High Elf best Elf

They can crash a hundred threads like this with their toxicity and trolling. From the same tired old arguments, to plain outright bitterness. The same people that cried when we first got these changes announced are here now pretending it’s not a big deal to them to begin with. After they spent years arguing with us.

It’s literally going to change nothing, these options are here to stay and they can either deal, or stay mad.


I don’t see it as trolling or toxic (for the most part anyways, there are bad eggs on both sides) they’re just frustrated for this reason or that.

I can understand that as I’m a big Blood Elf fan as well. I’m also really big on the void aspect of Void Elves and feel minorly miffed we got so little from my lists.

But coming into this thread? Folk are just trying to show off their new looks.

I can’t wait for FFA PvP so Void Elves & High Elves can have a civil war.

I’ma murder anyone (ingame) I see using the tentacle toggle :hocho::hocho::hocho:

Take a few void and high elf friends to the Gurubashi arena. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Also rude)

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I’ve started leveling a VE (“high elf” lmao) recently because I really like the hair color options bc I’ve been alliance for a while but missed the BE options. I wish my human paladin could be VE bc I worry I’ll change my main again :flushed:

-waves in Thalassian-

Horde Ranger Blood Elf says hi waves in Blood Elf

Stops waving. Looks oddly at hand. Realizes waving in Blood Elf and waving in High Elf is … the same!

Waves in Thalassian Elf

dont forget the halflings :innocent:

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Dreadmoon spittin’ out facts.




I appreciate that they use bowls as weapons often.

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i am sorry but last i check we are not call Highelfs we are now Voidelf…
though i used to be a Highelf just like our cousins the Bloodelfs.

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Oh yeah, i was a high elf that survived and became blood, then died and now I’m undead.

Do i get cookies

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So many Void Elves in denial.


the void has a message for you (thing talks too much):
you are not a blood elf, it says. its such a downer.

Exactly lol, no one cares about it except a few “anti’s” but since they keep bringing it up it’s going to cause people to start asking for changes to it, even though it was previously a non-issue

I was high elf before it was cool. Maybe I’ll get reincarnated into a crick elf

dear, it’s always been cool. :grin: