleria became a void elf through an entirely different process than the rest of the void elves, thats why she’s special.

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We need to stop making so many threads about stuff like this. I know you’re all passionate about it and all that, but people hate seeing the topic now. I’d give it a lil’ break.

I’m actually down for the idea though, it’s really cool.

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That’s so cute that you think this would stop the forum crying. Absolutely adorable.