High Elf best Elf

Disappointed a bunch of people in a video game have found something to enjoy and need to try and crap on their parade … wow. Must be a hoot at parties.


Ya im “totally” sure High Elf customization (probably the most popular demand for a player race) is why ppl are leaving.


Don’t know why people need to do this. All of you this does not matter in the grand scheme, it’s a first world luxury game while other people starve or freeze to death. Let people have fun.

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Why Prince Kael’thas is that you I never did properly thank you for the use of your sunwell.

Well what he said to the Night Elves was; "Ishnu-Alah Night Elves ( Good fortune to you) Night Elves

true. catering to a minority and praising blizzard for laziness isnt a good sign. imagine waiting almost 15 years to play a blood elf. plus idk how many people i have seen now who say ‘im legolas not a void elf’ and are still quitting, so it happened but no one wants to even play anymore

im there too tho. after 15 years of maining a high elf im good. i got to enjoy it when i enjoyed the game and not now so that makes me happy. thanks for the memories blizzard maybe next expac will bring me back

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Us: “Do you want to know why people are leaving?”

Them: “Nah. Here’s a mouse mount. It’s like Ratatouille.”

No High elf Ranger. Would a Bar"mage" be welcomed??!! :joy:

I can chill your lager… terrible pun :woman_facepalming:t3:


High elf sits on the highest shelf.

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What sort of Elves would you say they are;
World of Warcraft Music Festival https://youtu.be/kqRnEU4Ie3M?t=46

Fixed it for you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cuz there says so. Redo the intro.

I know ppl that did quit because of this. No need to lie about it, bud.

This is hilarious.

“What?! They added some pixels to a video game! RAGE QUIT! AAAAAARGH!”



It’s true though, on another forum there was this massive “anti helf poster” that would argue incessantly against VEs or Alliance never getting HE customization. Once it happened they haven’t been seen on those forums since.

Guess it’s what hill people choose to ‘die’ on :man_shrugging:


Ruined lore of 2 races.

Made a carbon copy of a race in a role playing game.

Ignoring player requests not to do that.

Failed to do research on the issue which a major red flag in a video game coorperation.

On top of failing systems such as borrowed power, weak pvp, bad pve in the opinions of allot of ppl.

Seems like good reasons to me.

you gotta stop … i just spit my coffee out laughing lol


Report for trolling? Got it.

It’s just a game. Both the Alliance and Horde have a claim for High Elves. But karma surely hit the user pretty hard.


You mean the mega dungeon the Ruins of Darnassus or the raid above it the Eye of Elune. Yeah I know it is nonsense but a fox can dream.

Every change in the game is ignoring some kind of player request since everybody has different requests as to what they want in the game.

I actually like the Void Elf theme and am disappointed that twice now our new customization has amounted to just High Elf changes and no actual void themed stuff.

but there has always been a massive push for High Elves on the Alliance ever since the Blood Elves were first announced to be joining the Horde. Void Elves just renewed the push since that got them like 75% of the way there.

That said it doesn’t really break the lore to say that there are fair skinned Thalassian elves that are a part of the Void Elf faction. Alleria herself isn’t always purple, so it’s not like it was ever confirmed that we’re stuck with that colouration.

They’re still technically Void Elves, people just RP them as being High Elves. It’s like how my Human is probably technically supposed to be from Stormwind, but I consider her to be from Stromgarde.

The only thing that’s really annoying here is that Void Elf fans are pretty much being ignored, not that High Elf fans actually got something.


Incorrect, the ritual they went through was meant to physically change their form into a different entity. While it was stopped mid way expecting no changes to happen is ridiculous.

Alleria’s story on how she got her powers is almost the polar opposite of how the race came to be.

They gave high elf fans stuff over the main theme of the race A.K.A. at the cost of void elves lore/theme and community. Our pass was traded for a high elf theme that we should had 100% not gotten.