High Elf best Elf

masked shirtless dude wandering around stormwind pointing at groups of high elves and yelling “you aren’t high elves!” before getting put in the stockades by the guards for being a public nuisance


Here is my take on all of this…



I am glad forum ignore is account wide, easy way to block trolls. In game ignore doesn’t works that way

Honestly, kinda on team Nightborne now. They look so cool now


You are not wrong. They do. Pretty much the only Horde race other than Tauren and HMT that I like

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If I come back to the game its very likely that I roll Horde to play a NB mage now, theyre dope after the new update


What do our elf eyes see?

Best elf is dragon elves :dragon: :hot_face:

But y’all look gorgeous!


Gnomes need to be wiped out by pest control

Not a high elf but just dropping by to say y’all are gorgeous, keep it up.


Nobody is re-writing Void Elves, though. High Elves have existed for much longer than Void Elves have, and somebody using the High Elf options to RP a high elf doesn’t mean that Void Elves don’t exist anymore. If you like void elves more, cool! They’re not gone. There are also people who have roleplayed a high elf on a belf char. That doesn’t mean that Blood Elves don’t exist!

I’ve gotta say though, it’s a bit ironic because you’re saying that High Elf rpers/fans are rewriting void elves, or delegitimizing them, but you’re the one saying that High Elfers are still void elves, even if their character is a helf… lol
I do think that Void Elves should get more lore, and since people are predicting that next expac will be a light vs void one, they may be very important in 10.0. Also, Alleria is a void elf, and the leader of the Void Elves, but she looks like her normal High Elven self… just sayin.

Let people be what they want.


Right back at you, we’ll stand by your side to help avenge Teldrassil.


the logical thing would be to accept that blood elves are on the horde instead of spending 15 years behaving like a child until getting a copy paste blood elf with a blue background and still being unsatisfied


Can I just say that all my blonde void elf babes in this thread look absolutely fantastic?



I am sure that the art team / coding team went to great lengths making these 9.1.5 changes for the Void Elves and some of the threads that are popping up indicate it is being thrown back at them for no other reason other than spoiled elves wanting more.

I don’t know if I can think of a less High Elf thing to say.

I think I should go into dentistry next. I might be able to make a lot of money from all of these horde players grinding their teeth from their anger at Alliance players.


I do accept that Blood Elves are on the Horde. Been enjoying playing them for what? 14 15 years since TBC came out?

By most of their accounts they didn’t want a copy pasted blood elf. They wanted high elves with their own model…

I despise the Horde and know what it’s like to see an elven homeland destroyed. Not all of us have to cling to War of the Ancients era hostilities. :wink:

Besides, look how Kael greeted the night elves when he saw one, presumably, for the first time in his life:


The name plate change will come if they bring in more races, they need a system which takes the advantage of a base model and all playable tribes, subraces and so on.

A bit of offense here. Using a human-theme on a Draenei… this isn’t to cut it on actual serious wow RP-servers, Greatbrae. If you’re talking about being offended by the RP, then why don’t you start with yourself and how your RP affects others? Do you even have the Argus-achievement for the LFD-weapons? The heritage armor? The Draenei plate armor(s) from both Draenor-expansions? Or the Lightforged-mark of honor versions? If not, go and get them.

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