High Elf best Elf

Hello! When do I get my membership card?


Fantastic mog.


Think it’s nice to just see folks happy. Sucks we didn’t get Void options but it is what it is.


None of these customization changes that because there is nothing saying that those are the only Void Elves as opposed to other ones who came in after to study the void and got infused in a safer manner.

The Void Elves were studying the void after all. It’s not a stretch to say they learned a few things since that ritual.

It’s like how not all Forsaken are necessarily ones who were under the Lich King’s control anymore. It’s reasonable to think that they raised new ones with the Val’kyr that Sylvanas had.


Except it belittles the void currupting aspect. What is the point of void mutations if any average Joe elf can use void powers without training 100’s or 1000’s of years? Don’t you see this hurts everything.

It hurts alleria’s story on how she trained to use the void. It hurts void elves that was transformed by a ritual into Void Elves, why? Because so.e average smuck can easily use void powers without any problems or side effects, thus deligitimizing the other stories.

The player != the average joe of that race.

Nobody said anything about no problems or side effects. The main effect of the void before total corruption is hearing whispers, not your skin turning blue or purple. The “High Elf” part of the Void Elf race still has problems and side effects, they just didn’t have a permanent skin colour change.

Now some players will RP them as normal High Elves that aren’t attached to the void, but that’s not really Blizzard ruining lore or anything.

Not to mention Shadow Priests use the void too and didn’t get a permanent skin colour change.

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Thats what happens when your own warchief calls you nothing after killing your high over lord and thrall is all you get after it

Love the simple yet effective mog.


It is the Blood elf fans fault for sure. Sanlayn fans would had preferred more Death knight customization, and as such, this pass only benefits Blood elf players at the cost of Death knight elf players enjoyment. Horde in whole did not ask for Sanlayn to be your Death Knight replacement. They did not copy an…

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High Elf is funnest Elf. Dead Elf is best Elf. All Elfs. and Gnomes too.

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This dude knows what’s up.


The player starts as an average Joe. Good try reaching.

Sorry Greatbrae, but your entirely incorrect. Player Characters are not your average joe, because player characters =/= canon characters.


That sounds dirty.

I didnt know moon had eyes and nose

It’s nice that so many naysayers showed up to bump the thread! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Keep it coming folks. They couldn’t keep these so alive ad vivid without you. Even the guy who got chased off of Wyrmrest Accord for being an abusive, misogynist troll is here in support :two_hearts:


Re-do any of the starter zones, in each one of them you are either a new adventurer or new recruit that has 0 combat experience or training.

You start as an average joe.

I gave my ve lock black hair and purple eyes.


That sounds dumb you should be ashamed.